The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Let me know, Kangkang, are you growing normally?

You agreed to raise it together, but you let it go to school by itself? !

Lin En knew that he was wrong, but he didn't refute.

After returning to Hogwarts Castle, Lynn started her own alchemy experiment in the dormitory, while Irina found Harry and Ron to learn about Hogwarts Castle during the three or four days she was away. Things that happened.

From Harry's mouth, Irina learned that on Christmas Day, they used the polyjuice potion brewed by Hermione to sneak into the Slytherin common room to trick Malfoy.

Hermione, on the other hand, turned into a cat-eared girl because she accidentally took a compound decoction with cat hair added, and was admitted to the school hospital.

After learning about this, Irina immediately ran to the school hospital to visit her best friend, but the crazily raised corners of her mouth made Harry and Ron feel a little shuddering.

When they arrived at the school hospital, taking advantage of Madam Pomfrey's absence, Irina lifted the curtain beside Hermione's bed and hid in.

"Ah...Irina, why are you back?"

Finding that her curtain had been lifted, Hermione screamed subconsciously and hid under the quilt. Only after seeing that the person who came was Irina, she poked her head out and asked doubtfully.

Irina smiled and said, "I'm coming back early to accompany you, aren't you happy! Well, it's so cute, let me touch it!"

As Irina said that, she climbed onto Hermione's bed, squeezing the cat ears growing on Hermione's head with both hands, and rubbing her cheek against Hermione's furry little face.

After Irina's set of actions, Hermione blushed all over, and she tried hard to push Irina away who was pressing on her.

"Ouch, what are you doing, Irina?!"

Hermione glared at Irina, finding herself unable to break free.

Irina said with a smile: "Don't mind, Hermione, come on, let me know if your development is normal..."

Just when Irina was planning to make the next move, the curtain next to the hospital bed was opened again, and standing at the curtain was Madam Pomfrey with a serious face.

"Get out, Miss Lovell, the patient needs to rest!"

Madam Pomfrey roared and drove Irina out of the school hospital.

Irina, who originally wanted to have a good time with the cat-eared girl Hermione, had to leave the school hospital in dejection. Although she was a little unconvinced, she also understood that Madam Pomfrey was right, and she had to help Hermione. Rest time to help Hermione recover.

More than a week has passed and the Christmas holiday is over.

And the little wizards who went home for Christmas are also returning to school one after another.

One day after school started, Irina, Harry and Ron went to the school hospital again to visit Hermione.

After leaving the school hospital, Irina and others heard Filch's roar coming from upstairs.

"It's Filch!" Harry whispered. He took the lead, running up the stairs in two steps at a time, hiding behind the corner and listening.

Ron said nervously: "Do you think someone will be attacked by a basilisk again?!"

Irina on the side shook her head and said: "It's impossible. If another attack really happens, then Filch shouldn't have that angry tone, but should be afraid."

Soon, the voice came again.

"Damn ghosts, they're causing me trouble again! I've been mopping the floor all night, as if I didn't do enough work! No, this is really unbearable, I'm going to find Dumbledore... …”

The sound of Filch's footsteps gradually faded away, and the three of them heard a violent door slamming in the distance.

The three of Irina poked their heads out from around the corner, where Mrs. Norris had been attacked before.

I saw a large pool of water covering half of the corridor. It seemed that the water was still seeping out from under the crack of the bathroom door where Moaning Myrtle was.

Now that Filch was no longer roaring, Irina could hear Myrtle's cries echoing off the walls of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with her?" Ron asked doubtfully.

Harry thought for a while and said, "Let's go over and take a look."

So, the three of them lifted their robes up to their ankles, waded through the raging water, and walked into the bathroom where Weeping Myrtle was.

Moaning Myrtle cried louder and shriller than before, and she seemed to be hiding in the toilet bowl where she usually hid.

After seeing Moaning Myrtle, Harry asked, "What's the matter, Myrtle?"

"Who are you?" Myrtle asked in a gurgling voice sadly, "Are you going to hit me with something again?"

Harry asked in confusion: "Why should I hit you with something?"

"Don't ask me," Myrtle shouted and emerged, spurting out a larger stream of water, splashing on the already soaked floor, "I'm staying here well, thinking about myself. Question, someone thought it would be funny to throw a book at me..."

Hearing the words of Moaning Myrtle, Irina, who had been silent, seemed to think of something. Her heart moved, she cheered up, and looked at Moaning Myrtle.

"Even if someone throws something at you, it won't hurt you." Harry analyzed, "I mean, that thing can go right through you, right?"

Hearing Harry's words, Myrtle swelled up angrily, and she screamed: "Let everyone hit Myrtle with books, because she can't feel it at all! If you hit her in the stomach with books, Ten points! If it hits her head, fifty points! Great, hahaha! What a cute game, but I don’t think so!"

Irina pulled Harry behind her, looked at the crying Myrtle, and asked seriously: "Myrtle, did you see the name of the little wizard who threw the book on you? Maybe I can help You punish that person!”

Irina recalled that in the original plot, Harry seemed to have picked up Voldemort's Horcrux diary here. Could it be that the book thrown on Moaning Myrtle was that diary? !

More than ten years have passed, even Irina can only remember the outline of the plot, and she is not particularly clear about the specific timeline in the plot.

"I don't know ... I was sitting on the toilet seat, thinking about death, and the book just fell off my head."

Hearing Irina's words, the weeping Myrtle calmed down at last, and she spoke in a weeping voice.

Irina continued to ask: "So, where is that book now?"

Weeping Myrtle pointed to the bottom of the pool, and said, "There it is, all soaked in water."

Irina quickly looked under the sink and saw a small, thin book lying on the ground.

The tattered black cover of the book, like everything in the bathroom, was completely soaked.

Seeing Harry wanting to pick up the book, Irina stopped him, and then picked up the book herself.

Irina smoothed the book methodically, and then opened the first page of the book.

Sure enough, on the first page of the notebook, Irina saw the name written in blurry ink: Riddle...ah, it's T.M. Riddle.

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