The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 113 A little secret between lovers? !

Irina hesitated for a long time and finally agreed.

Regardless of whether this pair of alchemical glasses is effective or not, it is beneficial to Colin. If the alchemical glasses can be effective, it will be the best. But even if it cannot be effective, Colin will at most be petrified by the basilisk like in the original work. , and it cannot cause worse results.

"Okay," Irina carefully put away the alchemy glasses, "I will give them to Colin."

Lin En said with a smile: "That's right, this experiment is for a greater benefit. If it can succeed, then you and I don't need to worry about the basilisk's death magic and petrification magic. "

Hearing this, Irina couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and said: "Don't follow Grindelwald's words. Tests are just tests. What greater interests are there..."

Linn smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, after the Quidditch game is over, should we get involved in Dobby's affairs? Although Dobby is doing it for Harry's good, for now, it will only add chaos to us."

Irina said.

Although she liked house elves quite a bit and got to know many of the house elves from Hogwarts in the Hogwarts kitchen, Dobby's presence was likely to cause things to go in an unfavorable direction. , Irina is relatively rational in matters of right and wrong.

Lin thought for a while and asked, "Are you going to stop Lockhart from treating Harry's arm? After all, Harry is your friend."

Given the severity of Harry's broken arm, if Lockhart hadn't cast the wrong spell and removed Harry's bones, there would have been no need for Harry to be hospitalized in the school hospital.

And if Harry had not been hospitalized in the school hospital, then Dobby might not have appeared as in the original book.

Irina hesitated for a moment and said: "It's better not to stop it. If Dobby's matter cannot be solved at once, it will probably cause more trouble later..."

After learning of Irina's choice, Linn smiled and said: "In that case, I have to trouble you to do me one more favor, that is, when Lockhart casts a spell on Harry, use the one I gave you. The video recording function of the double-sided mirror records the images and sounds and sends them to my double-sided mirror.”

Hearing this, Irina immediately understood Linn's intention. Her eyes lit up and she said, "Do you want to learn the wrong spell that Lockhart cast?"

Lin En nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, this kind of bone extraction spell is of great practical value. Think about it, if you can extract the arm bone of the arm holding the wand on the other side during a battle, then the bone extraction spell on the other side will be Why are you fighting?!"

Irina strongly agreed with his statement.

"Speaking of which, do you have any magic that can restrict Dobby? After all, the house elves' disapparation and even Hogwarts' anti-disapparation spell can't restrict it."

Irina said worriedly.

If there is no way to restrain Dobby, then even if Dobby is tied up by Wuhuada, the other party can escape directly with a snap of his fingers.

Linn chuckled and said: "It's very simple, use the house elf to defeat the house elf! Come out, Gale!"

As he spoke, Linn snapped his fingers.


With an explosion of air, Gale, the house elf of the Rohr family, appeared next to Linn.

Gale, who was wearing a clean blue and white pillowcase, looked much more refined than other house elves. Gale saluted Linn and Irina respectively and said: "Good evening, respected young master and beautiful lady! "

Seeing Gale's appearance, Irina was a little surprised: "Lynn, is this your house elf?"

Linn nodded and said: "As early as the beginning of the semester, I ordered Gale to sneak into Hogwarts Castle. After we control Dobby, I will let Gale tie him to Rohr Manor. If nothing else, at least this semester Dobby will stop trying to get in our way."

"Of course, after kidnapping Dobby, Gale has to return to Rohr Manor. After all, my mother still needs Gale to take care of her!"

Lynn said with a smile.

Irina glanced at Gale with some envy, and then said: "Okay, then we will ambush in the school hospital together. When Dobby appears, we will take action together, control it and hand it over to Gale."

After discussing the plan for the day of the Quidditch match, Linn asked Gale to go back, and the two left the abandoned classroom one after another.

After returning to the Gryffindor common room, Irina immediately approached Colin Creevey.

"Colin, can I ask you to do me a favor?" Irina stopped Colin.

Seeing Irina greeting him, Colin was a little excited: "Ah, it's you, the Valkyrie Irina who defeated the mysterious man's remnant soul last year! It's my honor to help you!"

Hearing Colin's exaggerated words, Irina felt a little ashamed.

What kind of Valkyrie? What kind of bastard is giving herself random nicknames?

Irina was furious.

However, she didn't know that the bastard who gave her random nicknames was far away and right in front of her.

Irina forced a smile on her face, took out Linn's alchemy glasses, and said, "Colin, when the Quidditch game is held on the weekend, can I trouble you to wear it the whole time and not take it off no matter what? This is A special kind of magic glasses that can prevent some bad magic."

Colin took the alchemy glasses and was a little confused: "Yes, yes, but why me?"

Irina said nonsense: "Because I saw you often take pictures of my friend Harry, you must like him very much, so I think you can take on this great responsibility."

Colin was confused. He thought about it over and over, but he didn't think that there was any necessary connection between his liking for Harry and being able to take on this important responsibility.

Before Colin could say anything, Irina continued to fool around: "If you can do what I just said, then at the end of the day, how about I give you ten autographed photos of Harry?"

Hearing this, Colin's eyes lit up and he said, "You told me earlier! Wear these glasses the whole time and don't take them off, right? No problem, leave this matter to me!"

Colin was very happy and ran away holding the alchemy glasses Irina gave him.

Seeing this, Irina scratched her head.

If I had known that Harry's autographed photo could make Colin obey, I wouldn't have spent so much time talking...

After explaining Colin's affairs, Irina walked towards Harry and others.

"What did Senior Rohr tell you?" Hermione looked at Irina curiously.

Irina shook her head, winked at her mysteriously, and said, "Keep it secret!"

Hermione quietly came over, put her lips next to Irina's ear, and whispered: "What, is this a little secret between you two lovers?!"

Hermione blew a stream of hot air on Irina's earlobe, tickling her, and upon hearing Hermione's words, Irina's pretty face suddenly turned red.

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