The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2237: Incredible things [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

There is something incredible in his heart, but the Black Tiger tribe has deceived him for no reason, which is probably true. Therefore, he hurriedly dispatched people to inform officers and men of various departments to be alert to enemy ground sneak attacks.

Then a personal guard rushed forward to report: "Captain, General Red Eagle disappeared into the account, but the ground was covered with blood!"

Peng Yu looked frustrated and killed his men in his base camp as if he had nothing to do with him. However, it also confirmed one thing, that is, the letter of the Tiger Roar is true, and the White Elephant Tribe is indeed capable of hiding from the ground.

Then he hurriedly ordered someone to strengthen his guard again, guarding a large number of soldiers in each tent.

However, Pan Chen had left the camp of the Dapeng tribe at this time, and according to the memory of General Red Eagle, he quickly went to one of the resource sites.

At night, while Peng Yu was practicing in the house, a close guard suddenly hurried to report, saying: "Boss, the big guys are not good. The 500 elite soldiers in the northern coal mines were almost wiped out. There are very few people who have escaped.

Peng Yu was immediately stunned, saying that this is an elite bull demon warrior, it is impossible to train well overnight. And he also died a general bull demon, this loss is too great, he is really sad!

He immediately sent messengers to the Black Dragon, Wolf, Green Lion, Golden Eagle and other tribes, explained the situation to them, and invited them to jointly attack the White Elephant tribe. In addition, he summoned the generals to gather, and then sent three generals and three thousand outstanding soldiers to the Black Tiger tribe, preparing to destroy the White Elephant tribe together.

Pan Chen was supposed to intercept and kill 3,000 elite soldiers, but the three generals Niu Guizi are inseparable. When he saw that he could use each other, he went to the Sirius tribe west of the Dapeng tribe, intercepted and killed the messenger, and then quietly infiltrated the Sirius tribe.

At night, Sirius Valley, Central Sweat Account.

Sirius, the leader of the Sirius tribe, sat on the ground to practice.

After a while, a man came hurriedly and clenched his fists and said, "Boss, General Black Bear is gone. One of his concubines and two relatives also disappeared with him, leaving only some blood stains. ! "

The wolf trembles, who can assassinate the general under his nose, even his body is taken away? It must be the master of its own level and can have such power. Is it the leader of the Green Lion tribe? Lion madman?

At this moment, another bodyguard came quickly, holding his fist and said: "The captain, General Fire Ape and his two relatives mysteriously disappeared, there are some blood stains on the ground!"

Langfang looked very angry, and even killed his two generals, he must grab the assassin and cut it into thousands! Immediately, he said: "You two go quickly, step by step, step by step, thoroughly check all the tents, be sure to find this assassin!"

"Yes, boss!"

The two guards quickly went downstairs to give orders.

At this point, in the tent.

A general holding a beautiful Niu Nine woman and doing an indescribable thing.

Suddenly, a Guanghua escaped from the ground, suddenly condensed a figure of silverware, and suddenly slashed with a knife.

General Niu Meng felt the fluctuation of the engine and was about to move. When he saw the sea, a blazing sun and the sun suddenly appeared, and his soul was seriously injured.

Then, the messy dragon sword passed by quickly, and his head was cut off.

Then, a black soul chain locked his soul and pulled it into Pan Chen's chaotic beads of marine knowledge.

At this moment, Niu Mo woman suddenly made a scream and immediately pierced her eyebrow with her finger.

The two guards went in when they heard the sound, but saw a bright sword flash and immediately fell to the ground.

After a while, a bull warrior came with a large group of bull warriors, but found that they went to the blank space and could only see some blood.

As the news reached the center's sweating account, both Spike and Lung were angry, and he commanded only a total of seven generals of bull and demon, and lost three people at once. Then he remembered that two other generals were stationed on the southern border to guard against the Green Lion and the Black Dragon tribe. As a result, he hurriedly sent people to notify them of their vigilance.

However, as soon as the two groups came out of Sirius Valley, Pan Chen was robbed.

Pan Chen learned from the "Soul Search" that the Sirius tribe deployed 500 elite soldiers and 800 elite soldiers in the eastern and western regions of the southern border, respectively. With their power, the southwest fortress can be eaten completely, and the southeast fortress can also eat most of it. This is worth doing.

However, before the expedition, Pan Chen first refined the spirit of the three suppressing generals. With his own strength, he killed three generals of the bull demon in succession, almost reaching the limit, and relied on the help of four magic weapon soldiers to suppress the spirit of the three generals.

Half an hour later, Pan Chen thoroughly refined the spirit of General San Niu Demon and gained pure soul power. Except for part of it used to restore the spirit of spirit, the rest were used to promote the spirit of mixed energy beads The King of Spirits worm. According to his current practice, even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to kill the leader of the Black Dragon Tribe-King Niu Niu. However, if you can raise the spirit of Wang Chong to the limit of martial arts, you will have certainty.

Pan Chen rushed to the southwest fortress of the Sirius tribe.

As the night continued, there was a tent near the southwest mine of the Sirius tribe.

At this time, in addition to the soldiers on alert every day, most Sirius soldiers were asleep.

At this time, the total length of Niu Mao was in the tent, holding a beautiful lady of the Nine Cows to sleep.

After a while, a Guanghua suddenly escaped from the ground, condensing a silver figure, that is Pan Chen. He suddenly waved his sword and cut the blade towards General Bull.

The latter just opened his eyes, a pure Yang sword was cut into his sea of ​​knowledge, the soul of the soul, waiting for his reaction, Chaos True Dragon Sword cut off his head.


The Niu Niu woman next to him looked at the shadow in front of her eyes and immediately screamed.

However, a layer of transparent space appeared around it, separating the inside and outside of the tent, and the sound could not be transmitted naturally. This is the spatial capacity of Xuan Shuizhu.

Then, Pan Chen bent down, killed it, and then turned all his bodies into dark rings, and then continued to escape to the next concentration camp to assassinate.

Ordinary cattle soldiers live in tents, and ten people live in tents.

Pan Chen hid in it, and then used the power of space to isolate the inside and outside, and then quietly summoned Hong Yuanba and others to come out and defeated it easily in a flash.

Pan Chen and others are also exploring this method to attack a stronghold of the Dapeng tribe. Because of the isolation of space forces, no one can feel the engine fluctuations.

Soon, Pan Chen and others slaughtered more than half of the soldiers. However, in the end, the night guard of the Sirius tribe was discovered. Because they have a habit, every half hour, they will definitely enter the tent to check to prevent the enemy from mixing in.

However, only then was it too late. Pan Chenlet, Hong Yuanba and others stayed on the outskirts of the tent, intercepted the deserters, and fought hard in the tent.

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