The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2323: Strange Blade [Six Million Word Net Wang Wen, Please Kill]

Chapter 2323 Strange Blade Six Million Words Net Wang Wen, Begging to Kill

As for Pan Chen, his expression was the same as usual. He smiled and shattered the cold snow with the nine-type sky knife.

Once the secret method is promoted, it becomes the supreme sword of divine power.

After half a circle in the air, he flew to the strange blade of the enemy.

At the next moment, two huge pieces of energy were cut together, splashing a brilliant Mars.

At first, he separated, flying around in the air, drawing a beautiful arc and flying towards each other.

Next, the two sides were seriously entangled in a ball and could not be separated.

The faster the two sides fight, the more interaction they will have in the blink of an eye.

On the surface, the two sides seem to be different, and no one can take any action on this.

But bright eyes can see that the trajectory of the huge blade of sword tooth king changing energy is getting slower and slower and has some unsustainable appearance.

Pan Chen changed the highest sword, the more brave the battle, the more fierce the war.

In the rise and fall of one after another, Pan Chen must have won the final victory.

After dozens of confrontations, I found that the strange blade exchanged by the sword king could not continue after all, as soon as it was cut by Pan Chen, it exploded into a ball of black and gold elves.

However, soon after, the black golden elf twisted for a while and became a young man.

At this time, Pan Chen also changed his original appearance. He delved into the sword tooth king and said: "Sword tooth king, it seems that you are not my opponent." After a pause, he said: "Now, I will give you two Choose. First, leave here, go back to where you came from, and go back to rescue; second, if you do n’t believe, you have to die or die, then I can do it. "So, which one do you choose? "

The sword tooth king has an unpleasant way: "Boy, you are just better than the king, do you want to kill the king?" I am afraid it is not so easy. "

Pan Chen said, "Really?" So you mean you want to die. "

Jianya Wang said: "There is a way to hear that dying overnight, it is difficult to find an opponent in life, today, no matter what, the king will die with you to the end."

Pan Chen said: "Yes, I also find it difficult to ask for an opponent in life, so I plan to let you go back to work hard and talk about it." However, if I don't come up with a real way out, let you hang up some Color, you won't walk away from difficulties, do you? "

Jianya Wang said, "Boy, do you have any tricks yet?" Then shake it out and let me see. "

Pan Chen said: "As you like, as you like."

At the end of a sentence, he directly urged this move to swallow the sky and kill the sky.

Suddenly the body exploded and became the front of countless swallowing heavens and earth, and suddenly formed a swallowing heaven and earth, wrapped around the sword tooth king.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration, every action, all kinds of killing methods come out, fairy needles, life vines, deep ice, purification of light, etc., a round of baptism, the sword tooth king can not bear, the result is several Skin, a spirit of a soul, is consumed by more than 90% of the world.

After ten breaths, all the visions disappeared, and Pan Chen returned to his original state, standing empty.

But Sword Tooth King became a skinny, unlucky man, fell to the ground, breathing very weakly, half dead.

Without Pan Chen ’s feelings, and without deep hatred towards him, he would have died long ago, if he had left his half of his life.

Pan Chen walked out, then came to the side of Jianya Wang, looked at him deeply, and said, "How is King Jiangya?" Next, do you want to leave here, or do you want to take you to see Master Yan . "

At this time, the sword teeth king's confidence was completely crushed. He had some difficulties to look up to Pan Chen. There was a deep fear in his eyes, shaking and saying, "More." Thank you for not killing me. The king is leaving. "

When he spoke, he struggled to get up and escaped.

If he dare not slow down, if Pan Chen changes his mind, he will die.

As a result, he escaped as quickly as possible, with irritability and panic.

Pan Chen looked at his back, silently, did not take the next step, really let him go.

"Boss Pan, did you really let him go?"

Princess Lanxi suddenly spoke.

Pan Chen said leisurely: "Yes, let him go. It doesn't make any sense to kill him anyway." Why don't you let him go to sea? Maybe he would encourage one or two masters to come to trouble me. In this case, when someone practices, life will not be so boring, will it? "

Princess Lanxi was stunned and said, "Oh." Okay. In any case, no matter how many evil kings come, it is just looking for abuse. "

Pan Chen smiled and said: "You must also pay close attention to practice, and try to enter the kingdom of the king before the door of the Holy Moon opens."

Li Xier said: "In a little more than half a year, if we are all asked to step into the king's kingdom, there will be some difficulties, but we will do our best."

Next, after chatting there for a while, people returned to their secret room to practice.

Time hastily passed.

In a flash, months passed.

By then, it was only a month before August 15.

In other words, within a month, the mysterious Moon Gate will appear.

During this period, Pan Chen and others conducted arduous training on Longjian Island.

After some hard work, all of us have improved our strength.

However, it is regrettable that the situation of Li Xi'er and other three women has not improved.

And the sun can't help being trapped in the monster's land, and can no longer be the real devil.

During this time, Longjian Island was calm, and no police siren dared to approach.

As for Pan Chen's expectations, this sword tooth king can instigate one or two demon kings to find someone to abuse, but nothing.

On this day, Pan Chen and others stopped practicing and walked out of the secret room one by one and gathered in front of the hall.

King Jin glanced at the others and said, "Everyone, there is still a month before the Moon Gate appears. Its location is a bit far from here, so I suggest we leave now, do you think?"

Princess Lanxi said, "Are you going to leave here today?" Giggle, great. I don't want to stay here anyway. I want to leave for a long time. "

Others did not object, one after another, listening to the arrangements of the Golden King.

So, this afternoon, a group of seven people sat behind Yunlong's airship, and then under the guidance of the King of Gold Noodles, drove towards the sea where the Moon Gate appeared.

The airship swims leisurely and gallops in the huge waves. ..

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