The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 106 Stealing Treasure Sniff

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

While Lynn was selecting the alchemy materials, Irina had already quickly selected the snacks she wanted, and came to the Honeydukes counter to pay.

There is no way, Irina's funds are limited, and she cannot choose too many delicacies.

After paying the bill and walking out of Honeydukes, Irina happily hummed and walked towards the agreed meeting place.

But on her way back, the young girl crawled out of her backpack and tugged at Irina's sleeve.

"What's the matter, young lady?"

Irina looked at the young girl standing on her shoulder suspiciously.

The young girl looked very anxious, she pointed to Irina's pocket, and then pointed behind Irina.

I saw that Irina's pocket was turned out at some point, and behind Irina was a frantically fleeing Niffler with a sack in its mouth.

"Damn it! My Silver Sickle!"

Irina became anxious immediately. In the sack was the sixteen silver Sickles that she gave as change when paying the bill!

After thinking about how many chocolates sixteen silver coins might buy, Irina immediately chased after the Nixiu that stole her money. Make your own mark, so that Lynn won't be in a hurry because he can't find her.

But Irina is a second-year girl after all, and her physical strength is not as good as that of an adult wizard. In addition, that Nixiu can run faster than her on four legs, so the distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger, even if Irene It didn't help that Na cast acceleration magic on herself.

Just when Irina thought she would not be able to catch up with that snuffer, that snuffer ran towards a dead end after turning a corner.

Irina was overjoyed and hurried to catch up.

However, when Irina came to the corner of the dead end, the voice from inside stopped her.

Irina cautiously peeked inside.

I saw four masked wizards sitting there in the dead end, and after that Xixiu came in front of the four wizards, he took the initiative to put down the money bag in his mouth.

"Brother, what you said before is really true, training a sniff can really bring us a steady stream of wealth!"

"Yeah, when we used to make money in Knockturn Alley, we still had to worry about being caught by Aurors, but now it's impossible for Aurors to catch a sniff, right?!"

"Aurors don't care about Sniff at all, that's the business of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Fantastic Beasts!"

"Sir, don't be ridiculous, just those group of wine bags and rice bags from the Department of Management and Control of Fantastic Beasts, will they take care of our affairs?"


Listening to the words of the four wizards, Irina suddenly felt a little confused.

Obviously, those four wizards were the dark wizards of Knockturn Alley, and that Niffler was the magical animal they bred to steal money in Hogsmeade village instead.

This is... Thief Treasure Sniff? !

Irina couldn't believe it.

She knew that many wizards would choose to keep a Niffler, for example, Mr. Newt Scamander had a Niffler partner, but she never expected that someone would go this way and use Niffler as a tool for theft .

Good guy, this... is really a TM professional counterpart!

However, let's not talk about the right and wrong actions of these four black wizards, but what they said really makes sense!

As far as the Ministry of Magic is concerned, the Auror Office might still be useful, but isn't the Department for the Regulation and Control of Fantastic Creatures pure rubbish? !

"But anyway, this is not the reason for you to steal my money!"

When she thought that the money she had worked so hard to save had been stolen by the treasure thief, Irina became angry. She immediately stood up and cast a silent freezing spell at a black wizard.

Before making the move, Irina estimated the combat strength between herself and the opponent, and after thinking that she could cast spells silently and without a staff, but the opponent was just a group of ordinary dark wizards, Irina felt that I had the advantage.

The four black wizards didn't expect Irina's existence at all, and Irina's freezing spell without warning hit one of the black wizards, freezing him into an ice sculpture.

"Damn, I was discovered! The fourth child is cursed!"

"What are you afraid of? It's just a little witch. It looks like she slipped out of Hogwarts Castle!"

The remaining three black wizards immediately launched a counterattack towards Irina. They were able to sneak out of Knockturn Alley and come out unharmed. Naturally, these few black wizards were not vegetarians, and threw black magic in Irina's direction.

Irina struggled to dodge the spells of the three black wizards, and she regretted why she didn't ask Lynn about the casting skills of the Iron Armor Curse last night.

If there was an iron armor spell, she would be able to withstand the attacks of these three dark wizards and subdue them one by one.

"Falling unconscious! Weapons of destruction! Torn into pieces!"

Irina shook her wand and used the skills Linn taught her to cast three spells in succession, hitting the three dark wizards respectively.

And the young girl on Irina's shoulder also took advantage of the three black wizards not paying attention, and quietly jumped off Irina, touching behind the three black wizards from the side.

"This is the little witch in the second and third grade?!"

Seeing Irina's superb spell-casting skills, the dark wizard known as Lao San opened his eyes wide with disbelief.

Seeing that Irina's coma spell was about to hit the third child, the leading dark wizard quickly cast an iron armor spell, blocking all of Irina's magic.

Seeing this, Irina's face darkened.

This feeling that the other party knows the Iron Armor Curse but I don't is really uncomfortable!

Helpless, Irina could only shoot left and right, casting a silent and wand-freezing spell in her left hand, while her right hand holding the wand cast a silent freezing spell.

In the case of fighting more with less, only Irina's best freezing spell can give her a greater chance of winning.

Irina's new wand is made of ice crystal wood and dragon heartstrings. It already has extremely high ice element affinity and powerful magic power. Coupled with Irina's own ice element affinity, from her wand The power of the freezing spell released can be said to be geometrically multiplied.

More than a dozen freezing spells struck the dark wizard's armor spell in succession, finally shattering it, while the remaining freezing spells froze the dark wizard known as the Third Brother into an ice sculpture.

At the same time, Qingnv also walked around behind the two dark wizards. Qingnv jumped on Lao Er's body, and her hands as hard as tree branches tightly clamped the legs of the dark wizard known as Lao Er. .


The dark wizard suddenly screamed in pain, his right hand softened, and the wand in his hand fell to the ground.

It is taboo for wizards to lose their wands in battle. Irina took advantage of the moment his wand fell and cut off his right arm with a cutting spell!

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