The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 153 Absolute control of flames, the all-swallowing fire

Haste makes waste. Linn did not start trying these black magics as soon as he learned them. Instead, after making all kinds of sufficient preparations, he came to an open space south of Rohr Castle the next day. in the venue.

As early as the year when Linn received the admission notice to Hogwarts, Linn planned to free up a training ground for magical combat in Rohr Manor. Therefore, in the past two or three years, The house elf Gale transplanted the original flowers, plants and trees in this area to other gardens, and built a field as big as the Quidditch pitch.

The floor here is marble, and it is surrounded by a two-meter-high guardrail made of metal.

At this time, Lin En stood in the center of the entire training ground, and on the ground in the four directions of him were placed a magic-forbidden scepter. These four magic-forbidden scepters were covered by a golden magic thread. Connected together, the other end of this golden magic thread is in Linn's hand.

Rolle Manor is Linn's home, and Linn will naturally not let his home be threatened.

If the fierce fire he releases goes out of control, he will immediately pull the golden thread and activate the power of the four magic-forbidden scepters to extinguish the fierce fire.

Lin En raised the wand in his hand slightly, and a red flame with black light flickering appeared in front of him. The flame seemed to be traced by ink, exuding a black curse.

In Lin En's perception, this ball of fierce fire seemed to have its own soul, ready to escape Lin En's control.

However, although this ball of fierce fire has its own consciousness, its consciousness is disordered and violent like a wild beast. Its only thought is to devour everything around it and turn everything into its own nutrients.

After sensing that this ball of fierce fire was trying to get out of his control, Lin En pressed down slightly on his wand, and a powerful force of control spread out instantly, completely controlling this ball of fierce fire.

"My flame affinity is effective against Li Huo, but Li Huo, who has independent consciousness, cannot still distinguish between friend and foe after being out of my control!"

Lin En looked solemnly at the Li Huo falling on the palm of his left hand.

This red and black fire burned in his palm, but it did not hurt Lin En at all.

This fierce fire seemed to be harmless in Lin En's hands, but Lin En understood that it was more dangerous than the Forbidden Demon Fire!

It is true that when Lin En separates his mental control over this ball of fierce fire, it can be completely controlled by him like other magical flames and become a docile servant.

But once Lin En's attention is distracted and he has no time to control this fierce fire, then it has a wild independent consciousness like a wild beast, and it will return to its original unruly nature, devouring everything around it without distinguishing between friend and foe. everything of!

"If it has spiritual intelligence, maybe I can control it better, but unfortunately, all it has is a sense of disorder."

Lynn sighed.

If Li Huo has his own spiritual intelligence, then he, who has a very high flame affinity, can rely on his own flame affinity to subdue Li Huo and make Li Huo his own forever.

But Fiendfire doesn't have intelligence, just a wisp of disordered consciousness is not enough for it to understand Lynn's thoughts, let alone obey Lynn's orders.

Facing Fiendfire, Lynn had no choice but to use his absolute control over the flames to forcibly control Fiendfire for his own use.

Of course, even so, Lynn's control over Fiendfire is unparalleled, even the Dark Lord Grindelwald.

Grindelwald controlled Fiendfire, relying on his own powerful magic power, using powerful magic power to forcibly control Fiendfire.

Although Linn's method is similar to it, Linn does not need to pay the price of those magic powers. His own affinity for flames gives him absolute control over flames.

"Let's get here first today."

Lin En looked at Fiendfire in his hand and murmured.

After successfully releasing this ball of fierce fire, a desire arose in Lin En's heart, making him want to convert all his magic power into fierce fire to see how powerful the fierce fire he exerted with all his strength could be. .

But before he took action, Lynn had a bad premonition, making him feel that if he really did this, something bad would happen.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If Lin En transforms every drop of the magic power in his body into fierce fire, then the fierce fire that is so huge may no longer be something that Lin En's soul strength can control.

At this time, someone may ask, since Lynn has absolute control over the flames, why is it that the soul is not strong enough to control it? !

In fact, the so-called soul strength here refers to Lin En's ability to sense the surrounding magic. It is like Lin En can easily control the rising or extinguishing of the fierce fire in front of him, but cannot control a wind-like fire hundreds of meters away. Flames flickering like candles.

That's because the flame has surpassed Lynn's perception range, so there is no trace of the flame in Lynn's magical vision.

In the same way, with Lin En's flame talent, if he converts all his magic power into fierce fire, then the fierce fire will be enough to cover most of Rohr Manor, and the radius of such a huge fierce fire alone will exceed Lin En's. range of soul perception.

In this way, the part of Fiercefire that went beyond the range would naturally escape from Lynn's control, devouring everything around it without restraint.

In the next half month, Lin En tried various techniques to use the fierce fire. He successfully transformed the fierce fire into the shapes of wild wolves, lions, eagles, cheetahs and other wild beasts. Fiendfire actually possessed the characteristics of these beasts.

For example, Li Huo, who is in the form of a wild wolf, has the ability to tear apart magic power with his flaming claws!

This discovery surprised Lynn.

If Li Huo in the form of a wild wolf is allowed to attack the wizard who has released the Iron Armor Curse, then Li Huo in the wild wolf form may be able to directly tear the Iron Armor Curse apart with a wave of his claws and swallow the magic power contained in the Iron Armor Curse into itself. of fuel.

Of course, in addition to the advantages of these beasts, some of the weaknesses of these beasts themselves will also be inherited by Li Huo.

For example, when Lin tried to condense the Ten Thousand Curses into a beam form to attack Li Huo in the form of a wild wolf, he found that the Ten Thousand Curses that hit the wolf's waist was often more powerful than the Ten Thousand Curses that hit the wolf's head. Curses make it easier to extinguish Fiendfire.

Obviously, this is the characteristic that Li Huo inherited from the wild wolf when he transformed into the wild wolf form.

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