The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Young people should exercise restraint

Looking at the golden beams of light that shot down like a meteor shower all over the sky, Sirius looked desperate, and he ran away in embarrassment.

However, the Shrieking Shack is so big, no matter how hard Sirius hides, he can't escape the attack range of the golden beam.

Hundreds of golden beams struck Sirius' chest, sending him flying backwards and hitting the wall of the Shrieking Shack.

In an instant, the entire Shrieking Shack was shaken, and a lot of dust fell from the ceiling.

At this time, Sirius's body slid down from the wall like a puddle of mud, and lay motionless on the ground. He seemed to be doubting his life.

Lin En pressed the wand in his hand downwards, and the three alchemical circles around him immediately disappeared.

In fact, his attack just now was reserved. Although the scene of golden beams filling the sky was huge, the lethality contained in those golden beams had been stripped away by Lin En, leaving only part of the impact.

Otherwise, Sirius would not have just been blown away and hit the wall like he did now, but like the giant monster two years ago, his head would have been blown out by a golden beam, and his body would be riddled with holes.


Sirius coughed twice and stood up with his hands on the floor.

He looked at the little wizard and the little witch in front of him, whom he could not defeat, and asked with some difficulty: "These days... are all little wizards so strong?"

Hearing this, Lin En and Irina looked at each other.

In the end, Irina said innocently: "No, maybe it's just that the two of us are a little bit more powerful."

Linn came forward and helped Sirius, who was in pain all over, sit on the sofa.

"Uncle Blake, this is for you. You can use it to contact us at any time in the future."

Linn said as he placed a brand new two-way mirror in Sirius' hands.

There are two buttons on this double-sided mirror, which are connected to the double-sided mirrors in the hands of Linn and Irina respectively. Sirius only needs to press the corresponding button and inject magic into the double-sided mirror to communicate with Linn or Irina. Irina got in touch.

After learning how to use this double-sided mirror, Sirius carefully put it away.

After explaining everything, it was time for Linn and Irina to return to the castle.

It has been two or three hours since the Halloween dinner. If Lynn and Irina don't go back, the professors may think that they are missing.

"Well, Uncle Black, let's go back to the castle first. If you need any supplies to live in the Shrieking Shack, just go to Hogsmeade to buy them."

Linn said so, he left something else for Sirius.

Such a thing is an alchemical mask that can simulate the appearance of another person. This allows Sirius to go to Hogsmeade Village to buy daily necessities after putting on the mask without worrying about being captured by the Ministry of Magic.

After doing this, Linn and Irina said goodbye to Sirius and returned to Hogwarts Castle along the secret passage.

After returning to the castle, the two met Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Rolle, Miss Lowell, can you tell me why you didn't come back at the specified time?"

Professor McGonagall said seriously.

God knows how anxious she was when she learned that Sirius had broken into Hogwarts Castle, and that two extremely talented students, Lynn and Irina, had disappeared at the same time.

She almost planned to notify Professor Dumbledore to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding areas of Hogwarts Castle.

After all, if we lose Linn and Irina, two talented little wizards, it will definitely be a big loss to the magical world!

Irina hesitated for a moment and lied: "Well...Professor, we just went to discuss magic near the Forbidden Forest. We don't know what happened in the castle..."

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall was stunned. Going to discuss magic near the Forbidden Forest? !

What kind of magic needs to be discussed near the Forbidden Forest? !

What's more, in such a quiet and deserted place, he is still alone...

Thinking of this, even Professor McGonagall, who has always been serious, gave a meaningful look: "We are discussing magic... Don't leave the castle outside the prescribed time in the future. Even young people must know how to exercise restraint."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall left without deducting their academy points.

She is relatively tolerant of outstanding little wizards.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's leaving figure, Linn and Irina looked at each other.

Linn scratched his head: "Did Professor McGonagall misunderstood something..."

Irina seemed to have thought of something, her pretty face turned slightly red: "It seems so..."

The two walked towards the auditorium.

Since Sirius broke into Hogwarts Castle, the professors needed to search the entire castle to eliminate potential threats, so all the little wizards had to sleep in the Great Hall today.

Soon, Linn and Irina arrived in the auditorium.

At this time, the four long tables in the auditorium had been moved to the wall. Hundreds of soft purple sleeping bags were placed on the floor of the auditorium. Many little wizards had already gotten into the sleeping bags.

Linn and Irina separated. Linn walked towards the area where the little Slytherin wizard was, while Irina got into the sleeping bag next to Hermione and others.

The lights in the auditorium have been turned off, but the little wizards in the auditorium are still chattering. They have many thoughts about what happened today.

"Irina! Where have you been? Professor McGonagall has been looking for you."

Hermione exclaimed when she saw Irina arriving, and she quickly asked in a low voice.

Irina lied again and said, "Lynn and I were shopping for some things in Hogsmeade and lost track of time."

Hearing Irina's words, Hermione's tone suddenly became weird: "Buying something?! Why does it take so long to buy something that you haven't come back even after the Halloween dinner?! You are never absent! This kind of feast, can you say..."

Hermione's eyes also became strange.

Irina slapped her head and felt like crying.

Yes, I was misunderstood again.

Irina looked at Hermione who was looking at her with searching eyes, with the fire of gossip igniting in her eyes. She understood that even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she wouldn't be able to clean herself.

So, she simply closed her eyes and fell asleep without listening to Hermione's words in her ear.

However, not everyone in the hall had such a good sleep, especially after Sirius Black, the wanted criminal, broke into Hogwarts Castle.

Most of the little wizards fell asleep one after another around three o'clock in the morning, and some even stayed up all night until dawn. (End of chapter)

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