The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2287: Where do you come from evil? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

In the air, Pan Chen and Fahaiduo said, "Where does evil come from?"

Faha, on the other hand, said, "Where are you?"

"Where do you come from evil?"

"I ask you, where did you come from?"

"I am a monk"

"I am also a monk."

In fact, Pan Chen certainly knew Fahai's identity and said so deliberately.

But Fahey didn't know Pan Chen's identity, and he was a little panicked. The monk in front of him did not seem to change from a fairy to a fairy. Fahey said, "You evil demon, tell me your name."

Pan Chen said: "You demon, you still tell me, what is your name?"

"you go first"

"My name is Fahai, Temple."

"My name is Pan Chen, from the temple."

"Pan Chen?"

"France and the sea?"

The two of them spoke to each other.

At this time, Li Xing lowered his head and wanted to smile: "Master, you are really interesting."

Of course, after the two people smiled at each other, Pan Chen finally said, "Do you know why I am here?"

"Do you know why I came here?"

"I'm here to catch that Nie Xiaoqian, he's a fairy."

"Then I tell you, on this mountain, there is a goblin, he is called a scorpion elf, and I caught this goblin."

The two met.

Unexpectedly, these two people came across, they are really fairies, admiration, admiration, Pan Chen said: "Ha, then Nie Xiaoqian has been hacked to death by me in advance?"

You know, in the White Snake biography, they tried to kill White Snake a lot of mistakes, but failed, such as White Snake, much like the fairy Nie Xiaoqian, so at this time, Fahai will inevitably think a lot.


Since then, the fairy Nie Xiaoqian hasn't been able to achieve her goal for so long. It's hard to say, it's up to you, so I believe you will kill someone greedily.

The French Sea does not believe it.

He said, "No, you know, my kung fu."

"what are you doing?"

Pan Chen believes that Fahai is a three-legged kung fu. At this time, Pan Chen smiled and said: "Don't you think you are good at kung fu?"

"that is not true."

"what is that?"

"I can tell you that I have a few treasures in my hand, but it is not easy to catch the ghost, it is difficult to say, you took her to justice so easily, I don't believe it."


Fa Hai felt that Pan Chen was protecting Nie Xiaoqian and asked Pan Chen to hand over Nie Xiaoqian. Pan Chen said: "You are crazy."

"You are crazy"


However, whether it is crazy or not, in Pan Chen's view, this is very inappropriate. He cannot fight France and the sea. It is bad for him to kill France and the sea.

Yes, there is no benefit. This is absolutely correct. Why should we kill the French Sea?

Therefore, Pan Chen needs to see how capable France is now. Pan Chen said: "Are you going to duel with me?"

Pan Chen's indifferent tone, with a little doubt, is good.

Fahey said: "I don't want to fight you, but if necessary, I will fight you."

Pan Chenjia said with a smile: "Come on, since we want to duel, then we have a duel to see who is more powerful. Come on, do you go first, or should I come first?"

"But I want to ask, did you really hide it in Nie Xiaoqian's words?"

Fa Hai only wanted to do this to Nie Xiaoqing, but he didn't want to do this to Pan Chen, so now he wanted to ask clearly, but Pan Chen said, "What does it matter?"

"Of course there is, and the relationship is still very big. If you know Nie Xiaoqian, he is an underground ghost. It is difficult to say, wild ghost, son, ah, between the world, should I not get rid of her?

If it seems.

Nie Xiaoqian's words seem to be different from the general.

What Nie Xiaoqian said. Now the French sea is annoying enough, even annoying, so the French sea is now trying to get rid of Nie Xiaoqian.

Of course.

There is only one reason for Pan Chen to kill Nie Xiaoqian, and that is to get active service coins.

The French Sea seems to be really a man who has great faith in God.

"So, Fa Hai, I also know that you are thinking why Nie Xiaoqian, but there is no such thing, but then I can tell you, how did I cut her off, but you need to promise me a condition?"

Pan Chen believes that in the world of white snakes, there must be many goblins. You know, even white snakes go to white snakes, indicating that there are really many goblins in this world.

Pan Chen and Fachedo said: "If I can prove that Nie Xiaoqian was killed by me, one of the things you need to assure me is." How about taking me to the "White Snake Biography". "

The other party does not know what to say.

I don't know what to say.

Because, I ’m afraid it ’s not good, is it? The other party said, "Why are you going to our world?"

Pan Chen said: "Then I want to ask you, why are you coming to our world again?"

"I want to catch Nie Xiaoqian, a female ghost."

"Well, I did this to fight the goblin."

In this way, Pan Chen and Fahai's ideas seem to be highly unified, one is to catch Nie Xiaoqian, and the other is to catch ghosts.

Fahey believes that in the world of white snakes, many evil things have been born. With his ability, he could not kill all the goblins in the white snake. If yes, why not call another helper?

If you have one more helper, you have one more power.

Fahai nodded and said, "Yes."

So Pan Chen exchanged a project in this system, that is, he can see the bronze mirror of the past.

But the price is too expensive.

Pan Chen said to Fahai: "Please wait a moment."

So Pan Chen went to the system exchange, Pan Chen clicked:

"Bronze Mirror of Life and Death in the Past"

"Does the owner really need to exchange this bronze mirror?"

Pan Chen believes that fighting against France and killing is much more expensive than exchanging this mirror. Although Pan Chen looked at the price of the mirror, he decided to say: "Change it."

"Yes, please wait."

The system displays various price data:

Baby's name: Bronze mirror of past life and death.

"Belongs: Spirit Mirror"

Function: This is a very good mirror. First of all, it can be seen through and can also see the future. Of course, the function of the future is in the hands of lower people, and naturally cannot be displayed. The past of seeing the past of others is a mirror of time and worth having.

Price: 10,000 German dollars

"Whether there are side effects: There are no side effects yet, but this mirror is an ancient treasure, so if many people want to get it, please be sure to deal with it properly."

Manufacturer: Goggles

Others: Please pay attention to the official Weibo and WeChat, I wish you a happy use, please dial # next time you need to order

too expensive.

Pan Chen didn't want to buy it anymore.

A broken mirror was sold for 100,000 centimeters. I really know the price. It is hard to say, was his active currency introduced from the flood? Obviously not, so Pan Chen was very reluctant at this time, but he knew that at this time, we should use active currency. ..


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