The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2272: It's really a group of wolves [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

At this time, who knows, a group of ferocious wolves coming directly from the mountain!

It's really a group of wolves. This cave is a wolf den today. Pan Chen showed the horizontal wind book cleanly, then flew up, and often waved his sleeves in the air.

At first, the wolf thought that Pan Chen was an effortless force, but I never thought that all the wolves were defeated by Pan Chen and lay on the ground. They seem to be dead now. Pan Chen snorted and said coldly: "Only you, a small sample."

In this indifferent tone, these wolves also wanted to kill Pan Chen, and Pan Chen opened his personal data to take a good look, and the Justice Cup went straight on.

Ha, just killed a group of wolves, very good, for them, this is a very good thing, he struggled for it, in the near future to break through the sky of personal merit coins, the first time saved, will useful.

Pan Chen now needs to look for powerful actions. In the area of ​​Huaguo Mountain, it can be said that it is more famous. The goblins in this area are very dynamic, and the residents here know how to do it.

We all know how difficult this is, and I have not heard how bad it is for the residents here. This is good for anyone here, and the relationship is good.

Soon, Pan Chen flew to a lowland. In this lowland, Pan Chen saw fierce action. He smiled and asked the whole system:

"If I kill an energetic person, will I get glorious service?"

"Tough is harmless, why should we kill it?" The system asked.

After listening, Pan Chen also felt that all the positive actions here were disciples and grandchildren. If they are killed, it is definitely not a good thing. Pan Chen smiled and said, "Just kidding, how can I kill them?"

It seems that this should be Hua Guoshan, but the range of Hua Guoshan is too large, and even Pan Chen can't find the entrance, which is very embarrassing.

"Where?" Pan Chen said to himself, it was really difficult to find a strong move.

Suddenly, a dozen wild dogs appeared. Pan Chen thought that these wild dogs were not harmful to him, but did not expect the wild dog to see Pan Chen and rushed over at him.

"my child!"

"These wild dogs are smart, do you still want to eat people?" Pan Chen suddenly awed her heart, but she was not worried that these wild dogs would kill them.

So Pan Chen waved his tin rod and put his hand on the wild dog.


There is no two things, all the wild dogs were defeated by Pan Chen. The stray dog ​​dragged its legs and its tongue was bitten to death. These wild dogs were mutilated by Pan Chen.

"Wild dog, where to run?"

One of them was a wild dog dragging his legs and trying to escape. Pan Chen drank a word directly. The wild dog was terrified, bit his tongue, and committed suicide.

Pan Chen said to himself that the wave did not lose money, and the wild dog was successfully caught. The system prompts: "Catch the wild dog, success, good."

"What about remuneration?"

"This animal: wild dog."

"After killing, you will get a valuable currency: points."

Judgment can get the reason for the value coin: because the wild dog is attacking you, it will also actively attack others, biting, lightly harming people's health, heavy, will make people get rabies, the owner does this to eliminate harmful substances The Three Realms are good deeds, so reward points.

Yes, this trip is worth it. Pan Chen thinks this is a very good thing. = The total data adds up again. In fact, Pan Chen thinks this is a bit too much for the family. In general, this does not make much difference.

Level: Billion / Billion

"Honor Coin: Hundreds of Millions"

Pan Chen's current data has not changed much on the whole, that is, some changes are slight. For Pan Chen, this is not strong enough.

Yes, it is not strong enough. What if I could give it a little power?

But what should I do now? If we find a powerful action to eliminate the evil spirits of Qin State, he will get many benefits.

Although Li Feng couldn't speak, Pan Chen could find a small way of movement and found a small force. When Xiao Fengxing saw it, he was scared away.

"Damn, am I so scary?" Pan Chen said to herself.

Really, is he so terrible? I can't see it. If he is really so scary, it would be a bit surprising, but Pan Chen is not very scary, okay?

Pan Chenzhi took a few steps and saw another ferocious wave: "Do n’t be afraid, I am the master of your king. Where is your king?"

This fierce but capable of speaking. I heard that he was the master of this king. This fierce behavior was a little unbelieving, saying: "You said you are you, ah, we don't believe you, in case you are a bad person?"


Suddenly, Pan Chen didn't know what to say. These people actually said he was a bad guy. Does Pan Chen look like a bad guy? Obviously, he looked like a handsome guy's face, but he had to say he was a bad guy. Pan Chen really wanted to be angry. Pan Chen said: "If you call your king, your king will naturally know me."

This is no problem.

"No, the King is hard to come back. I'm busy. I don't have time to see you." But when I heard this, Pan Chen, this grumpy temper, wanted a tin rod to knock this fierce head, **** Raised!

"what are you saying?"

"I refused."

"Well, I just said to let you go to your king. I didn't say anything. Is that okay?"

"No, there are many people who want to see our king. There are many elders. Look, our king will not necessarily see you. You better go."

At this time, Pan Chen was really angry. Yes, Pan Chen is really angry. Fuck legs, Wang Balan, ah, these fierce acts are really outrageous. Get me out.

When Pan Chenwei was finally scared, they took two steps back and one of them shouted, "If you want to do this, I will let the king come out and beat you."

Soon, we can give it, but I did not expect it to be approved by the teacher. They got together and discussed for a while. "Well, I'm going to meet the king now," he said. "Don't go, little ones, be careful."

Pan Chen is also drunk, these are fierce, really want to cook them one by one.

There is a saying that there are no tigers on the mountain, they are called kings. At this time, even if there are tigers, they are not afraid to do so. He is eating and drinking with the small strikers, but he has heard some people report to him!

"The monkey brothers are very bad. Someone is coming." At this time, a violent shout came. ..


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