The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2229: Bull Demon [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

& # 160; He murmured for a while and asked, "Can Brother Pan compete with the bull demon leader?"

Pan Chen nodded and said, "If there is only one person, he can kill it, but it will take a long time." Under the leadership of the bull demon, there are at least four bull demon generals. They must have a space magic weapon. mission accomplished. "

Hong Yuanba immediately looked very happy: "Hong Zhen has a magical magic weapon in space-Xuan Shui Zhu!"

Pan Chen listened and immediately had a plan in his heart to discuss rights with Hong Yuanba, Dong Haichuan and others. He took out some spiritual fruits and distributed them among them. Although these spiritual achievements are only Level 4 and Level 5, they cannot be implemented in large quantities and still have certain value. As for the more than 300 crystal cores obtained, not all of their crystal cores are equally divided. Although he and Hong Yuan decided to share the benefits equally, it was only for fighting for benefits, and lynching was naturally not included.

Then Pan Chen meditated and completed the restoration of the gods and Danyuan magic, and then sacrificed Xuan Shuizhu, put all the students into the space of Xuan Shuizhu, and then used the elements of the five elements hermit to quietly walk into the black The village guarded by General Tiger.

At this time, although General Black Tiger is still stationed here, the warning has improved for more than one step, and their tents have housed two bull warriors and elite bull warriors. He speculated from the scene that black snakes, crocodiles and white rhinos were killed one after another that the enemy had a secret way to sneak into the tent and assassinate.

The reason why he does not leave is to use himself as a bait to pull out the enemy. Although the enemy's power seems to be strong, since the assassination, the positive power is the same as that of the general Black Snake. He is an old general, and his strength is stronger than that of the Black Snake. These 500 people are even more elite. His strength is several times stronger than that of the Black Snake. As long as the other party dares to appear, it must be a dead end!

However, he did not know that Pan Chen was lying under his bed at this time, and even the power of Yang Dadao was condensed into the meaning of pure Yang Jian in the dark.

After a while, Black Tiger was a little relaxed in his heart, sitting on the bed with his eyes closed. Only a thousand days can become a thief. There are thousands of days to prevent thieves, that is, people will relax their hearts.

At this moment, Pan Chen suddenly drilled out of the ground, condensed the shape, and at the same time waved his sword to the black tiger, the sword did not arrive, a pure sun sword was cut into its sea like the scorching sun.

At this time, Pan Chen's soul is not under the black tiger, plus this pure Yang Jian contains the power of Yang Dadao, at that moment its soul will be heavily injured. Before he could react, he killed him with a sword.

Immediately, the reaction of two Bull Warriors and eight Bull Warriors has rushed to the offense.

Pan Chen's figure flew by and disappeared, and then urged the soul's chaos, inhaled the soul to identify the sea, and used the black ring to collect the body of the black tiger. At this time, he released Hong Yuanba and others.

The Hongyuan bully appeared and immediately urged the long knife in his hand to cut out a domineering sword intention. The Bull Demon Warrior was created by the sword intention and was instantly cut off.

At this time, Dong Haichuan also cooperated with another person and killed another bull demon warrior with one shot. As for several bull warriors, they were also shot by other students in an instant. The admission requirements of Jinyang University are very strict. In addition to Fang Yingxue and other qualified materials, most of the strength is at the peak level of the Tianshen Yuanshen martial arts, coupled with the sixth-order magic weapon in hand, the strength naturally exceeds the same level of the Bull Warrior. However, the situation has not become easier, because 100 soldiers guarded outside the tent have swarmed in, and soon, nearly 500 elite bull warriors surrounded it.

Pan Chen and others were only 19 years old. Fang Yingxue was too low to learn, and was still in Xuan Shuizhu. 19 people fight 500 people, some of them are few. As a result, he rushed out of the tent, holding a chaotic dragon sword in his hand, far exceeding the speed of the bull warrior, quickly shuttled through the crowd, wantonly killing. It also lost the formation that the Bull Demon Clan didn't know. Although the power was very strong, it could only be reduced to a few dozen after the slaughter of the cattle and sheep. At this time, 18 people in Hongyuanba also destroyed the matador's tent and killed it.

Due to Pan Chen ’s rush and killing, the camp was in chaos, unable to organize and resist effectively, but was killed by 18 Hongyuan bullies.

It didn't take long for the Bull Warrior to be injured by more than half. The last living Bull Warrior saw it and immediately brought the man back.

However, they had to retreat, but accelerated their failure. Pan Chen is as simple as chopping vegetables and melons, and can kill ordinary bull warriors with a sword.

In less than ten minutes, the sixth war was over.

Pan Chen and others began to clean up the battlefield, picked up the crystal core and weapons, armor, a complete 500 crystal core, not only has a bull demon warrior level, each score points, the rest are also bull demon warrior level, each value minimum score , The total points exceed 10,000.

Therefore, this war can be said to be a bumper harvest, everyone is very happy, and finally Dong Haichuan separated the core of the bull warrior, Pan Chen got the crystal heart of the bull demon warrior. Hong Yuanba and others got the crystal core of the bull demon warrior and the crystal core of the cow demon warrior. As for the crystal core of General Niu, it belongs to Pan Chen. No one except General Black Tiger could easily kill him.

At this time, Pan Chen had calculated, the core points on the body had exceeded 10,000.

Then, Pan Chen took out the mysterious drops of water, put the people in, and went to the Golden Eagle Tribe in his memory. .Figure

The strength of the Golden Eagle tribe ranks eighth among the nine major tribes, and its strength is stronger than the Xiongba tribe. This tribe borders the Xiongba tribe. In order to compete for some training resources, the friction is not reduced. This can be said to be a battle in the world. Therefore, his next goal is the Golden Eagle tribe, frame the Xiongba tribe, and provoke a fight between the two tribes.

The Golden Eagle tribe is vast. In addition to living mainly in the central sweat field where the leaders are located, there are many troops stationed at various resource points.

Half an hour later, Pan Chen came to a village near a mine. According to the Black Snake's memory, this ore is one of the main incomes of the Golden Eagle tribe. They will collect secret iron after fine forging and sell it to the central Black Dragon tribe in exchange for sharp weapons and armor. Today, the skill of forging armor is mastered by the largest black dragon tribe of the Niudian tribe. Other tribes can only sell them iron ore, even if they find it.

Even so, the black iron ore is extremely precious. In order to compete for this place, a war broke out, and then was mediated by the black dragon tribe to win. In the end, of course, it was the Xiongba tribe who lost the battle and lost this precious mineral deposit.

The mineral resources here are not easy to come by, so the Golden Eagle tribe also worried that the Xiongba tribe would seize it and send heavy troops to guard it.

Pan Chen peered out of the empty eyes and vaguely felt many tough guy machines. The number is expected to exceed 800, of which the number of bulls and demon warriors should exceed a few. With his current strength, he attacked lightly, it is difficult to eliminate all enemies, it is likely that he will expose his existence. ..

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