The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 190 Running in both directions

The waiting time for a storm to come can last for weeks, months or even years. During this period, the crystal vial must remain completely undisturbed and out of contact with the sun, because sunlight pollution will cause the most disastrous consequences. mutation.

In addition, when the wizard continues to chant the spell repeatedly at sunrise and sunset, he will encounter a moment when the tip of the wand touches the chest and feels a second heartbeat.

This second heartbeat may be stronger or weaker than the original heartbeat, depending on the Animagus form the wizard is about to transform into.

When the second heartbeat occurs, there is no need to worry or panic, everything must remain as usual.

The mantra must be recited the correct number of times without missing a beat.

And when the storm comes and lightning pierces the sky, the wizard must immediately go to the place where he buried the crystal vial.

If the wizard completes all the above steps correctly, he will find a mouthful of blood-red potion in the crystal vial.

In this case, the wizard must immediately leave for a large and safe place to ensure that the transformation process does not attract attention or put his own body in danger.

Finally, the wizard needs to point the tip of his wand to his heart for the last time, recite the incantation he previously recited at sunrise and sunset, and then drink the potion.

If all goes well, the wizard will feel intense pain and two intense heartbeats, and the creature he is about to transform into will appear in his mind.

In this case, the wizard must show no fear, after all, it is already too late to escape his proper transformation.

The first transformation is often quite uncomfortable and frightening, with the wizard's clothes and items such as glasses or jewelry merging into the skin, turning into hair, scales, or claws.

However, don't resist and don't panic, otherwise the animal's head may take over and drive you to do stupid things, or even completely replace your soul.

After successfully transforming into an Animagus, if you want to return to human form, you must imagine your human form as clearly as possible and complete the transformation.

This is what was recorded in Linn's notebook.

Perhaps, the method of becoming an Animagus recorded in Linn's notebook is just that, it can't be said to be that difficult.

After all, the three unforgivable spells that can affect the wizard's soul and cause the wizard to fall into the abyss have all been learned by Lin En and Irina, and what does the Animagus that does not affect the wizard's soul count? !

But in fact, the uncertainty that exists when learning Animagus is the biggest reason why wizards fail to practice Animagus, and it is also the reason why there are so few Animagus in the wizarding world.

Just like the step of letting the crystal vial absorb the moonlight, if the clouds come over that night, then the wizard will have to find a new mandrake leaf and start over.

Moreover, the cycle of practicing Animagus is very long. If you are lucky, it may only be a few days, but if you are unlucky, it can be extended to several years.

During such a long practice period, it is extremely possible for a wizard to make mistakes accidentally, resulting in all previous efforts being wasted.

"How about it, do you want to come with me?"

Linn reached out to Irina.

Irina did not hesitate, she held Lin En's hand and smiled sweetly: "Of course, this is not difficult for us, is it?"

Perhaps, Animagus is an extremely difficult thing for those wizards who know nothing about it. After all, just waiting for the storm to arrive, in a place like the UK where there is not much rainy season, is likely to be far away. No deadline.

But Lynn and Irina are different. They have foresight of the original plot and know that there will be a violent storm on the eve of the first Quidditch match after Halloween.

Now there are only more than two months left before the storm, and it will take a month for them to hold a single mandrake leaf in their mouths. Therefore, they really need to chant the spell and wait every day. It took only more than a month for the storm to come.

In such a short period of time, the chances of them making a mistake are extremely slim.

After getting Irina's answer, Linn smiled sincerely.

Linn took out two golden leaves and put one of them in his mouth.

He held the leaf in his mouth and said with some slurred speech: "This is the alchemy tool I refined. We can use it to simulate a single mandrake leaf in advance. When we get used to holding the leaf in our mouth, we can Once we got back to normal life, we started practicing with single leaves of real mandrake!”

With that said, Linn handed another golden leaf to Irina and motioned for her to take it in her mouth.

Irina nodded, she took the golden leaf and put it in her mouth.

To be honest, when they first held the golden leaves in their mouths, the foreign body sensation in their mouths made it almost impossible for them to communicate normally.

But as time went by, Linn and Irina gradually adapted to the feeling of golden leaves in the air, and were able to speak normally.

Soon, four days passed.

And this day is Irina's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Professor Lupine followed the same pattern and took the third-year Gryffindors and Slytherins to the staff lounge, and picked up the troublesome Peeves along the way.

After teaching everyone how to deal with Boggarts, Professor Lupine asked Neville to be the first to try.

Subsequently, the legendary famous scene appeared again!

Following the "funny" curse that Neville almost screamed out, the Boggart who originally took the form of Professor Snape suddenly changed.

I saw "Professor Snape" start to stagger, and his big bat-like black wizard robe turned into a lace embroidered skirt. He wore a tall witch hat on his head, and there was something in his hand. Carrying a big red handbag.

This is exactly "Professor Snape" who looks like an old woman!

Seeing this scene, Irina almost without hesitation took out a camera of the same model as Lynn's from her pocket, and pressed the shutter on the old lady version of "Professor Snape" in front of Neville.

The movements of the two are almost carved from the same mold.

After Neville, Professor Lupine asked the little wizards to come up one by one to try to deal with the Boggart.

Soon, it was Irina's turn.

After Irina stepped forward, the Boggart suddenly changed, and a black shadow fell to the ground.

Irina looked down, her whole body froze in place, she covered her mouth with her hand, her body was shaking slightly.

I saw the body of a boy lying on the ground. The boy had dark red hair that looked like highlights, but his dark red eyes looked empty and lifeless, and there were two dark blood stains on his neck. The hole seemed to have been pierced by the fangs of some kind of snake.

Obviously, the boy who fell to the ground was Linn, who was almost killed by the basilisk six months ago. However, in the Boggart's presentation of Irina's most fearful thing, the Linn transformed by the Boggart was... Has been bitten to death by a basilisk.

What Irina is afraid of is Linn's death!

Seeing this, Professor Lu Ping, who was not far away, looked a little complicated.

What this girl named Irina and Linn fear the most is the death of the other person. Obviously, this is not a one-way fear, but a two-way rush!

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