The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 145 How I wish time could freeze in one moment forever

Soon, Mrs. Padiff placed two cups of cappuccino on the table in front of Lynn and Irina respectively. The surface of the fragrant milk foam of the cappuccino was decorated with a heart pattern with cocoa powder. .

Irina held up the coffee cup as if to hide her embarrassment and took a small sip.

Looking at Irina who was drinking cappuccino with her head down, Linn's eyes became softer.

The warm sunshine shines through the window not far away, falling on the girl's long snow-white hair, and the girl's smart ice-blue eyes add to the warmth of this small teahouse.

"How I wish time could freeze in one moment forever..."

Linn murmured softly. He lowered his head and glanced at the cocoa powder with a heart pattern in the cup, and for a moment he couldn't bear to destroy it.

His dark red eyes, as weak as candlelight, seemed to become brighter at this moment.

"What are you talking about?" Irina didn't hear Linn's murmur clearly. She tilted her head cutely, "Why don't you drink? Could it be your cold jokes that made you unable to look directly at Capucci? Are you committed?"

Seeing this, Linn couldn't help but smile softly, stretched out his hand to ruffle Irina's hair, and then drank the cappuccino from the cup with satisfaction.

"Ouch, what are you doing?!" Irina exclaimed, quickly covering her hair and smoothing it back, "I'll get angry if you do this again!"

Linn said teasingly: "Irina, do you know which animal in the world is the quietest when angry?"

Hearing Lin's sudden question, Irina was a little confused. She shook her head honestly: "What? I don't know."

Linn spread his hands and said, "It's a gorilla!"

Irina was even more puzzled. She subconsciously touched her chin: "Why? You are not thinking about me, are you?"

Lin En made a gesture of hammering his chest with both fists, and then said seriously: "Because when the gorilla is angry, he will quietly (knock) his breasts!"


Irina's teeth chattered, and she felt that the clothes on her body were still too thin.

"You can kill me..."

Irina lay on the table again, looking helpless.

"Don't mind," Linn poked her head, "I'll give you a good thing!"

"What good thing?!" Irina immediately sat up straight and resurrected with full blood.

Linn took out a worn Potions textbook from his pocket and handed it to Irina.

"This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince..." Irina saw the words at the bottom of the back cover. She read it subconsciously, and then showed a look of surprise on her face, "It is Professor Snape's textbook when he was a student!"

Linn nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, I found this from the senior potions class last week. I have learned all the spells in it, so I will leave this book to you. It just so happens that you The Potions class is your weakness, you can use it to make up for your Potions knowledge!"

As early as last year's final exam, Linn noticed that Irina's grades in Potions class were not particularly good, just like he was not good at Herbology class.

Therefore, since he was able to get full marks in the Potions exam, he naturally decided to give this book to Irina, who was in greater need.

"Okay!" Irina's cute face was filled with a smile, "I will also help you with herbal medicine lessons in the future. I remember that your grades in herbal medicine class were not particularly satisfactory."

She received help from Lin En many times last year, so she subconsciously paid attention to Lin En's results when the final results were announced.

Lynn smiled and nodded.

Soon, the cappuccinos in the glasses for two were drained, and Linn stood up to pay the bill.

After leaving Mrs. Pudifu's Teahouse, Linn and Irina walked in the direction of the secret passage.

On the streets of Hogsmeade village, Linn and Irina held hands together involuntarily.

From a distance, their backs looked no different from the lovers in Hogsmeade.

When they returned to Hogwarts Castle, the sun was almost setting.

Irina said goodbye to Linn with a smile on her face and returned to the Gryffindor common room. Linn, after thinking about it for a while, walked towards the principal's office.

It has been two weeks since the basilisk incident, and he has not seen Dumbledore since he was discharged from the hospital.

Not long after, Linn arrived outside the principal's office.

Looking at the stone statue guarding the gate, Linn took out the long list from his pocket again, preparing to read it down one by one like last time.

However, before he could speak, the stone statue took the initiative to get out of the way.

"Lynn, what do you want from me?"

Lynn raised his head and saw Dumbledore looking at him on the steps leading to the principal's office with a kind smile.

Lin En nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Professor."

Dumbledore waved to Linn to follow him.

Lynn followed and walked down the spiral staircase into the principal's office with Dumbledore.

It was evening, and in the portraits on the wall of the principal's office, the principals of the past generations had not yet rested. They were looking curiously at Linn, the little wizard who came to the principal's office.

"any drinks?"

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a porcelain cup appeared in front of Linn.

Linn said softly: "Just warm water, Professor."

He hoped that the strong aroma of cappuccino could stay in his taste buds for a longer time, rather than letting other drinks affect its taste.

Dumbledore tapped his wand on Lynn's porcelain cup, and the steaming water filled the porcelain cup.

Linn sat down in front of the principal's desk. He saw that the Sorting Hat that he had abandoned in the Slytherin Chamber was now lying safely on the table, and the silver sword inlaid with rubies was also placed on it. The other side of the table.

"After you told me about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, I went there myself and brought them back."

Noticing Lynn's gaze, Dumbledore said with a smile.

Linn nodded, and then a question came to his mind, and he asked: "By the way, Professor, does it mean that whether you can pull out the Holy Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat is not about pulling out the Holy Sword of Gryffindor?" Does it depend on who the swordsman is, but on the wishes of the Sorting Hat?”

Dumbledore shook his head slightly and said: "No, Lynn, the Sorting Hat is the hat of Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was inspired by Gryffindor. Constrained by the rules, even if the Sorting Hat wants to, it will never allow anyone other than the real Gryffindor to pull out the Gryffindor sword!"

Lynn was a little confused: "But, I just threatened the Sorting Hat with flames that day, and successfully pulled out the Holy Sword of Gryffindor! Professor, I am obviously a Slytherin..."

Before Linn could finish speaking, Dumbledore interrupted him with a smile: "If you can draw Gryffindor's sword, that means you are a real Gryffindor, or in other words, you are drawing the sword. At that moment, I had the wonderful qualities of a Gryffindor."

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