The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2251: Maneuvering room [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, for slaughter]

Of course, this is how Pan Chen treated them, just like in the past, without any change.

Of course, Qin Jian's tone was vicious and fierce, and he did not give the other party any room to maneuver. Naturally, with the tone of Qin Jian, the other party also courageously angered each other.

"Come on, that Wei Zhongwang, get out, I don't want Qin Jian to be a soldier like you." Obviously, Qin Jian didn't have any interest in the platoon leader in front of him, as if he didn't even want to look at it.

Pan Chen also felt that this system could not kill this person, but if the other party killed Pan Chen and Qin Jian, according to the approval of this system, he could erase the other party, but it was all based on the fact that the other party had a bad heart .

But is n’t the other party not so bad now? Therefore, it is impossible to erase now, who wipes it, and who is going to die, that is dead, naturally it is impossible to erase the other party, which is understandable.

"Wei Zhongtian, you son of a bitch, come out!" Of course, arrogance is like a person. Some people yell and their voices are full of dissatisfaction. This kind of shock is almost desperate.

"What are you talking about?" Obviously, I was very dissatisfied with the person in front of me. I was angry with the person in front of me. I was very angry.

One of the soldiers said to the platoon leader: "If we continue this way, Wei Zhongtian will definitely hear it. It is not good to be angry when he is angry."

The platoon leader was really scared. If Wei Zhongtian heard the verdict, they would all die and be punished. They do not want to be punished at this time.

Being punished is very uncomfortable. At this time, the platoon leader said: "Say it again."

Qin Jian was not afraid at all. When the other party asked to say it again, Qin Jian shouted loudly: "You dogmen, come out and die soon, come out soon."

As for Qin Jian's cry, two of them could not bear it. Among them, the platoon leader asked two soldiers to dispatch ten people, two of them armed with weapons to fight Qin Jian and Pan Chen.

"Ah, Master, are you or me Qin Jian to take care of them?" If Qin Jian was of course scared in the process of studying scriptures, these are mortals now, although Qin Jian's talents are not the strongest, But to deal with a wave of ordinary people, it is very simple.

"Then, Master, look at me and see how Qin Jian cleaned them up." Qin Jian is also not polite, and directly asked Pan Chen to stand aside. He went up to compete with these people.

After a few minutes.

All these people fell ill on the ground as if they could not live like that. Some people are still crying, and this pain is unbearable. Sometimes, the expression on the face is iron, and it is very trembling.

"Damn, who is this? If you hit ten times at a time, you wouldn't be able to hit a bit." He held a row of iron rods in his hand and looked at the pig-like guy, knocking all ten people down with his hand. Suddenly startled.

Ten! If you say a dozen, how difficult it is. This time it's crazy to play ten. Qin Jian smiled and said to the platoon leader: "Only you, will you come?" Yes. "

Qin Jian finally regained a little confidence in this matter, ah, you know, in the process of studying the scriptures, the goblin was personally killed by Pan Chen, and he didn't even have a point in his behavior.

"Well, Qin Jian can do it." Pan Chen applauded for Qin Jian. Pan Chen applauded, but gave Qin Jian a great encouragement, Qin Jian said: "Master, I am not Qin Jian cannot, in the process of studying the classics, you did not give me An opportunity, if in the process of studying Scripture, you, ah, give me a chance, my Qin Jian will definitely go to heaven. "

Qin Jian is really a boastful king. He really can't put a high hat on his head, otherwise, he can blow up such paradise.

However, Pan Chen did not stop, just said with a smile: "Yes, Qin Jian is majestic, Qin Jian you can go to heaven."

When I heard Pan Chen said that Qin Jian could ascend to heaven, what should Qin Jian think at the time? It can be said that Qin Jian looked at Pan Chen with a smile and said, "Master, do you curse me for dying?"

"No, I'm kidding, Qin Jian, hello, but there is the last one, why don't you kill the last one too?" At this time, Pan Chen urged Qin Jianlu.

Qin Jian looked at it, and he was right. How could he forget the last one, Qin Jian said, "Okay." Ok, Master, look, the last one is up to me, Qin Jian. "

Qin Jian pointed directly at the platoon leader with a nine-tooth rake and said, "Excuse me, how do you want to die?"

This person will really be scared to death. How could he die? Is this really good? Is this really good? This guy was just scared by Qin Jian's shock and awe. If he does not pee, he is not a platoon leader. "Benevolence is in hand, master!" Said the queue leader.

In Pan Chen's thinking, if Qin Jian can be called a master, then there are really too many masters in this world. This is too much to explode in heaven.

Therefore, there is only one result, that is, Qin Jian is really not a master, but Qin Jiang is just these two skills, and even ten people will be knocked down to the ground. This is not a master. What is a master?

Is the owner on someone else? the host! At this time, the other party is said to be a master, this must be the absolute master, the strongest master.

"Are you sure I am not a master!" When Pan Chen refused to let the platoon leader say that Qin Jian was not a master, Qin Jian pointed at this cold person.

This man is in trouble. Pig wanted to make himself the master, but the monk behind said that the fat pig was not the master, but in the end under the shadow of Pan Chen, he could only be forced to call, not the master.

"If you can say it, you are not a master." The other party is very reasonable, of course, not a master. If you are a master, this is really no body and nature.

Hmm? After Qin Jian heard, the 19th tooth rake was about to be hit. It was an angry person. He dare to say that Qin Jian is not a master. Does he want to die?

Qin Jian believes that the other party is seeking death, so a harrow has not come down, this person fainted on the ground, the whole person can't wake up that kind.

"What's going on?" For a moment, the other party seemed really invisible, the whole person was scattered on the ground, unconscious, unconscious.

"Oh **** it, dead man!"

Of course, the two women came to the barracks behind them, and the women looked at a group of people lying on the ground, so they quickly ran away. When Qin Jian saw the barracks, how could there be a woman? Qin Jian and Pan Chen said: "Master is still there." Is there really a woman in the barracks? "

Pan Chen nodded and said, "Qin Jian, you are right, there are women in the barracks, I saw them just now."

Qin Jian's face was full of ignorance and he said, "Master, what's going on?

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