The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2244: Oh, forgive me [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 2244 Oh, forgive me [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Oh, forgive me!" Everyone was stunned. The man beat these two people. The owner of Li Village couldn't help but go up to help.

When I saw that the boss of Li Jiacun did not help him, he even thought of helping these two villains. Qin Jian was really angry and did not fight. Qin Jian scolded: "Who are you? You really don't know good people, I am Qin Jian helping you get rid of harm, you are okay, but you play Qin Jian with me, if it is true, I can't help Qin Jian busy."

Qin Jian, really depressed, a dog bit Lu Dongbin, I do n’t know what it feels like to be nice.

Pan Chen also came down at the time, but he did not become another person. When Li Jiakun and Wei Qingfeng and others said that when the other cabinet saw Pan Chen, he panicked and panicked, even saying that Master and the disciples at the helm were hiding aside and dared not follow Pan Chen.

Pan Chen first looked at the cabinet, the system directly hinted:

Although others ca n’t kill people, you, I want to kill you, you bitch, if I kill you, I can earn coins of merit. It seems that I really do n’t want to live and get tired of life.

"Ah! This is your holy monk." This time, the people of Lijia Village knelt down to Pan Chen. If they knew that the pig demon was caught, ah, Pan Chen ’s merits, it is impossible to think that this monk is now in Lijia Village. How can you sound an alarm? It is impossible to express in words.

"Help! After you leave, our Lijia Village will be miserable."

"Yes, ah, we met some bullies. They bullied us. We are miserable." Li Jiakun saw Pan Chen going up and down, and took the initiative to kneel down, begging for mercy and begging for help, hoping to do this. Pan Chen glanced at it, and said insincerely: "Wei Qingfeng, what you do is a good thing."

"No, master."


Wei Qingfeng is not Pan Chen's opponent. At this time, it is still more useful to run away. If you don't make up, you must be defeated by Pan Chen immediately. They don't want to grow a head ball.

"let's go!"

When Wei Qingfeng ran back, the owner of the cabinet was caught by Qin Jian, and the person in charge behind shouted: "Boss Wei, help me, you help me, don't run alone!"

The sharp shouts are really sensational.

It turned out that when people like them were afraid, someone shouted, "Okay, okay!"


"Kill them"

With Pan Chen, it is equivalent to giving them courage and courage to face their opponents. They do n’t believe they ca n’t do it. They must kill the other party. The **** raises and really wants to die.

Some people can't believe they are just cursing people.

Qin Jian said: "Everyone, it seems that I still want to ask Master to come out."

After Qin Jian said this, people handed it to Pan Chen one by one, and then looked at Qin Jian again, a little confused. "Your master?"

At the beginning, Qin Jian yelled at village head Li's father-in-law.

Around this time, it seems that this person is really a pig waist. Even the owner of Li Jiaqun thinks that the person in front of him should be the pig demon of that year.

"Ah, no, you are."

"No, how can you suspect that I am Qin Jian? I am a handsome guy, not Qin Jian." When you heard Qin Jian's explanation, Pan Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Jian, you should be pierced this time. After a while, you must have changed your pig face in front of Li Qinglian. No one has said this.

The owner of Li Jiakun was also confused, but he did not disclose the words. Whether it was a pig demon or not, as long as the holy monk was there, they would not be afraid. With the holy monk, they could feel a sense of security.

Master Li Jiakun said: "Okay, please sit in the room inside. I just really thank you for driving away that bully."

Of course, Pan Chen and Qin Jian will not be humble. They came to help Master Li Jiacun this time. Also, if they leave, they really don't know how to end a period of time. For the owner of Li Jiacun, Wei Qingfeng is a real bully and heinous bully.

Qin Jian has only a few words in his life.

Eat, drink and play, Raza.

It can almost cover his life. After Qin Jian was invited in, he walked over and said, "I am old." No, I haven't been to your house for a long time. I can't say that there is no hospitality, what meat, what delicious food, all kinds of food, always give me, ah, no. I came last time. "

Qin Jian is the most nostalgic to these things. He recalled the time he had eaten a pot of rice here. At that time, it was the best time in his life. He did n’t want to be happy. Qin firmly thought, if he can still eat Those words are of course a treat.

But the boss of Li Jiacun said bitterly: "Oh, we can't even afford to eat meat, it's really pitiful."

"Can't even afford meat? Poor fellow." You know, in Qin Jian's impression, Li Jiakun is particularly enthusiastic, even Qin Jian, eat it casually, especially eat it, eat ten bowls and eight bowls, just eat, not make It ’s not a problem to eat for ten or eight years. This time it ’s surprising to say so. It ’s really amazing to eat and eat.

"Master, I thought I was helpful to you just now. You will not be so mean. If you are so mean, if you want us to help you in the future, maybe none of us will help you."

At this time, Qin Jian could look displeased. The boss of Li Village was embarrassed. It was really sad. If not, they would not think so. Su Ri said that sometimes they sometimes complain a little bit. , But in short, they will feel that all these words will make the heart a little uncomfortable, this is a fact.

Qin Jian felt that Li Jiakun made him sad, even letting him choose such words, it was really not a very happy thing for him. At least, one step of quietness was such a thing, but Qin Jian still had patience Yes, if it were n’t for Wei Qingfeng, he would n’t be like this. At least Li Jiakun was still full of food and clothing. In the end, everything must be blamed, Wei Qingfeng, who is really not a good thing.

"It doesn't matter, father-in-law, we will get rid of him." Qin Jian is a very just way.

Li Jiakun has been bullied by Wei Qingfeng for many years, but it is really helpless and to a certain extent helpless. The person Wei Qingfeng really left them without gains here, but Li Jiakun ’s boss has been under Wei Qingfeng ’s inferior forces and dared not resist, so the result is also to let Wei Qingfeng rule directly. ..


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