The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 136 Really? But I don't think so!

Irina obediently agreed, and took out the double-sided mirror again.

Different from the previous two times, this time the "hissing" snake sound emitted by the double-sided mirror was longer, and the strange hissing sound echoed in the square, making the surrounding environment seem more gloomy.

And if these "hissing" snake words are translated into human language, the meaning is: Speak to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the four giants of Hogwarts.

When Harry's voice stopped in the double-sided mirror, the huge Slytherin statue also moved, and the mouth on Slytherin's face opened wider and wider, finally forming a A huge gaping hole.

Lin En and Irina keenly noticed that something was moving in the mouth of the Slytherin statue, and a rustling sound came, as if something was sliding upward from the depths of the statue.

Linn waved his wand, and ten alchemical circles were charged in an instant, while Irina raised her wand and prepared for any monsters that might exist in the Slytherin statue.

Soon, a huge object fell out of Slytherin's mouth, and when it landed on the ground, the whole small square was shocked.

The behemoth that appeared was naturally the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. This basilisk seemed to be more than ten meters long, and the diameter of its huge snake body was probably larger than Lynn's height. It had a pair of yellow light bulbs. Staring at Linn and Irina.

While looking at the basilisk, Lynn and Irina felt a huge force coming, as if they wanted to kill them in an instant.

However, the alchemy contact lenses worn by the two released soft energy at the same time, blocking the weird power of the basilisk so that these powers could not harm them.

"Do it!"

Lin En let out a low cry, and as he waved his wand in his hand, ten alchemy circles shot golden light beams all over the sky towards the basilisk at the same time.

With the power of the magic stone, each alchemical array can emit more than thirty golden beams in one second. When these ten alchemical arrays are operating at the same time, they can shoot at the basilisk every second. The number of golden beams has reached more than three hundred!


Countless golden beams of light hit the basilisk's body in an instant, bursting out countless sparks. The snake scales of this basilisk are very hard. Not only does it have extremely high magic resistance, but even physical damage can hardly break its defense. .

Every golden light beam falling on the basilisk can only leave a white mark on the surface of its body, but cannot cause more damage.

You know, such a golden beam could directly blow the head of a giant monster that also had good magic resistance!

However, although a single golden beam cannot break through the basilisk's defense, the cumulative effect is that the more than 300 golden beams bombarding the basilisk per second can still continuously wear away the basilisk's snake scales.

Drops of water can penetrate stone, let alone a golden beam of light that already possesses considerable lethality? !

When Lin En manipulated these alchemical circles to attack the basilisk, in order to maximize the efficiency of penetrating the snake scales, he basically targeted the same part of the basilisk.

In less than three minutes, a bloodstain appeared on the basilisk's body, and the dense golden beams tore apart its defense one after another, causing trauma to its body!


Feeling the pain radiating from his body, the basilisk roared angrily and pounced in the direction of the two of them.

"Spread out!" Irina shouted softly and rolled to the right, avoiding the basilisk's attack.

Lin En had already reacted the moment the basilisk moved. The moment he dodged to the left, he also shot a crushing spell at the basilisk's wound.

Irina on the other side also raised her wand to fight back, casting a silent freezing spell at the basilisk.

It's a pity that the basilisk's magic resistance is too high, which makes Irina's freezing spell directly immune to it.

The two men kept retreating, pulling at the basilisk around the stone pillars in the small square, and the basilisk kept chasing the two, opening its mouth wide and trying to bite them.

"Split into pieces!"

Seeing the basilisk opening its huge mouth, Irina cast a cutting spell without hesitation.

A gray ray of light shot out of the sky, penetrated into the roof of the basilisk's mouth, and tore the basilisk's flesh and blood. Countless smelly blood flowed down the basilisk's fangs.

The inside of the basilisk's mouth is not protected by snake scales, which allows Irina's magic spell to smoothly cut through the basilisk's flesh when it hits the upper jaw of the basilisk.

Every creature has its weaknesses, and the same is true for the Basilisk. It has extremely high magic resistance and physical resistance on the surface of its body, but its body is very fragile. Otherwise, Harry would not have been able to stab the Basilisk to death with a single sword in the original book. Kill the basilisk, even if the weapon in Harry's hand is the Holy Sword of Gryffindor.

After Irina's spell injured the basilisk, Linn glanced at Irina thoughtfully, and then waved the wand gently.

The ten alchemy formations simultaneously changed their attack directions. They no longer attacked the basilisk's previous wounds, but fired towards the basilisk's two yellow eyes.

Lin En and Irina both wore alchemical contact lenses that were immune to the basilisk's death magic and petrification magic. This made the basilisk's eyes no longer a threat to the two of them, so Lin En did not target them when he attacked just now. Through the eyes of the basilisk.

But now, after discovering that attacking from the inside of the basilisk's body can achieve miraculous results, the basilisk's eyes have become Linn's best target.

After all, the most vulnerable part of the basilisk is not only its mouth, but also its eye sockets!

Linn can cause more damage to the basilisk through its eye sockets!

In just one breath, the two yellow eyeballs of the basilisk were exploded by Lynn's alchemy circle. The eye sockets that originally had a pair of light bulb-like eyeballs now became hollow, and a large amount of black blood flowed from the basilisk's eyes. The eye sockets flowed out, staining the ground with a layer of black-red blood.

The basilisk seemed to have been seriously injured. It neighed, its entire body twisted and struggled continuously, and a large amount of black blood flowed out along with the basilisk's struggle.

"It seems that we can kill this beast even without using our trump card."

Seeing that the basilisk gradually lost its ability to resist, Lin En removed five of the alchemy circles and said calmly.

Irina also showed a smile. The basilisk was hit hard and they seemed to be in sight of victory.

"Really? But I don't think so."

But just when they were feeling happy, a chilling voice sounded from behind them.

Lin En and Irina turned around suddenly, showing vigilant expressions.

I saw a little witch wearing a Gryffindor wizard robe walking slowly from the entrance of the square. She had a weird smile on her face and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. What really made Lynn and Irina wary was The diary in her arms!

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