The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2327: The magical tree [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"By the way, I don't know if this game is aggressive, so everyone should be careful."

After speaking a few words there, the seven people continued to fly towards the magical tree.

Soon they came under the tree.

At this time, under nearly opposite conditions, they look too small, like a drop of water in the ocean.

The "Moonlight Family" on the tree is more than ten times larger than them.

I saw some moonlight nesting on the tree, flying around, some chasing, some playing, some picking a white fruit on the moon for me to eat.

As for the arrival of Pan Chen and others, those people in the moonlight have already noticed, but this is like ignoring the general and ignoring them.

"Oh, in the eyes of these people in the moonlight, we are just a few ants, which have not caused their interest."

Zhao Tianlei has some self-deprecating ways.

King Jin smiled slightly and said, "How are you doing?" The old man worried that they would be angry and crushed us with one foot. "

Pan Chen said: "Yes, I have felt that these moonlight people have a terrible power in their bodies, even if the ordinary holy king is difficult to clean them up.

Yan Ziyu said in surprise: "It is not easy for even the sacred king to take care of them?" Too fierce. "

Princess Lanxi said at this time: "In other words, is the white fruit on the tree the legendary fruit of desire?"

Pan Chen said: "I think maybe not."

Princess Lanxi said, "Can't it?" Why do you say that? "

Pan Chen said: "Because, I can feel that some white fruits contain a kind of vigorous power, but it doesn't seem so magical. I think there is a golden fruit at the top of the tree. . "

Li Xueer interjected, "Huh?" Boss, you saw a golden fruit on the top of the tree. Why can't we see it? "

Pan Chen said: "Golden fruits are scattered with strange energy fluctuations, distorting the surrounding time and space, which is invisible to the naked eye."

Li Xi, oh, said: "So, what do you think, boss?"

Pan Chen said: "It was scanned with intelligence."

Li Xi'er said: "So, our primordial spirit is still so bad, he can't scan at all."

Princess Lanxi said: "Boss Pan, is this just a golden fruit?"

Pan Chen said: "Yes, only one has been found so far."

Princess Lanxi murmured, "There is only one, how can I distribute it?"

Pan Chen smiled and said: "Lanxi, before the wild geese hit, will you consider steaming or burning red?" Would it be a matter of urgency? In addition, in fact, this is not a difficult problem. If the fruit of desire can really help people realize their wishes, then as long as you make a wish, all people killed by the blood demon will be resurrected. "

Princess Lanxi smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, this seems to be right."

Pan Chen said: "Okay, let's not worry about this problem." The question now is, which golden fruit is obviously a baby under the moonlight, if we take it away, it will definitely be blocked, so we must find ways to not Get it carefully. "

When others think, they cannot think of any good way.

King Jinfan said: "Pang Gong, where is the golden fruit? We can't see it, we have to get it from you."

Pan Chen murmured for a while, and said, "Well, you enter my space ring first, then I quietly approached to see if you could get it."

"Boss, I have to rely on you."

Others can't think of a good way and can only listen to Pan Chen's arrangement.

At present, Pan Chen has swallowed the other six into the underworld.

Then, as soon as he shook his body, he turned into a stream of data and quietly flew towards the golden fruit.

The sacred moon tree is so high that mortals will never climb to the top of the mountain in their lifetime. Even if the average person is flying in the air, it takes days and nights to get there.

But for Pan Chen, this is just an instant problem.

In terms of speed, in this world, if Pan Chen ranked second, I am afraid no one would dare to rank first.

Yes, no one can match the speed of Pan Chen, Pan Chen has no holes in the flying hermit.

If he is allowed to practice an unlimited step, then even if it can be called the first person in all worlds.

However, the unlimited steps are not so easy to practice.

But Pan Chen knew he would be able to practice himself in the future.

Because he saw his future and knew that his future strength was terrible.

At an unrestricted pace of 10%, it is said that not only can they jump out of these three boundaries, but they can also shuttle between the past and the future at will.

Pan Chen flew up and down in the shape of the data stream without causing any fluctuations, and some families in the moonlight couldn't find him at all.

Soon, he approached the golden fruit.

He was also not good at doing this, but stopped there and looked at it first.

Upon closer inspection, he found that the golden fruit exudes wonderful energy fluctuations, forming a very strange boundary, wrapped around himself, so that ordinary external forces cannot invade it.

Pan Chen quickly calculated that he felt that general methods could not destroy the results of this level.

If you use nine swords to open against the sky and a nine swords disillusioned by heart, it is possible to break them.

That's it. The noise is too loud. I'm afraid it will attract the attention of some moonlight people. Well, there will be a lot of trouble.

Suddenly, he remembered what he would say, saying that the hook of the moon is a tool for obtaining the fruits of desire.

It seems that the moon's hook can easily penetrate that layer of boundary.

Thinking of this, Pan Chen realized it and stood up calmly.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to shoot, but looked around and found that some people in the moonlight were far away, just a good time, so he acted decisively.

Suddenly, he found his true appearance, revealing the hook of the moon, pointing at the stem of the golden fruit, and cutting it off.

Sure enough, the hook of the moon can ignore the existence of this boundary and immediately cut off the stem.

The golden fruit fell.

However, Pan Chen suddenly reached out a hand and grabbed the golden fruit in his hand.

At this time, some Moonlight tribes noticed that they stared one after another, and happened to see Pan Chen holding Jin Guo.

Now, they flapped their wings one by one and flew towards Pan Chen quickly.

When Pan Chen saw it, he didn't dare to carelessly and quickly put Jin Guo into the underworld.

Then, once the graphics jitter, it will become a data stream and will soon leave.

Soon, he was away from the sacred moon tree.

However, it is strange that some people in the moonlight chased him behind him.

They seem to be able to find his data stream.

However, Pan Chen speculated that this might be because of Jin Guo.

Maybe the golden fruit has a strange smell, even if it is put into the underground world, it cannot be completely isolated.

Those moonlight clan followed him with that special smell.

After flying for a long time at a high speed, Pan Chen found that he could not lose some Moonlight tribes, thinking that it was impossible to continue like this. Now, he didn't run away at all. He stopped suddenly and found his true stage. He planned to fight the people in the moonlight, so he could see what they could do?

I saw that when Pan Chen had just appeared, the Moonlight family waved a large hand directly, grabbed it and walked towards Pan Chen. ..

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