The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2261: I ca n’t stand it [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 2261 I can't stand it [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Damn, this is the first time I feel it. I can't stand it. I want to be influenced by them too!"

Li Jiakun, who is really tall, was suddenly silent in your kind, and I also felt a strong feeling on my face. This kind of feeling was like the inside of the toilet, really disgusting.

"They are a little disgusting, they can't believe it."

"Wife, shall we do the same? You tell me that I really miss you, and I miss you." One of the families from Li Jiacun said to his old lady.

"Go to your mother, gamble outside every day, don't know how to take care of family members, and want to do this and that, I don't want you, let us break up."

Li Jiachun presents in a strange tone at this time, but, outside, in a hollow, Qin Jian, you are so lonely, he is so hungry. Qin Jian is really angry. Well, this old thing, I saved him, he did not accept my grace, the dog really bit Lu Dongbin, really bad heart, what happened to me, what happened to my ugliness? ! what happened?

Qin Jian wanted to take off his ear. Qin Jian wanted to pull out that strange hair from his head. Moreover, big teeth and big nose want to get rid of it. "Because I am ugly," he said to himself. Just because I am ugly, I do n’t like myself? Ah? Why, why do n’t people welcome me? am I wrong? Is ugliness my fault? "

"It's not your fault, you should blame your parents for making you so ugly." I don't know when a voice came out.

Qin Jian thought my master was very strong and fierce, and drove me away, but he got it with Miss Li.

The more I thought about it, Qin Jianyue was out of balance, and his heart was like being beaten. Qin Jian suddenly stood up and shouted loudly: "I want to fight that evil master. I want to rescue my wife, she is my wife."

Qin Jian said to himself, it was really ridiculous.

"No, I need to know"

"Well, if you want to know, I will write it for you."

The system did not speak, but the system quickly gave Pan Chensheng a level of task, the task menu showed:

"Complete the task at the first level: reward 10,000 to 100 million US dollars."

Task category description: help category, auxiliary category, daily category, various categories. Any matter that is in line with all humanity and endangers the three worlds is not easy to solve. It has a strong tendency to destroy these three areas and has caused a devastating blow to the justice organizations on these three borders. Of course, those who suffer and save suffering at these three borders should belong to this task. The level mission system will reward 10 million to 100 million kronor. If it exceeds this category, it will be judged by the system as + or higher-level task brackets. Of course, all of this is based on the three boundaries of justice. If you save a world that transcends the three boundaries of nature, or another level, at least on the + level of the mission. "

"Oh shit, is that true?" Suddenly, Pan Chen was almost like this, but Pan Chen was also very happy and excited. For him, such a result is also very good. At least, if such a role is completed, the greatest merit and virtue can reward hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is not a small number.

He opened his personal database:

Now, the grade is like this, the total number of individuals is hundreds of millions.

Less than 2 billion.

If you really want to quickly upgrade your personal level, you really need to complete this level of tasks, otherwise, there is simply no way.

"Yes, Pan Kang, do you need to keep up?"

Pan Chen seems to have put aside his marriage with Li Qinglian. At this point, the system implies: "The current general situation, of course, there is no level task, Pan Kang, if there is a level task, I will tell you, Pan Kang."

Obviously, the system is a bit confusing, with no hierarchical tasks. Pan Chen had to sigh and nodded and said: "Well, if not, I won't consider this issue for now, but."

"Pan Kang, there are still many small tasks to do in front of you, why don't you do some small tasks first?"

"Those tasks you said? It's really bad. I don't want to do them." Pan Chen thinks these tasks are all a hundred dollars, too little, but the system prompts: "If you don't do it, how can you do it, as the saying goes , Call it. "If you want to walk thousands of miles, but you don't even want to take a half step now, how can you do this. "

"That is true"

Pan Chenquan is bored. At this time, a mouse ran across the room. Pan Chen said: "Okay, I will give Li Jiakun a mouse, right?"

Pan Chen naturally thinks so, Pan Chen is ready to catch mice. However, the system directly prompts: "Pan Kang, why did you catch that mouse? The mouse didn't mess you up."

"Isn't this a task?"

"If I succeed in this matter, would you add anything to me?"

"The rules have been worked out, and we have all followed them. What does it say, a mouse?"

Pan Chen caught the real money that a mouse brought to the dispatch office in his head, so he said I should take a look.

A set of data appears:

No, this is killing flies. It seems that there is no reward for killing mice? Pan Chendao hinted: "Well, I will customize one for you. If you kill a mouse, you should reward so many Kung Fu coins."

Therefore, the system is directly assigned to Pan Chen.

The system took a picture of the mouse and a set of data appeared:

"This creature: a mouse."

"After killing, you will get a valuable currency: points."

"Judgment credit is available: because the mouse is one of the harmful creatures, he is harmful to the human body. The owner does this, is a contribution to humanity, is to remove the harmful things of the three worlds, is a good deed, so it is an incentive. "

Needless to say, this system is really stingy, and it was only given to some. If Pan Chen, what else can he do?

However, the system says, "If you don't accumulate half steps, you can't reach thousands of miles?"

"Well, you know this very well. Now I add advantages, right?" Pan Chen and the system said.

The system replied: "Yes, please wait."

"It has been added for you, you can go out and see, the data will not go wrong, please rest assured!"

Pan Chen really needs to take out the data and take a look. If you say that this system can't deceive him, just click, does it have beautiful hair?

But Pan Chen, itching his hands, still came up with the data, but Pan Chen said: "Why don't you add it to me?"

The system says: "Did you kill the mouse?"

Ah! Well, this is indeed Pan Chen's fault. How can I forget it, so Pan Chen started to catch mice, what a smart mouse. ..


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