The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2336: Mouth is not clean [six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Some people's mouths are not clean, and as soon as they come up, they come to Fan Huadong with sarcasm.

A few words also scolded his family.

Although Fan Huadong had a good temper, he could not stand it.

At the moment, when his face sank suddenly, he yelled at the man in sportswear in front of him: "I will pay your mother's money. You haven't driven in a long time. You almost hit me. I haven't gotten a photo Open your mouth to make up for you. "

The son was terrified by his loud voice, and could not make a sound for a while.

But some people are too lively and not very good, so some people coaxed: "Is the fat pig head flat?" Don't look at him so terrible. In fact, like him so fat, it must be a sandbag. How about everyone beating him together. "

"Yes, if you look at the boy and get upset, beat him together."

"Well, if this son wants to take a lesson, then let's come together. You have to beat him so much that he doesn't even know him."

"Coughing, I really look forward to it. The fat pig's head is already very fat. If you take another punch, what will it look like?"

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone, just do it."

More than ten Super League personnel rely on a large number of people, there will be no laws, only to see men jump up, plan to fight Fan Huadong and Pan Chenqun again.

On the other hand, these women took out their mobile phones and prepared videotapes or live broadcasts.

Seeing a dozen people threatening to get together, Fan Huadong did not panic at all. He was calm and said leisurely: "Humph!" A group of wine bags, can so many people win? You may wish to tell you that I started in the six-year-old elementary school and entered Qiming Martial Arts School every winter and summer vacation to practice for a while. Now I am actually a hidden martial arts master. It's no problem to hit you alone. "

At this time, a person jumped very close, punching Fan Huadong's nose straight.

Fan Huadong raised the corner of his mouth, sneered, and attacked directly with his fist.

Then, with just one click, the man was knocked down by Fan Huadong for a few steps, wobbled, and finally fell.

Then, a man's arm sweated with a broken pain, but he was also very stiff, biting his teeth without saying a word.

Others stunned when they saw it.

However, the arrow is on the line and must be fired, so they must rush up together and plan to kill the old master.

At this time, only to see Fan Huadong also began to use it, after his violent roar, he took the initiative to attack like a tiger.

This two-handed dance, a fierce fight, blocked invincibility.

Between a few breaths, a dozen people fell to the ground one by one, rolling in pain, and howling.

Of course, Fan Huadong is not bragging. He does have real skills.

Even Pan Chen saw it, as if he knew the boss for the first time. He was surprised by his bravery gesture and thought to himself: "Oh, I can't believe this boss Fan really hid it."

Fan Huadong stood proudly there, looked around and said, "Who else disagrees?" Hurry up and hit me with two punches. "

The man rolling on the ground seemed to be deaf, and howled a little louder.

Fan Huadong saw it and was very funny. He thought about it and shouted: "A pile of garbage, don't pretend to be dead, get out of me, otherwise each of you will have one foot on your butt, so you can't sit for three days."

As soon as this sentence came out, several male friends quickly stood up and fled back into the car between them.

And those who photographed beautiful women were also afraid of losing color and quickly caught up with sports cars.

Then the car's engine starts.

In an instant, he walked away. Currently, Zhang Chengbiao is driving his car, spending more than $ 6 million, and has just appeared. In the distance, he saw Fan Huadong's big hair, and knocked down a large group of people between three, five, and two. The brave nearly deceived him, daring to approach the past, but stopped at three kilometers away.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

So he picked up his phone, the screen lighted up automatically, glanced at it, and saw a small video sent by a person whose head was a beautiful woman in the Super League chat group.

After watching this video, Zhang Chengbiao's face became very bad, yelling to go to hell.

Because he did not expect Fan Huadong, a freshman named Fan Huadong, to play so well, a dozen people were knocked down by one person.

More importantly, he found Pan Chen standing there in the video.

At first, he thought he was looking at his eyes.

As a result, I read it several times.

In the end, he was sure that that person must be Pan Chen.

Seeing Pan Chen alive, he was really confused.

He thought again, thinking that the people in the auditorium must have killed the wrong person.

So, he forwarded this small video to the recipients of hundreds of scenes, and issued another voice, asking what happened?

At that time, the pick-up person reported to her leader, Master Shady in a room in the summer.

The two were talking, and suddenly the lovely recipient's cell phone rang, so she took the phone out.

So she saw that little video.

Therefore, the shady son also saw the little video.

The dark curtain looked at it, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "Has the first flying dragon in Haibei City appeared?" Well, my son's pursuit of electricity seems to have not been in war for a long time, almost dusty. Anyway, I will play with you tonight and let the boy named Pan Chen die in a car accident. "

"Xiao Ming, don't be stunned. Do you think I am good at the boss?"

"Oh boss, I can't believe you are a hidden martial arts master, strong."

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Ming, I am a low-key person. Don't tell others that I will practice martial arts, especially the two big mouths in the dormitory. You should not tell them."

"Boss, I understand. I won't tell them."

"Okay, so many people racing here will definitely attract the attention of the traffic police. Let's get on the car and go home."

As a result, the two returned to Dragon.

Then, as soon as the engine started, the exhaust pipe roared and the car rushed out.

On that side, Zhang Chengbiao saw the other party and started the car.

However, Fan Huadong's bravery made him feel scared. On the other hand, he was worried that seeing his Pan Chen changed his mind tonight, and was always inexplicably upset.

Therefore, he dare not accelerate the chase, but at a constant speed.

The dragon roared, blowing the wind to the extreme.

After a few minutes, Fan Huadong reduced the speed of the brakes and planned to go out on the next ramp.

However, suddenly, after the dragon, I saw a black overtaking approaching very quickly.

Because of the speed, people can't see any brand of overtaking, just think it is black lightning.

Moreover, those who practice martial arts are also alert. When Fan Huadong saw him, he found it intuitively. ..

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