The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 220 Ice Armor and Backup Energy

In the end, Linn made ten Gubulai fairy fire version of the purgatory demon puppets and five sharp fire version of the purgatory demon puppets. As for the purgatory demon puppets that used ordinary magic flames as raw materials, Lin En did not continue to make them.

While Linn was making a new purgatory demon puppet, Irina also recovered her own magic power and began to follow the route of the Ice Fantasy God to try to convert her magic power into the power of ice.

Irina whispered obscure syllables in her mouth, and the temperature around her dropped sharply. A radius of more than ten meters around her was as cold as an ice cave.

Wisps of magic power are traveling along a specific route in Irina's body, and the obscure syllables affect the extreme cold outside and the wisps of magic power. Under the influence of the extreme cold outside, these wisps of magic power are completely invisible. The magic power of color gradually transformed into an icy blue luster.

Soon, the magic power disappeared in Irina's meridians, replaced by wisps of ice power exuding a cold aura.

At this moment, the power of ice is all over Irina's body. If someone touches Irina's body, then that person will definitely find that the temperature of Irina's body is actually colder than a corpse that has been frozen for decades!

Although Irina has a very high affinity for the ice element and will not be harmed by any ice, the cold that can freeze almost everything makes Irina's skin harden.

And at this moment, the obscure syllables chanted in Irina's mouth seemed to become passionate, and the wisps of ice power all over Irina's body seemed to be bound by some special power, and were driven towards They gathered in the direction of Irina's lower abdomen.

At the same time, the magic power originally stored in Irina's belly expanded towards the surroundings, and the magic power was compressed and turned into a magic barrier, isolating an area within it.

Driven by that special force, the ice power entered this isolated area one after another and turned into Irina's backup energy source.

Now, Linn has the forbidden fire and the magic crystal in the Demon God's Authority as backup energy, and Irina also has the power of ice as her own backup energy.

When both wizards have equal magic levels, the magic reserves of both sides are the key factor in the battle, and the existence of backup energy undoubtedly greatly increases the possibility of Linn and Irina winning in actual combat.

At this time, in addition to the magic power that turned into a magic barrier, all the magic power in Irina's body has been transformed into her own ice power. With the full power of ice, her body is still recovering. Magical.

Obviously her magic power was exhausted as before, but Irina was not as weak as she was after extinguishing the Purgatory Demon Puppet. That was because of the existence of backup energy, which allowed Irina to extract the power of ice to restore herself at any time, without As for completely losing the ability to resist.

After completing the step of converting magic power into ice power, Irina began to excitedly try out the methods of using ice power recorded in the book.

"Ice Armor!"

Irina shouted, and a large amount of ice power overflowed from her skin and condensed into thick pieces of ice armor on the surface of her body.

Each piece of ice on this armor is a full foot thick, but this heavy armor seems to be weightless when worn on Irina's body, and does not affect Irina's flexible movements at all.

Irina curiously looked at the ice armor on her body. When she subconsciously called out the name of the move, she found that when she read out the name of the move, even if it was a name of her own creation, she was not familiar with the name of the move. The mobilization of force will be much faster.

This was something she had never felt again since she completely mastered the silent and wandless spellcasting.

After all, she has completely mastered the silent and wandless casting of the Freezing Curse, and the power of the silent and wandless casting of the Freezing Curse is equal to that of normal casting.

But now, when Irina was using the Ice Fantasy God, she could clearly feel the speed of the ice power and the increase in the power of the moves when she read out the names while using the moves.

Could this ancient magic called Ice Phantom God be created by a chuunibyou patient? !

Irina thought this way, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if she had to shout out the name of the move every time she fought? !

She finally managed to avoid the embarrassing scene when the spell hit the waves by casting the spell silently.

"Lynn, come and help me test my ice armor!"

After displaying the Ice Armor, Irina began to think about testing its defensive effect. She looked expectantly at Linn, who had already made all the Infernal Demon Puppets and put them into metal cubes.

Hearing this, Lin En nodded slightly and walked over.

Irina said: "Lynn, you can test it one by one with firearms, ordinary magic, black magic and alchemy."

Linn agreed. He took out the Desert Eagle from his pocket again and fired three shots at Irina's chest covered by ice.

There is no doubt that these three bullets were bounced by the hard ice and did not even leave a scratch on the surface of the ice armor.

"Expelliarmus! Thunderbolt blast!"

Linn waved his wand, and a disarming spell and an explosive spell flew towards Irina one after another.

I saw that after the red beam hit the ice condensed on the surface of Irina's body, it was refracted and flew towards the side.

After the explosion curse hit Irina, it exploded with a bang, but the terrifying explosion and violent air waves failed to make Irina, who was protected by the ice armor, take half a step back.

You know, under the protection of the ice armor, Irina is armed to the teeth.

Even Irina's beautiful face has a translucent ice veil in front of it that can withstand physical attacks and magic attacks.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Lin En tried black magic. As soon as he raised his hand, an invisible blade shot out of the air and headed towards Irina.

The power of this divine blade is indeed impressive, and it is also the only magic spell that has worked for Lin En so far.

A crack that was two inches deep appeared on the surface of the ice armor on Irina's chest. The power of the curse was constantly trying to expand inside the crack, but was suppressed by the powerful power of ice.

After feeling the curse of the Shadowless Blade in front of her, Irina had a rough idea of ​​the defensive capabilities of the Ice Armor. When the Ice Armor was released, I am afraid that only those Only powerful elite Aurors could cause harm to her.

As for ordinary Aurors, even if she were to stand motionless among hundreds of ordinary Aurors wearing ice armor, I'm afraid those Aurors would be unable to do anything to her.

Of course, this may be an exaggeration. Just like Linn's Infernal Demon Puppet, if the other party is willing to use a hundred times the magic power of Irina to forcibly melt the ice armor, then Irina can't do anything about it. (End of chapter)

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