The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 203 The rioting dementors and the patron saint who enters and exits seven times

After a while, Harry seemed to have discovered the golden light carried by the Golden Snitch. He rode the Nimbus 2000 and flew high into the sky.

But at this moment, the entire sky seemed to suddenly darken, and all the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear, leaving only silence and coldness in the huge Quidditch pitch.

The wind and heavy rain in the sky were still so fierce, but it was as if someone had turned on the mute here. The little wizards could see the mouths of other people around them opening and closing, but they could not hear any sound coming from their mouths.

Sensing the increasingly uncomfortable atmosphere around them, Linn and Irina, who were in the Slytherin camp and Gryffindor camp respectively, changed their expressions. They both pulled out their wands at the same time and looked warily towards the sky. .

I saw at least a hundred dementors wearing strange robes appearing in the air at the edge of the Quidditch pitch. These dementors brought an oppressive atmosphere and cold temperatures. Just looking at them, many little dementors appeared. The wizard felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The endless dementors seemed to cover the entire sky, showing an aura of black clouds threatening to destroy the city.

Emotions of cold, fear and despair appeared in the hearts of each little wizard, and all happy emotions seemed to be stripped from their bodies in an instant.

On the Quidditch pitch, a figure fell from the sky. It was Harry who had fallen into a coma again under the influence of the dementors.

In the sky, those man-made beasts felt a lot of happy emotions here. They fed on happy emotions and actually ignored the orders of the Ministry of Magic and tried to suck the happiness of these little wizards.

Seeing this scene, Linn and Irina couldn't sit still anymore.

Not to mention whether there are any friends and partners among the little wizards present, they also understand the truth that no eggs will be left intact after the nest is overturned.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Linn and Irina stood up almost at the same time. Standing in two completely different directions in the audience, they shouted the Patronus Charm at the same time.

Not only Lin and Irina, some senior wizards who mastered the Patronus Charm also stood up, waved their wands and chanted the Patronus Charm.

Even some little wizards who have just learned the Patronus Charm and can only release white mist are trying to do their part to protect everything here.

A faint silvery white mist spread from all directions of the auditorium, and some different forms of patron saints, such as squirrels, swimming fish, ocelots, and wild dogs, rose from the ground and faced the edge of the Quidditch pitch. More than a hundred dementors flew in.

The most dazzling among them is a silver wolf with a silvery white light all over its body and a silver fox as smooth as white jade. The light of these two patron saints almost illuminates the entire Quidditch pitch.

But even so, the silvery-white light emitted by the silver wolf and silver fox was still somewhat outnumbered compared to the overwhelming dementors.

Just when people thought that the two patron saints would be forced back by the Dementors, the Silver Wolf and the Silver Fox actually let out a sharp shout in the air. They actually ignored the army of Dementors in front of them like a shadow of destruction and headed towards them. They rushed in the direction of the hundreds of dementors.

The silver wolf and silver fox seemed to be fighting for their lives. They rushed towards the dementors madly, tearing apart the dementors' camp and rushing into them.

A wolf and a fox were constantly shuttled among the army of hundreds of dementors. Every time they shuttled, the pressure of these dementors on the young wizards would be greatly reduced, and the dementor army exuded a lot of pressure. Bursts of black energy also continued to dissipate as the silvery white light bloomed.

Unfortunately, Dementors, as extremely evil man-made creatures, cannot be eliminated. Even the Patronus Curse can only push them back, rather than kill them.

Even though the silver wolves and silver foxes that entered the dementor army were powerful, their power had its upper limit. As they shuttled back and forth, the silver-white light emitted by them was constantly dissipating.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the two guardian gods were finally overwhelmed and dissipated in the air.

Linn and Irina, who were in the auditorium of the Quidditch stadium, took a step back in unison. The backlash caused by the killing of the Patronus they had released made them a little uncomfortable.

The two of them felt as if their previous happy emotions had been chopped into pieces by a sharp blade in an instant, and nearly half of the magic power in their bodies had dissipated in an instant.

However, facing the physical discomfort, Lin En and Irina were not unhappy at all. Instead, they had a smile on their faces.

In the distant sky, the silver wolf and silver fox actually forced the dementor army composed of hundreds of dementors back hundreds of meters at the cost of dissipating themselves. This made each of them in a depressed state. The little wizards were finally able to calm down.

At this time, the dementors hundreds of meters away tried their best to finally kill the two patron saints who were constantly frustrating their own camp. They let out a series of shrill screams and angrily wanted to return to the Quidditch pitch. Swallowing up the joy of those little wizards.

But at this moment, a dazzling silver-white light that was thousands of times more powerful than before bloomed in the Quidditch stadium. This silver-white light illuminated the dim sky into daylight. No one saw the dazzling silver-white light that emitted such radiance. The shape of a physical patron saint with dazzling silvery white light.

People only saw those damn dementors retreating rapidly as if they had seen something terrible, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the silvery white light dissipated, people immediately turned around and saw their principal, Albus Dumbledore, slowly withdrawing his wand, and there seemed to be a bit of anger on his face.

After Dumbledore cast a shock-absorbing spell on Harry and allowed Harry to land safely on the ground, he released his Patronus and drove away the dementors.

At this time, someone asked, how much happy emotion did Dumbledore have to be able to release such a powerful patron saint? !

In fact, there are two factors related to the strength of the patron saint, happy emotions and sufficient magic power. However, happy emotions have an upper limit, but magic power can be endless.

Perhaps Dumbledore's happiness in injecting the Patronus Charm is not much stronger than that of Lynn and Irina, but his top-level magic reserve, belonging to the devil-level wizard, allows him to summon the Patronus to cover the entire Quidditch pitch. !

At this time, Dumbledore turned his attention to the young wizards who had previously released the Patronus to resist the dementors. There was a bit of relief in his eyes, especially when he looked at Lynn and Irina.

He didn't seem to expect that Lin En and Irina could release such a powerful guardian spirit.

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