The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 150 I’m so stupid, really, I only know

Chapter 150 I'm so stupid, really, I just know...

The day after the year-end dinner was the day when the little wizards took the Hogwarts Express back to King's Cross Station.

On this night of the year-end dinner, all the little wizards were packing their luggage, and Irina was no exception.

With the backpack gifted to her by Linn and cast on the Seamless Stretching Charm, it only took Irina ten minutes to sort out all the things she wanted to take home.

Then, she turned her attention to Hermione, who was still packing her things.

Ever since Lockhart's revelation, Hermione had been in a very low mood.

She never imagined that the idol she once admired the most was actually a charlatan who deceived the world and stole his reputation, and she defended this charlatan for nearly an entire school year!

Just as Irina had thought at the beginning of the school year, Lockhart's collapse of the house had made Hermione depressed.

These days, Hermione always felt like a bad guy who aided others and deserved to be punished.

Even in the final exam that just ended, Hermione was worried about this incident and did not perform well.

"Hermione, don't be unhappy and think of something happy. We are going home tomorrow, aren't we?"

Irina came over and comforted Hermione while helping her pack her things.

Hermione looked at her with red eyes: "I'm so stupid, really, I only knew that Lockhart was a famous wizard, but I didn't realize that he was actually a charlatan. Even Harry and Ron could see that Lockhart was a famous wizard." Something's wrong with Hart..."

Hearing this series of familiar quotes, Irina couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

Irina hugged Hermione's head and said in a helpless tone: "Please, you are Hermione! You shouldn't make yourself unhappy for so long because of a liar. People always make mistakes!"

After Irina used her tricks to coax the children, Hermione finally felt better.

This made Irina couldn't help but say in her heart, Hermione is obviously a teenager, but she is still a child!

The night passed quickly, and in the early morning of the next day, after everyone had a breakfast in the auditorium, they began to line up in an orderly manner to board the Hogwarts Express.

Before getting on the bus, all the little wizards received a notice from the Ministry of Magic just like last year, which required the little wizards not to perform magic outside the school, and there was still a trace attached to this notice.

Of course, most of these traces were left in the notice and were collected back. Only those first-year wizards who did not have traces in their wands would take the initiative to leave the traces in the notice they received. , attached to the little wizard's wand.

But Irina is an exception. She got a brand new wand during last summer vacation. Naturally, there was no trace in the wand. Therefore, the trace flew out again in the notice she received and attached to her ice crystal wood. on the wand.

"Bring it to you."

As soon as they boarded the Hogwarts Express, Lynn took Irina's ice-crystal wood wand from her hands.

The two found an empty carriage and sat down across from each other, and Lin placed the ice crystal wood wand on the table between them.

Lin En waved his wand, and golden threads condensed in the air, turning into special alchemical runes.

These special alchemical runes complement each other, and a thin golden thread connects them all together.

As the wand in Linn's hand pressed down slightly, the formed alchemy circle quickly fell down and was imprinted on the surface of the ice crystal wood wand.

Linn's lips and teeth moved slightly, and strange syllables came out of his mouth.

I saw a golden light flashing past, and the alchemy circle was submerged inside the ice crystal wood wand, no longer visible to outsiders.

"Okay, I've blocked the traces in the wand for you, and you can use magic as you like."

Linn said happily, and he put the ice crystal wood wand back into Irina's hand.

Irina waved her wand happily, and she could feel the magic that suddenly appeared like a shackle disappear when she received the notification.

Irina smiled slightly and said: "It's good to have a friend who knows alchemy!"

Just as the two started chatting, two red-haired figures walked into the car.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your date."

"But we have something we want to tell you!"

The sound of singing came from the door of the carriage. Linn and Irina looked over and found that the people coming were the Weasley twins.

"What a date? Let's just chat normally, okay?" Irina complained.

Linn looked at the two of them and asked with a chuckle: "Fred, George, have you read all the alchemy books I gave you last month?"

Hearing this, Fred and George suddenly looked bitter.

Fred complained: "When you gave it to us, you didn't tell me that you borrowed it from the restricted book area!"

"That's right, when we found the piece of paper in the book with the return date written on it, there was only one day left before returning the book. We were both dumbfounded!" George nodded vigorously.

Fred wailed, "Poor us, it took us all night."

George also wailed: "A lamp, a pen, a miracle!"

Seeing the two of them playing tricks here, Linn couldn't help laughing.

Lin En asked with a smile: "It seems that you copied them all. What do you say? Do you understand?"

Fred scratched his head and said, "I can understand it, but it's too difficult to practice. It actually requires us to do it without the wand."

The alchemy book that Lynn gave to the Weasley twins a month ago recorded the special technique of hiding the alchemy circle engraved on the surface of an object so that it can be submerged inside the object. This method is very simple and does not require a wand. ongoing.

However, corresponding to the ease of use is the difficulty of learning it.

Although Fred and George had chewed up the theory of this particular technique, they had never succeeded in putting it into practice.

After all, this method is similar to how wizards cast spells without a wand.

Even if Fred and George's magic power has reached the standard of wandless spellcasting, it is still very difficult for them to learn this special skill without corresponding experience.

On the other hand, Lin En learned this special technique after he first learned to cast without a wand, which allowed him to master this special technique almost after watching it once.

Lin En waved his hand and said, "So I suggested before that you practice casting without a wand first. Who told you not to listen?"

George cried: "Please, we can't even cast spells silently, how can we learn to cast spells without a wand?!"

Fred said: "We spent a year learning to cast spells silently, but casting spells without a wand was still too difficult. We tried for a long time but still had no clue, so we temporarily gave up on casting spells without a wand and turned around. Studying alchemy."

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