The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2302: Dumbfounded [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

"Ah? It turns out that some meals are really made with thin air?"

He couldn't help but stunned.

At this time, I saw that the little girl had gone out.

So he quickly followed.

In addition, after Pan Chen followed the little girl, he saw the others in the room open the door and walked out together.

After these people went out, they walked directly to the glass pagoda in the middle of the wooden house, which looked like a puppet and turned a blind eye to Pan Chen who was not far away.

"Huh? When you wake up, you become a wooden man?"

"There is a strange thing"

Pan Chen had some ideas, and now he feels that these people turn a blind eye to him, so he doesn't have to do so much propaganda.

So he returned to the throne of Yuanshen.

Then, stand up and follow directly.

I came to the door of the glass tower and looked inside. I saw some people sitting on the ground religiously, their hands tied together, and worshiping the throne of the goddess Poseidon.

When you see this scene, Pan Chen will know that the owner of this maritime country may be the so-called Ms. Poseidon.

At the same time, he wanted to know the purpose of this so-called "Mrs. Poseidon".

Is it to gather the power of all beings to practice?

Or should we gather the spiritual power of all beings to practice a secret method?

But one thing is certain, that is, at that time he already knew who the enemy was.

Next, all he had to do was find Mrs. Poseidon ’s real body and defeat her so that all problems could be solved.

Although his mana was blocked by the strange power, it can be inferred that the power of Mrs. Poseidon could not be under him.

But he was not completely discouraged.

Because, he knows very well that he still has a card to restrain each other, that is to know the mysterious gate of the sword in the sea.

That strange force tried to invade his knowledge of the ocean and then control his thoughts.

But once I met the gate of the sword, it was engulfed, and I could do nothing.

Therefore, he speculates that the so-called Primordial Lady Poseidon is not necessarily deeper than herself. If you can lead it into your sea, you can knock it down with the sword's gate.

"By the way, those people worship the Poseidon's throne. In their minds, their throne is more important than anything else. What will happen if I break that throne?"

"Will this provocation cause Mrs. Poseidon to attack me?"

"Okay, take a risk and see what happens."

At this time, Pan Chenang strode into the door stride.


At the same time, he coughed on purpose to attract the attention of these people.

But unfortunately, he failed.

Because those people are very attentive, deaf to his voice, and still sit there worshipping religiously.

"Ah? Ignore my existence?"

"Well, then I will break that throne to see if you are still indifferent?"

At this moment, he came from one side.

Soon, he came to the shrine.

Turned around and glanced at some people, the voice said: "Hello!" Did some of you wake up? "

His voice was too loud and his ears were buzzing.

However, it still does not work.

Those people really think he is a ball of air.

"Oh! What a waste of my face."

"Come on, you can't do it with one mouth, so just do it."

After murmuring two words, he reached for the throne. Oh.

However, as soon as his finger touched the throne, it was instinctively sucked back as if electrocuted.

"Ah? This throne is really strange."

"I am too careless."

"Well, since I can't touch it directly with my body, I will find a stick or something to smash it."

I looked around, but there was nothing to use as a weapon.

"Forget it, if it isn't. Okay, I'll go straight through this temple."

So he decided to open the temple first.

He did n’t know if the temple was weird, so he tried to touch it with one finger.

When he was sure everything was ok, he pushed it out with a slap.

He immediately pushed down the shrine and shattered it with a bang.

The temple was broken and the throne fell to the ground. They suddenly woke up and stood up one by one.

At the same time, his eyes rubbed Pan Chen.

The eyes of the original atheist suddenly burst into anger.

"Courageous lunatics, dare not respect Mrs. Poseidon? There is no amnesty for murder!"

Immediately, a killing cry began to rise to the sky, which was very shocking.

However, I saw that although people shouted loudly, they still stayed where they were and rushed out without starting.

Pan Chen saw him and felt that these people were very strong.

But he was wrong.


Suddenly, I saw the bodies of those people explode together, turning into a blood mist and mixing together.

Then, the rapid contraction and change of the blood mist quickly turned into a huge blood knife, fierce and terrible.

"No, poke horse honeycomb."

"I'm leaving!"

If it is normal, Pan Chen will definitely ignore the scary looking sword.

But now, his mana is forbidden and does not work, but he has no confidence to fight.

Now, since we can't fight, we have to avoid it.

So, using the power of Yuanshen, he hurriedly changed a pair of invisible wings, flew out suddenly, and flew towards the door.

However, in a hurry, although he was fast, he could not keep up with the speed of the blood knife.

As a result, the next time, when the blood knife hit his back, a loud noise immediately flew out of the sky.

After a cut, the blood knife broke.

Yes, Pan Chen was just startled, the blood didn't spit out.

The spirit of the fusion of more than 20 people was transformed from the blood knife and was shattered.


Because Pan Chen ’s true dharma body is at least the sacred warrior class of the heavenly dynasty. Although he was imprisoned by the strange force into an invisible net, he could not be changed, but its essence has not changed and it is still very difficult.

Heavenly sacred warrior, unparalleled tenacity, the quality of the **** knife is at best the level of a low-level paladin.

Therefore, it kills people in Pan Chen's body, just like touching stones with eggs. Of course, there is no good ending, and it is directly broken.

However, this effect was too great, Pan Chen was shocked.

"Am I okay?"


Pan Chen quickly stood up and checked his body. Except for the faint pain in the part of the knife, there was no wound, and there was naturally bleeding.

Currently, he knows that his physical health is in good condition, and his perseverance has not been destroyed.

In this way, his confidence in defeating the enemy was restored a little. ..


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