The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 201 The Elf in the White Snow, the Clever Snow Fox

After letting out a long wolf howl, Linn stepped on the soil under his feet comfortably. He looked at Irina who was looking at him curiously.

I don’t know why, but Linn, who was in the Animagus form of a snow wolf, was able to feel an extremely cordial feeling from Irina after seeing her. That feeling seemed to come from the most intimate person. Such a person makes him want to get close to him.

Is this Irina's magical animal affinity talent? !

Linn couldn't help but sigh in his heart. I'm afraid it's not just magical animals, but maybe any animal will be attracted by Irina. Even he in Animagus form couldn't escape.

"Is that you, Lynn?"

Irina looked at the majestic snow wolf in front of her in surprise. Even when she stood on tiptoes, she could only reach the snow wolf's neck.

Linn nodded slightly to Irina, indicating that the snow wolf was him.

Irina couldn't help but stepped forward. She reached out and stroked Xuelang's soft hair. The strong body was radiating heat, showing the strength of this body.

Feeling Irina's touch, Linn suddenly felt a strange feeling, and Irina's talent for being friendly with magical animals made him have the urge to rub his head against her.

However, Linn is a real wizard, not a real snow wolf. It is not difficult for him to simply suppress the impulse in his heart.

After adapting to the Animagus form of his snow wolf, Linn shook his body, and his body deformed again and returned to human form.

Because when Lin En transformed before, the wizard robe and other clothes on his body also turned into the lines on the snow wolf's hair, so when Lin En transformed back, he was not naked, but fully clothed.

Seeing this scene, Irina, who was not far away, visibly let out a sigh of relief.

Although Irina is also from the 21st century and has an open mind, she still can't show everything about herself in front of a boy.

Even though that boy made her have a lot of affection.

"Next, let me protect you."

Linn bent down to pick up his wand and said to Irina.

Irina nodded, she also raised her wand, pointed the tip of the wand to her heart in the same manner, and chanted the spell: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus." "(Amato, Animo, Animato, Animagus)

After chanting the spell, Irina uncorked the crystal vial and drank the blood-red potion in one gulp.

The same pain came from Irina's internal organs. This severe and unbearable pain made Irina immediately fall to the ground, her body twitching moment by moment.

Lin En, who was standing aside, looked at Irina who was struggling painfully in front of him. A touch of unbearability flashed on his face. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt distressed.

However, this kind of severe pain is the only way to become an Animagus, and even Linn can't intervene in it and do anything for Irina.

All he could do was pray silently for Irina in his heart.

At this time, a figure gradually appeared in Irina's mind.

She had suffered the Cruciatus Curse from Voldemort's soul fragment Tom Riddle in the Horcrux Diary last year. Although the pain caused by the blood-red potion was unbearable, it was a bit weak compared to the pain of the Cruciatus Curse. .

Therefore, she adapted to the pain caused by the transformation faster than Linn, and the figure in her mind also appeared in front of her faster and clearer.

This is a petite and dexterous white fox. It has snow-white fur. The thick and soft fur can adapt to the extremely cold environment. It seems to be a little snow fox born in the snowy area.

This little snow fox has eyes as beautiful as sapphires. Those smart eyes make people fall in love with them. Its ears are long and sensitive, and it seems to be able to sense all the sounds in the world.

Outside, Irina's body is also undergoing deformation.

Contrary to Linn, Irina's body continued to shrink under the transformation of Animagus, and finally turned into a small snow fox about the size of a cat.

After completing the transformation, Irina subconsciously moved her two front paws, making a movement similar to stepping on her breasts. She raised her head and looked in Lin's direction with her sapphire-like eyes.

After one person and one fox looked at each other for a few seconds, Irina suddenly jumped out towards Lin En.

Lin subconsciously reached out to catch Irina. He held the little snow fox in his hand and asked softly: "Is it you, Irina."


The little snow fox let out a milky cry.

Irina stood up straight and gestured with her two little paws in front of Linn.

Looking at Irina's cute appearance, Linn couldn't help but rub the little snow fox's head with his other hand, and then rubbed the side of his index finger on Irina's chin.

Feeling such an intimate move from Lin En, Irina, who was in the form of a little snow fox, couldn't help but blush. She seemed a little shy and buried her head in her arms.

Lynn carefully placed the little snow fox back on the ground.

After a while, Irina returned to her human form and picked up her wand.

"It seems that our Animagus has successfully transformed."

Irina said calmly, and she never mentioned what happened when Lin En rubbed her head just now.

Linn sighed slightly: "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. I thought we would fail many times when practicing Animagus before we succeeded!"

Irina nodded and said thoughtfully: "By the way, have we forgotten something?"

Lin En scratched his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Irina seemed to remember something, and she said desperately: "I seem to have missed Professor Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

"It's okay," Linn spread his hands, "Today is a full moon night, and Professor Snape is probably your temporary substitute for your Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Irina became even more desperate: "Isn't that even worse?!"

If it was Professor Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, even if she was absent from class, as long as there was a suitable reason, the tolerant Professor Lupine would give her a chance to change her course.

But Professor Snape was different. He would not listen to Irina's explanation. He would only deduct points from Gryffindor House without hesitation.

And it would be fine if it was just a deduction of points. If Professor Snape was in a bad mood, she might have to be put in solitary confinement!

Hearing this, Linn slapped his head and said, "Listening to what you said, I almost forgot that our fourth-grade Slytherins will also have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class later."

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