The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 Ice Phantom God

After opening this ancient magic book called "Purgatory Demon Puppet", Linn eagerly studied the knowledge in it.

The principle of this ancient magic called Purgatory Demon Puppet is to transform the flame compressed to the extreme into the appearance of a soldier, and to give the soldier a soul with a special magic power from hell, making it forever loyal to the caster. Infernal warrior.

As for how to obtain that special ray of magic power from purgatory, the book also records the spell to summon it. Every syllable in this spell is extremely obscure, and the difficulty of reciting the spell in a coherent manner is no less difficult than " Tongue twisters like "ash fertilizer will turn black when it evaporates".

In addition, after shaping the Purgatory Demon Puppet with flames compressed to the extreme and a ray of special magic power from hell, the caster can also use the same flame compressed to the extreme to transform the weapons given to the Purgatory Demon Puppet according to his own preferences.

This weapon can be in any form, including melee weapons such as swords, blades, axes, and even modern weapons such as firearms. However, the only requirement for this weapon is that its transformed form does not require the use of magic power in combat.

In other words, the weapons of the Purgatory Demon Puppet cannot be magical products such as wands, or alchemical products containing magical power.

The Purgatory Demon Puppet has a fearless fighting spirit and extremely high offensive and defensive attributes. The Purgatory Demon Puppet is immortal. There is no way to kill the Purgatory Demon Puppet. Even if its body is smashed into pieces, it can gradually recover.

The only way to make the Purgatory Demon Puppet dissipate is to completely consume the magic power in the Purgatory Demon Puppet's body. In other words, the enemy facing the Purgatory Demon Puppet must have a hundred times the magic power contained in the Purgatory Demon Puppet's body. Forcibly extinguishing it is similar to the principle of all curses ending.

This book records in detail the method of reversing the flame curse into a purgatory demon. When Lin turned to the last page of the book, a line of words flashing with dark red light made Linn couldn't help but reveal his joy. smile.

"The flame used to make the Infernal Demon Puppet can be any kind of flame, and the properties of different flames will also cause corresponding changes in the related attributes and talents of the Infernal Demon Puppet."

This small line of dark red characters seemed to only explain a feature of this ancient magic, but its significance to Linn was extraordinary.

The flame used to make the Purgatory Demon Puppet can be any kind of flame. This also means that Linn is not only able to use the magical flames of the Fire Spell to make the Purgatory Demon Puppet. Li Fire and Gubulai Fairy Fire can also be used to make the Purgatory Demon Puppet. raw materials.

Even flames that do not exist in the magic world, such as the fire of forbidden demons, can also be used to make purgatory demon puppets, so that the fearless warriors from purgatory have the power of forbidden demons!

Thinking of this, Linn couldn't help but want to try to practice this ancient magic.

However, nothing is accomplished overnight, let alone this kind of ancient magic that is extremely difficult to practice.

Not to mention making a complete purgatory demon puppet, just learning the obscure spell used to summon the special magic power from hell would take Lin En at least a day.

Although Linn has a very high affinity for fire, the spell to summon the special magic from hell has nothing to do with fire. Therefore, Linn can only rely on himself to learn the obscure spell.

While Linn was learning this ancient magic, Irina was also flipping through the book on ancient magic suitable for her practice.

I saw the four characters "Ice Fantasy God" written on the cover of the book in Irina's hand.

Yes, the name of this ancient magic is called Ice Fantasy God.

As Irina read, the principles of this ancient magic called Ice Fantasy God were gradually revealed in front of her.

This ancient magic called Ice Fantasy God is not so much a powerful magic as it is a cultivation technique similar to the Eastern magic world.

According to the principle of the Ice Phantom God, the caster needs to convert the magic power in his body into the power of ice in advance in a form similar to the freezing spell, so that he can transform into any ice form anytime and anywhere.

And this power containing ice is called the power of ice in this book.

The caster converts part of the magic power in the body into the power of ice in advance, and chants a relatively obscure spell, stores it in an area in the body similar to the Dantian, and isolates it from the magic power in the caster's body.

This method of storing the power of ice in the body is somewhat similar to the method used by Lin En to store the refined Forbidden Demon Fire in the body. Both of them are a kind of pure magic power, but it is The special power that can be used by the caster is stored in his body so that the caster can access it at any time.

In other words, if Irina stores the power of ice in a certain corner of her body, then this power of ice can be stored without limit and can be stored at any time like Linn's forbidden fire. Take it out of the body and use it.

Even converting magic power into ice power and storing it in her body will not reduce the upper limit of her own magic power, because the magic power consumed by converting into ice power will still be restored over time, but the cold power in her body will not reduce the upper limit of her magic power. However, the power of ice will not be reduced as a result.

This is equivalent to increasing the upper limit of Irina's magic reserve in disguise.

Of course, the content of Ice Fantasy God is far more than these, otherwise it would not be called a powerful ancient magic.

The previous process of converting magic power into ice power and storing it in the body was only a prerequisite for casting the Ice Fantasy God.

The real function of the Ice Phantom God is to allow the caster to run the power of ice in the body in a specific trajectory, allowing the caster to manifest and utilize the power of ice in any form.

The examples of how to use the power of ice recorded in this book alone were enough for Irina to study for a long time.

The methods of using the power of ice include but are not limited to transforming the power of ice into ice armor that wraps oneself, which can be used to resist the enemy's physical attacks, resist, refract, and even use the smooth mirror surface of ice to reflect the enemy's magic.

Or it can condense the power of ice into its own body, allowing the caster to consume the power of ice to complete a rapid sprint, and use the power of ice to freeze the target penetrated by itself, which has the same effect as a freezing spell.

Or the power of ice can be transformed into weapons such as ice arrows and moving ice giants and other puppets that can fight on their own, playing the role of a mage or summoner in battle.

Even the method of releasing the power of ice through weapons such as long swords, cutting out a sword energy filled with ice mist, and freezing all enemies touched by the sword energy into ice sculptures is just to use the power of ice. The simplest kind of power.

With these familiar ways of releasing the power of the ice element, it is no wonder that the ancient magic of Ice Fantasy God is mistaken for an Eastern immortality cultivation technique. (End of chapter)

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