The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 As expected of his child

Feeling the approach of the two physical patron saints, the Dementor let out a shrill scream and quickly retreated with its cloak waving.

Lin En and Irina waved their wands again, and the silver wolf and silver fox pursued the dementor, and actually dispersed a lot of the black magic around the dementor.

Of course, there is more than one Dementor in this Hogwarts Express, but every time Lynn and Irina's patronus approaches a carriage, the Dementors in that carriage will act as if they have seen a ghost. Run away quickly, away from the Hogwarts Express.

In less than a minute, dozens of dementors were driven away from the Hogwarts Express by Lin and Irina.

Dozens of dementors were defeated by two underage wizards. This seemed incredible, but it was not surprising.

After all, when Harry was at the Black Lake at the end of his middle school year in the original book, the physical Patronus released by just one person was enough to drive away dozens of dementors, not to mention the level of magic and emotions injected by Lynn and Ian. Where's Lina? !

Endless silver-white light bloomed from the windows of each carriage, illuminating the fog outside the Hogwarts Express. Countless dementors fled the train crying and howling, as if they were evading sanction from the gods.

Outside the train, a dazzling silver light like daylight illuminated the entire small valley where the train was located. The silver-white light filled with countless happy emotions made the little wizards in the train involuntarily smile happily.

In the carriage, Professor Lupine looked at Linn and Irina in surprise.

After seeing his friend's child Harry fainted, he planned to cast the Patronus Charm to drive away the dementors, but before he could wave his wand, these two little wizards, who looked to be only in third or fourth grade, actually released a completely The Patronus Charm.

How could this not surprise him? !

You know, even among the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, there are only a handful of people who can cast the complete Patronus Curse!

"Did you learn your Patronus Charm at Hogwarts?"

Professor Lupine said with some difficulty that it was hard for him to imagine that the two little wizards in front of him could cast the Patronus Charm better than himself.

Linn shook his head and said, "No, my teacher taught me."

Irina said: "Lynn taught me."

Professor Luping's eyes swept back and forth between Lin En and Irina, and finally landed on Lin En: "This classmate, what is your name?"

Lynn replied simply: "Lynn Rohr, professor."

Hearing this, Professor Lu Ping suddenly realized.

Rolle, is he actually Hendry’s child? I didn’t expect to have grown so big and so good!

Professor Lu Ping looked at Lin En with admiration and asked, "Lynn, can you tell me who your teacher is?"

Lynn said: "My teacher is Wallison Green. You should have heard of the famous French alchemist who invented the forbidden magic stone."

Professor Lupine nodded slightly. He had naturally heard of Wallison Green, the famous French alchemist who invented the Forbidden Magic Stone.

Although the power of the Forbidden Magic Stone announced to the public is extremely low and can only slightly weaken the strength of wizards' magic power, Wallison Green's Forbidden Magic Stone was the first to pioneer the concept of "Forbidden Magic" in the magical world. .

If in the future, other alchemists develop a more powerful Forbidden Demon Stone that can completely block the magic of wizards, then as the first person to propose the concept of "Forbidden Demon", Wallison Green will become the "Forbidden Demon" The Grandmaster of Alchemy!

Just when Professor Lupine wanted to continue saying something, a groan came from not far away.

Harry groaned and woke up, with Ron and Hermione supporting his body.

"Eat some, it will help!"

Seeing that Harry was awake, Professor Lupine quickly came over. He broke off a large piece of chocolate and handed it to Harry.

Harry weakly took the chocolate and said thanks, "Thank you, Professor Lupin."

Harry finished the chocolate in small bites, his face turned a little rosy, and he stood up.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

Harry asked, confused.

Professor Lupine wanted to explain Harry's doubts, but Irina said it clearly before him: "Dementors, dementors from Azkaban! It is an evil man-made creature. The creature, the guardian of Azkaban Prison, is almost impossible to destroy, and the only thing that can restrain it is the Patronus Curse."

Harry became even more confused: "But why did the dementors from Azkaban come to our Hogwarts Express?!"

Linn put away the wand again and said with a sneer: "Why? There are only two possibilities for the Dementors to leave Azkaban. The first is that the Dementors rioted and escaped from the control of the Ministry of Magic; and the second is that the Dementors rioted and escaped from the control of the Ministry of Magic; They are some losers of the Ministry of Magic who, in order to capture the fugitive Sirius, stabilize the hearts and minds of the people and ignore the lives of us little wizards."

Everyone fell silent after hearing Linn's words.

Although Lin En did not say it explicitly, they all knew that there was only one final truth, and that was the latter of the two possibilities mentioned by Lin En.

"Senior Luo Er, is that the Ministry of Magic's loser you are talking about...?"

Harry asked with some difficulty.

It was unimaginable to him that the Minister of Magic, who had just helped protect him not long ago, would do such a hateful thing.

Linn sneered and said lightly: "Harry, you have to know that not everyone who is good to you is a good person! Yes, that loser who deserves to go to hell is the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge! In order to preserve his own popular support and support, he will specifically use the power of the Minister of Magic to fish you out. Naturally, in order to maintain his own popular support and support, he will let all of us die!"

Lin En's words silenced everyone, and Lin En's words left them unable to refute at all.

After all, the dementors' invasion of the train where the little wizard went to school happened right in front of them!

Professor Lupine also looked in the direction of Linn silently. He did not expect that Linn, just a fourth-year wizard, could see so clearly the intrigues of the Ministry of Magic.

You know, if Linn hadn't completely exposed Fudge's thoughts, Professor Lupin might have simply thought that the Ministry of Magic had failed to guard the Dementors, or that the Ministry of Magic had made a wrong choice. It has caused bad consequences without thinking deeper.

"As expected of Hendry's child."

Professor Luping murmured in a low voice, seeming to recall the time more than ten years ago.

Hendry Rolle was an extremely good wizard back then, otherwise he would not have been able to serve as the only undercover agent of the Order of the Phoenix, sneaking into Voldemort's side for so many years, and even developed into Voldemort's right-hand man for a time.

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