The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 250 I have to cry a lot

However, after the curling-winged devil succeeded in one blow, it did not show any desire to fight. Instead, it immediately flew into the air and disappeared from the sight of the Aurors.

As for the elite Auror whose face was confused by the Winged Demon earlier, he came back to his senses after shaking his head.

"Am I okay?"

The elite Auror looked at his hands in surprise, unable to imagine that he was safe.

You must know that the magical animal with a danger level of XXXXX, the Crouching Wing Demon, feeds on human brains. However, he was completely intact after being fooled by the Crouching Wing Demon. This was simply a miracle in his opinion.

Just when these Aurors thought that the appearance of the curled-winged demon was just an accident, more "accidents" appeared.

"Wait, what the hell is that thing in front of you?!"

At this time, an Auror pointed in horror at the cabbage-like things falling from the sky in front of him and shouted loudly.

I saw a huge mouth suddenly opened in the middle of those cabbage-like things, revealing rows of densely packed sharp teeth. The cabbages kept jumping on the ground and rushed in the direction of the ten Aurors. Come.

Looking at these terrifying-looking cabbages, an elite Auror soon recognized their identities. He jumped back and shouted: "This is Chinese biting cabbage! Back away and burn it with a fire spell." it!"

Hearing the words of this elite Auror, the other nine Aurors all had a look of horror in their eyes.

Chinese biting cabbage is one of the most dangerous types of magical plants. If bitten by it, it can cause a piece of flesh to be lost and a leg to be broken, or blood to be splattered on the spot!

Thinking of this, the movements of these Aurors became more agile. They quickly stepped back, and at the same time stretched out their wands to point at the Chinese biting cabbage in front of them.

"The flames are blazing!"

The ten Aurors shouted at the same time, and fierce flames rose up and engulfed the Chinese biting cabbage on the ground.

However, just when they thought these Chinese biting cabbages were about to be burned to death by their own magical flames, the mutation occurred again.


A cold voice was heard from dozens of meters away, and a purple beam of light shot out of the air, passing through the blazing fire in an instant, hitting a novice Auror at the end of the Auror team and knocking him unconscious. .

The remaining nine Aurors looked sharply toward the source of the sound, and saw two figures in black robes appearing near a crooked-neck tree not far in front of their field of vision. Black hoods covered the two figures. The human face is shrouded in shadow.

And the stun spell just now was cast by the petite black-robed man among them!


When they saw these two men in black robes, these two words appeared in the hearts of these nine Aurors at the same time.

If the nine Aurors only thought it was an accident when the curled-winged devil appeared before, then when the curled-winged devil attacked the elite Auror, and the elite Auror was completely unharmed, they began to suspect that It's just that the curled-winged demon was not bred by humans.

Otherwise, there are very few curling-winged demons that can resist their own nature and not devour the brains of their enemies. Instead, they will immediately flee after making a mischievous look.

Moreover, after seeing those Chinese biting cabbage rushing towards them, the suspicion in the hearts of those Aurors became deeper and deeper.

"Who are you, who dare to rob a prisoner from the Ministry of Magic!"

An elite Auror shouted loudly.

The two men in black robes did not speak. Instead, the other man in black robes raised the wand in his hand, pointed towards the ground, and whispered in a cold voice: "All curses are over!"

Invisible magic spread in all directions, and upon contact with the magical flames summoned by the Aurors, it was completely extinguished.

Seeing this scene, Irina beside Linn finally let out a sigh of relief.

She had just thrown away all her Chinese biting cabbage. It was all her wealth. If those Aurors burned it, she would probably cry a lot when she got back.

Fortunately, Linn used the Ultimate Curse to extinguish those magical flames and save her few family assets.

In fact, with Lin En's control over flames, he could completely extinguish those magical flames with a single thought. However, in order to prevent the other party from noticing anything, he could only use a complicated method such as the Ultimate Curse. Same purpose.

After extinguishing those flames, Linn took action without hesitation.

He raised the wand in his hand and shouted: "Shatter to pieces!"

A gray-white light shot out of the sky, heading towards the elite Auror standing at the front.

Facing this crushing curse, the elite Auror just waved his wand with a calm expression, releasing a silent armor curse, and then backhanded a silent disarming curse.

Perhaps these elite Aurors will panic when facing extremely dangerous magical animals and magical plants such as the Winged Demon and the Chinese Biting Cabbage, but when facing those dark wizards, these elite Aurors On the contrary, they will be very dull.

Because that is the field they are good at. They have seen too much about black wizards and black magic, so naturally they will not be as panicked as they were at the beginning.

Lin turned his head to the side, dodged the disarming spell, and waved his wand to cast a silent stun spell.

The elite Auror also ducked sideways.

However, Lynn and Irina did not come here to fight with the Aurors. Their purpose was just to create a disturbance and let Peter Pettigrew go. How could they be obsessed with a duel between magic? !

I saw that when the elite Auror ducked sideways, the long-missing Winged Demon reappeared!

The curling-winged demon turned into a biting shadow and faced the direction in which the elite Auror was coming. It jumped out from the side of the woods and threw the elite Auror to the ground.

"All petrified!"

Seeing that the little curled-winged devil succeeded in one blow, Irina added a full-body binding spell without hesitation, freezing the elite Auror in place like a stone, unable to move.

Lin En, who was on the side, also used the dueling technique of hiding curses. After a crushing curse, he hid another stun curse and fired it at the other newcomer Auror at the end of the team.

After all, the new Auror had just joined the job and was not very proficient in the magic skills of some wizards in battle. He did not discover the purple beam hidden at the end of the gray-white crushing curse.

He just released an iron armor spell to resist the crushing spell, and then tried to organize a counterattack against Linn.

However, after Linn's Crushing Curse and his Iron Armor Curse were shattered at the same time, the purple beam hidden behind the Crushing Curse finally shined.

The purple beam of light hit the newcomer Auror's chest firmly, knocking him unconscious.

However, in just a few rounds of fighting, the Auror team lost two people again.

The strength of the enemy made the remaining seven Aurors feel very troublesome. (End of chapter)

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