The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 195 Waiting for Sirius

After arriving at the meat shop, Irina bought one hundred kilograms of cattle and sheep brains each, and then she bought another hundred kilograms of hibiscus at the material store where Linn was going.

Turtles are also considered a type of magic material in a broad sense, and they are the Bowtruckle's favorite food. Therefore, many wizards who raise Bowtruckles choose to buy Turtles in material stores instead of pet stores.

After all, it is well known that a bottle of water in a pet store costs dozens of copper knuts.

One hundred kilograms of food is enough for the little curled-winged demon and Qingnu to eat for several months.

As for Xiaobao, Xiu Xiu is an omnivore. It can just eat the meals packed by Irina and does not need to buy additional food.

After buying food for the magical animals for Irina, Linn also bought a large amount of alchemy materials.

These alchemical materials are mainly used to refine special boxes that can carry Gubrai's fairy fire.

Yes, Lin En plans to make money by selling the Gubulai fairy fire he summoned!

Earning Galleons by refining alchemy products still requires the cost of materials and a long refining time, but summoning Gublai's Fairy Fire only consumes a little magic power for him who has a very high affinity for flames. The problem.

As a kind of eternal fire, Gubralite Fairy Fire has extremely high commercial value in the magical world. If Lin En wants to sell Gubralian Fairy Fire in batches, such a large number can carry Gubralian Fairy Fire. Containers are naturally very necessary.

At this time, some people have to ask, since the wizard himself can summon the Gublai Immortal Fire, why don't people summon the Gublai Immortal Fire themselves, but spend a lot of money to buy it? !

In fact, the number of wizards in the wizarding world who can summon Gubler's fairy fire is less than one percent of the wizards who can unleash the complete Patronus!

Even if those powerful wizards can summon the Gublai Fairy Fire, they must pay a price for summoning the Gubulai Fairy Fire, including the emotions and a large amount of magic power they inject into it. Those emotions injected into it will be completely integrated into Gublai. into the fairy fire and will not be returned to the wizard.

The reason why Linn was able to avoid these costs was ultimately due to his near-invincible affinity for flames.

Therefore, the Gubler Fairy Fire is still very rare in today's magical world.

In fact, as a descendant of a pure-blood family, Linn did not need so much money. But since he has established a plan to win over the majority and establish a very small number of enemies against Voldemort, he needs enough capital to win over those people. .

Even if you use the alchemy products you refine to bribe the other party, the alchemy materials still have a cost!

With the background of the Rohr family, there would be no problem just supplying Lin En and the people around him, but if they wanted to cultivate an army of wizards, it would be a bit stretched.

After all, the heritage of the Rolle family has been passed down from ancestors, and most of the subsequent generations of Rolle are just sitting on their hands. I am afraid that only every seven or eight generations will a capable Rolle appear who can help the Rolle family. Contribute.

After buying the alchemy materials, Irina suggested going to Mrs. Pudifu's teahouse for some coffee.

Lin En had no objection, and the two of them came to Mrs. Puddifu's Teahouse together.

They didn't seem to notice that the way they were holding each other naturally was no different from the lovers kissing passionately next to them.

After finding a seat in the corner and sitting down, Linn and Irina ordered a cup of cappuccino each as usual.

Soon, the coffee was served.

"Speaking of which, should we wait until the end of the school year and follow Harry and the others to see Sirius, or should we find him in advance and ask him to cooperate with our actions?"

Irina held her chin and said.

Lin En took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "Anything is fine, but I prefer to meet Sirius first, lest this inefficient lamp not only fail to cooperate, but secretly interfere with our actions."

In Linn's impression, Sirius Black, like Harry, was a reckless man who only knew how to rush forward without considering the consequences.

It would be fine if someone informed him of the pros and cons, but if Sirius's eyes darkened, it was really impossible to predict what the other party would do.

If Sirius accidentally broke open Linn's alchemy cage and let Peter Pettigrew escape, then Linn's plan set before the start of the school year might be in vain.

"Yeah, I think so too," Irina nodded in agreement, "But when should we find him and how should we find him?"

Hearing this, Lin En chuckled and said, "This is simple, just for today."

Irina's eyes widened when she heard Linn's words. She looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Lynn continued: "Don't forget, Sirius will break into the Gryffindor common room during the Halloween dinner, and today is Halloween! After Sirius escapes from Hogwarts Castle, he will most likely The route we have chosen is the secret passage from the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack, and what we have to do is wait and wait!"

"What do you mean?" Irina's eyes lit up, and she seemed to understand Linn's thoughts.

Lynn smiled and said: "We just need to stay in the Shrieking Shack one step ahead and wait for Sirius. Therefore, we won't go back to attend the Halloween dinner later. We will go directly to the Shrieking Shack to wait for him. That’s it.”

Irina's expression suddenly froze, and she said stiffly: "So, I can't have the Halloween dinner?!"

Linn nodded regretfully, then looked at her jokingly: "That's right!"

"Oh my God!" Irina lay on the table between the two of them, feeling helpless.

After deciding on the action plan, Linn and Irina were not in a hurry to go back.

After drinking the coffee in his hand, Linn ordered some snacks and a cup of tea, and enjoyed them with Irina leisurely.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened, and the little wizards in Hogsmeade Village also headed towards Hogwarts Castle together. They did not want to miss the annual Halloween dinner.

After a while, Linn stood up and waved to Irina.

"Come on, it's time to go to the Shrieking Shack."

Lynn said.

Irina quickly put down the empty cup in her hand, stood up and followed Linn's footsteps.

Linn's pace was fast, and in less than ten minutes, the two of them had arrived at the Shrieking Shack.

Walking into the Screaming Shack, Linn and Irina discovered traces of other people's lives here. Obviously, the person living in the Screaming Shack was the kid who escaped from Azkaban Prison. Sirius Black.

After scanning around and confirming that there was no one else in the screaming shack, Linn slowly exhaled a breath.

It seems that they did not arrive too late.

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