The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 257 It’s a pity that time cannot be frozen in a moment after all

Lin En walked slowly in the direction of the girl, and the girl seemed to notice something. She turned around, and her ice blue eyes met Lin En's eyes.

After seeing Lin En's arrival, the girl smiled and asked Lin En to sit down on the other side of the table.

I saw a cup of cappuccino also placed on the other side of the table. Hot mist rose from the cappuccino. It could be seen that this cup of cappuccino had just been served and was still lukewarm. hot.


Linn called softly as he sat down opposite the girl.

The girl across the table seemed to be very enthusiastic. She happily said something to Linn, while Linn listened patiently while drinking the coffee in his mouth, with a faint smile on his face.

In this teahouse full of warm atmosphere, it seems that there is no concept of time. The girl talks briskly, while the boy holds his chin with his hand and listens patiently.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin En finally stood up. He looked at the girl opposite with a puzzled look and sighed: "It's a pity that time... can't be frozen in a moment after all..."

As Linn's words fell, he took a step forward, and as he waved the wand in his hand, wisps of mist filled with colorful light were pulled out from the ground and returned to Linn's wand, and the scene around him also disappeared.

Looking at Green, who was eating melon seeds without any image in front of him and looking at him with a playful expression, Lin En smiled bitterly and said: "If I hadn't made this dream myself, I'd probably be lost here... "

Green chuckled and asked with interest: "Who is that girl? Your little girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Lin En blushed, lowered his head and said, "Teacher, you are overthinking. She is my best partner, not a couple."

Green didn't say much. He just smiled again and stared at Linn with meaningful eyes.

It didn't take long for Linn to be unable to resist Green's gaze. He quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, teacher, Irina and I have made an appointment to take her to France in early August and go to Le Fei Lane for experience and practice. The Unforgivable Curse, could you please, Teacher, protect the two of us?"

Hearing Lin En's words, Green's eyes became even weirder: "Lynn, Linn, I didn't expect you to start talking about integrity. Just now, you said it was just a partnership, but in the blink of an eye, you have to take him with you." Has she met her parents?"

It is said that once a teacher is always a father. Although this concept does not exist in the West, as Lin En's teacher, it is not wrong to say that he is Lin En's parent.

Green's words immediately silenced Lin En.

Lin En adjusted his mentality for a long time before he adjusted his mentality back. He asked: "By the way, teacher, I was almost lost in the illusion array just now. Isn't it possible that this illusion array can't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy?"

Hearing this, Green shook his head and said: "No, that's just because I completed the part of the alchemy array. As the caster of the Dream Weaver Curse, your only authority in this illusion array is to create Scenes in an illusion, and the only ones who can ignore the illusion and see clearly what is happening in it are the alchemists who refine these alchemical circles!"

Lin En suddenly said: "I see, no wonder my senses are obscured by the white mist and the scene in the illusion array, but you can clearly see my every move in the array."

After the first attempt, Lin En also had his own understanding of the Dream Weaver Curse.

During the next day, Lin En has been practicing his dream weaving spell, and personally entered the illusion array to experience the dream he created, looking for flaws.

Since Linn did not weave any more dreams related to Irina, Linn entered the scene presented in the fantasy and checked the possible loopholes in the fantasy, and then easily broke through the fantasy. Walking out of the phantom formation, instead of staying in the phantom formation like the first time, wasted nearly an hour.

After a whole day, Lin En has become very familiar with the Dream Weaver Charm. The illusion he created by releasing the Dream Weaver Charm in the illusion array has become as real as reality, and no longer looks like a pure dream. The logic doesn't make sense and there are flaws everywhere.

At night, Linn picked up the alchemy notebook again and read through it eagerly.

After having the Dream Weaver Spell as the basis of the illusion array system, Linn looked at this alchemy notebook as if he had divine help. The techniques that he could not understand before were now able to understand them easily.

If the knowledge in this alchemy notebook was like a rugged mountain road to Lin En yesterday, then to Lin En today, it is like a flat road, smooth all the way!

In just one night, Linn finished reading one-third of this alchemy notebook.

From this third of the content, Lin En learned most of the alchemy arrays related to the illusion array. This also means that if Lin En continues to practice the Dream Weaver Spell tomorrow, he will be able to refine it alone. Expose most of the alchemy arrays in the illusion array to gain control of the illusion array.

Although there are still a small number of alchemy formations that Lin En has not yet learned, most of these alchemy formations are mainly aimed at strengthening the illusory formation's ability to deceive the five senses of those who enter the formation, and enhancing the reality of the illusion presented in the illusory formation. of.

As for the alchemy arrays that are the core of the phantom array, those alchemy arrays that are related to the control authority of the phantom array, Lin En has long kept it in mind.

The next morning, Lin En walked out of the room with a pair of panda eyes. The knowledge about the magic array in the alchemy notes fascinated him, and unknowingly, he stayed up all night.

Fortunately, this is a magical world. Even if Linn stayed up all night and looked exhausted, there was nothing that a bottle of magic potion couldn't solve. If so, then two bottles of magic potion!

After drinking a bottle of refreshment, Linn's energy suddenly became much better.

"If my guess is correct, you should have learned all those phantom alchemy formations?"

In the restaurant, Green saw the dark circles on Lin's face. He could naturally guess that Lin had stayed up all night last night, and he asked with a chuckle.

Lin En nodded slightly and said: "Except for some alchemy arrays that have auxiliary functions and need your help, teacher, I have already learned the refining methods of other alchemy arrays."

After finishing breakfast, Green took Linn to the training ground again.

Linn waved his wand, and huge magic power was extracted from the magic stone. It poured into his wand along Linn's arm, and turned into golden threads that were constantly intertwining in the air.

After about five minutes, dozens of alchemy formations appeared at Lin En's feet. (End of chapter)

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