The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2316: Phobia king? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

King Jin said: "You, did you really defeat the phobia king with a knife?"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Oh, did you not see it just now?" Don't you believe your eyes. "

The King of Gold said, "This. Oh, I can't believe you are so good."

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "As long as an intermediate devil, a knife is enough." In fact, I tell you that the nine-death trenches became a person, at the level of the semi-emperor, not the last in my hands. "

"What?" King Jin was surprised when he heard it. "You mean you cleaned nine dead trenches?"

Pan Chen said lightly: "Yes, the nine Dead Trenches suddenly became humanoid and wanted to eat me. As a result, I was defeated and swallowed in one bite."

"This" King Jin was speechless for a while. I don't know what to say.

At this moment, Princess Lanxi suddenly said, "Boss Pan, did you really swallow the terrible nine-death trench?"

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "Is there any fake?" It's no use lying to you, is it? "

Princess Lanxi was shocked and said, "Well, that's right."

At this time, King Jin returned to God and suddenly said: "Pan Gongzi, if you are so good, the old man would like to ask you to do me a favor, I don't know if I can?"

Pan Chen said: "Older generation, you don't have to be so polite." Well, what are you doing? Why don't you tell me. "

King Jin murmured for a while and said, "I want you to help me kill a dead enemy."

Pan Chen asked: "What's his name?"

King Jin replied, "The King of Dragon Swords."

Pan Chen asked: "What is the body?"

King Jin replied: "Sword Dragon Beast, the strength is a little higher than me, it is the Seven Demon Kings."

Pan Chen couldn't help but ask: "I'm a little curious, why are you killing him?" It should be noted that in a person's life, if there is no strong enemy, then life will become very boring, or even boring. "

King Jin said sternly: "Because I have no resentment with him."

Pan Chen asked again: "What kind of hostility is irreparable?"

King Jin said: "Revenge for your wife."

Pan Chen said: "Oh, I understand. Well, then I will help you to scrap him and leave it to you."

The King of Golden Faces thanked him, "Mr. Pan, then thank you."

Pan Chen asked: "You're welcome, when are you leaving?"

The Golden King mumbled for a moment and said, "After half a month."

Pan Chenqi said: "Why choose after half a month?"

Golden Face King said: "Half a month later, it will be his 9,000-year-old birthday. He will definitely have a feast for celebration. I hope his birthday is a dead end."

Pan Chen, oh, said: "Okay."

Time is like running water, never going back.

In an instant, more than twenty days passed.

During this time, Pan Chen and the others did not go anywhere, so they stayed in Jingui Island to practice as soon as possible.

On that day, early in the morning, Wang Jintang came to the place where Pan Chen practiced, and then respectfully told him that he planned to go to Dragon Sword Island, where Dragon Sword King was today.

Pan Chen answered no questions.

Therefore, on this day, a group of seven people flew to Longjian Island thousands of miles away.

In addition, King Jin is quite famous in this sea area. He led the way, except for a few small sirens to die, no monster dared to approach.

Therefore, this road has to fly, but it is also very smooth.

After a while, they successfully boarded the sky over Longjian Island.

"Wow! What a big island, it's so wide, it's comparable to a county on the continent of the Holy King."

Zhao Tianlei sighed.

Yes, the Longjian Island below them is really big, shaped like a blue dragon, covered with blue flowers and trees, full of vitality.

"Wow! What a grand hall."

Princess Lanxi sighed.

Even Lanxi Princess, who was born in the Imperial City and saw many magnificent buildings, marveled at this.

It can be seen how magnificent and elegant the main hall on the island is.

Yes, the magnificent hall, a hundred feet high, is very stylish, but the style is a bit rugged.

At this time, I can only see a lot of people walking in and out of the hall, quite lively.

King Jin glanced and said with a smile: "Oh, we just arrived, the Dragon Sword King's party just started."

Pan Chen said: "Let's go and congratulate him."

Zhao Tianlei and others responded to this.

As a result, these five people fell directly in front of the hall.

At the door, there are two monster-level fish monsters guarding there. They seemed to recognize the golden king. When they saw the golden king appear, they also brought a few suspicious humanoid monsters. The expression on their faces did not change, and some people became nervous.

One of the fish monsters opened his mouth and said, "Golden Face King, how dare you come?"

The goldfish king said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, this time, this king led some friends to congratulate him, quickly notify him, and then ask him to come out to see him.

Another fish said contemptuously: "Golden King, you are the loser of our king, you have a face to come to the party." Give me out. "

King Jin frowned and said coldly: "Little fish, you are too boring. This King must give you a lesson he will never forget."

Finally, he patted it straight, patted it with a fierce hand, and patted the fish monster with a bad tone.

His hands seemed unhappy and slow.

It seems that it is not difficult to avoid.

But in fact, when he patted his hand, an indescribable machine was locked on the other party, preventing the other party from moving.


The fish monster wanted to hide, but found that he couldn't move at all, but couldn't help but panic.

As a result, in the second minute, when the goldfish king's palm was printed on the fish monster, the fish monster was startled and flew into the door.

Another fish monster was startled when it saw it.

King Jin took back his palm and said, "You, come in quickly and let me know, otherwise, this is also the end."

The remaining fish monsters ran into the door in fear, without saying a word.

After a while, I only heard brisk footsteps.

Soon, I saw a 9-foot-tall man with a beard leading a large group of police sirens, and they were arranged very large.

No need to rap. The man with a thick beard is the owner of this place-the King of Dragon Swords, a king of seven robberies, and his body is full of terrible breath.

As soon as he appeared, he glanced at the Golden King and others, and said with a smile: "Golden King, I heard my people report that you brought six Demon Kings to trouble, but at that time you were afraid Where do I get so many king-level helpers, there is only one person now, there are only six people, this time, the king can rest assured, "..


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