The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 261 The initial development of Occlumency

After handing Linn the magic note, Green rushed him back to his room.

And Linn also carefully read through Green's magic notebook. This magic notebook was not as extensive as the alchemy notebook that Linn read a few days ago. Linn only spent one night to read it thoroughly. .

Linn was pleasantly surprised to find that this magic notebook not only recorded the theoretical knowledge about Occlumency, but also the theoretical knowledge of Legilimency, spells and spell-casting techniques, which Green had also recorded in detail in this magic notebook. among.

Of course, this may also be because Legilimency and Occlumency complement each other. Almost every Occlumency master is a Legilimency master, and almost every Legilimency master is also a Legilimency master. .

The next morning, before Green knocked on the door, Linn finished washing and came to the living room.

"Teacher, I have finished reading the magic notes you gave me yesterday."

Linn returned the magic note to Green and said so.

Green nodded slightly and said, "Okay, tell me about your understanding of Occlumency."

Lynn replied: "Occlumency is a magical ability that resists Legilimency. It is also effective in resisting the Imperius Curse. In the field of Occlumency, beginners can clean up the remaining residue in their minds. When it comes to emotions and thinking, keep your mind blank, don't recall anything, don't think about anything, so that the Legilimens can only see a blank when casting spells on it."

"Occlumency masters who are proficient in Occlumency can even fabricate false memories and store false memories in their minds, so that they can be spied on by enemies who use Legilimency on them, in order to deceive the enemy. . In addition, the fabricated false memories can prevent the Occlumency master’s mind from going blank, which also gives him a higher degree of concealment.”

Lynn elaborated.

Green asked: "Very good. So, after one night of study, how far can you achieve in Occlumency?"

After hearing Green's words, Linn said with some uncertainty: " able to clean up the redundant emotions and memories in my mind and create a blank? But, without any external interference, I can only I can barely do this, and Legilimency has the ability to guide the cursed person to recall the information the caster wants to get. I don’t know if I can still keep my mind blank while suffering from Legilimency.”

Green said with a smile: "This is the significance of the practical course we are going to conduct today. Only by experiencing the feeling of being Legiliminated can you further improve your Occlumency, and in the process of being Legiliminated , you can also perform Occlumency without interference!"

With that said, Green asked Linn to sit down on the sofa, while Green himself sat on the chair opposite Linn.

Green pulled out his wand and pointed it at Lin En's eyebrows. Green's eyes looked directly into Lin En's dark red eyes. Green shouted: "Legilimency!"

In an instant, Lin En only felt a strange magic power penetrate into his mind, constantly turning in his mind, and his own memories flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern. He and Irina worked together to overturn Sirius's case, to kill the basilisk together, and then to two years ago when they killed Quirrell in the secret room under the trap door and drove away Voldemort's remnant soul...

Picture after picture flashed through Lin En's mind, but Lin En fell into a dazed state, which made it difficult for him to summon up the energy to resist the magic that penetrated his mind.

"wake up!"

At this moment, Green put away his wand and shouted loudly, causing Linn to wake up.

After Lin En came back to his senses, he realized that he had been being searched for memories in his mind by Green using Legilimency, without being able to make any effective resistance.

After realizing this, Lin En said with some guilt: "Sorry, teacher, I couldn't react just now."

After hearing Linn's words, Green shook his head and said: "Most wizards have a hard time reacting when they are subjected to Legilimency for the first time. This is normal. Adjust yourself next time." status."

Linn nodded vigorously.

So Green waved his wand again and cast Legilimency on Lynn.

After taking precautions in advance, facing the force that constantly tempted him to recall the past, Linn tried his best to suppress his impulse to recall the past and prevent Green from continuing to pry into his memory.

After a while, Green took the initiative to disable Legilimency.

"Although there are still some memory fragments that are revealed by you inadvertently, it can be said that the progress has been rapid compared with the first time. Even when I was learning Occlumency, it was only after the teacher released the tenth photo on me. Only when the gods are mindful can they achieve this level."

Green said with considerable satisfaction.

Even though the Occlumency technique that Lin En just demonstrated can be said to be riddled with holes in his eyes, for a beginner, especially one who has only been exposed to Legilimency for less than a day, this is already extremely difficult. Okay.

Throughout the next day, Green continued to use Legilimency on Linn, and in the process of resisting Legilimency, Linn's own level of Occlumency increased rapidly.

Although the first week mentioned at the beginning had passed, Green did not seem to have any intention of stopping teaching. For three consecutive days, Linn spent most of the time resisting Legilimency.

After three consecutive days of high-intensity training, Linn's Occlumency level has also reached Green's requirements, that is, he can easily keep his mind blank when encountering Legilimency, preventing the other party from attacking him. No information can be found.

This may be far from the fabrication of false memories that a master of Occlumency can do, but nothing can be accomplished overnight, let alone Linn, not even Dumbledore can do it in this short time. Become a master of Occlumency in a matter of days.

Therefore, Green asked Lynn to practice Occlumency on his own after returning to the UK, and Green no longer provided special training for Lynn.

"That's it for the practice of Occlumency. Next we should learn Legilimency. I think that for you who have learned the dream spell, Legilimency shouldn't be a difficult magic!"

Green said to Lynn.

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