The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2222: Obtained Crystal Core [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

& # 160; So, the party swarmed against those immature Xuanyin spiritual fruits and snatched a clean one. If it were not for the rich bones of the python king, he would be taken away.

Song Hanjiang frowned at this scene, but said nothing. He understands that this particular training site is actually the property of the university. If he waits too long, he will surely arouse the dissatisfaction of the instructors. But these people found the devil's lair, but found nothing. Of course, they were unwilling. If he stopped, he would definitely cause a protest, and he could just ignore it.

Immediately, the group left the cave and continued to search for demons, preparing to hunt for magic items to obtain crystal nuclei. These people were also inspired by Pan Chen and Dong Haichuan, knowing that only by obtaining enough crystal nuclei can they be eliminated and occupy a place in this special training.

At this time, Pan Chen and Dong Haichuan had already appeared on the ground. In order to put Song Hanjiang and others aside, this time they walked in different directions and continued to look for traces of magic items.

After a quarter of an hour, they found a forest in the valley. This is the first time these two men have found a tree on the ground, but they are somewhat unusual, tall and bare, without a pan, and look dead like a dead tree. The branches of this tree are about **** thick and fall like vines.

The ordinary trees were vigorous at first, but these trees exude a strong dark side smell. This is dark wood, which usually grows in the shade or in extremely negative places. However, the valley is rich in xuanyin and the growth of the shade is normal.

"Brother Pan, let's try this cool one, don't take it away!"

Dong Haichuan took out a six-level ice sword after completion, which was his spare weapon. Then, using the skill of the sword, he urged God's sword to turn it into a white sword and cut it into a tree.

At this moment, the tree moved suddenly, a branch swept away like a vine, in front of the white sword light.

Bai Jianguang only cut off seven or eight branches, his strength weakened, and became the body of the sword, which was soon bound tightly by thick branches, making it difficult to break free. In addition, these shady branches have a natural ability to attract the power of the sword.

At this time, some trees beside them also stretched out a long branch, attacking Pan Chen and Dong Haichuan.

Dong Haichuan's face changed, and his figure receded. Although he has been very careful and has not approached him lightly, he does not think these trees are alive, they are so strong. Fortunately, they did not go too close, otherwise they would be in trouble.

Pan Chen also took a step back. There are too many trees in the woods, and he does not yet know the weakness of these things. He will only rush forward, putting himself in danger. And the branches of these shades also seem to have a limited extension, so they soon came back one after another.

Pan Chen looked at the shady wood and thought about it, and suddenly urged the power of Xuanyin Tanyuan, into the power of Yin Yin Avenue, condensed into Yinshi fire, and formed a black fire dragon attacking the black wood.

The shady tree felt the crisis and immediately stretched out dozens of branches. However, the branch pierced the fire dragon, but it was useless, but it was a shadow lit by a real fire.

If it is an ordinary flame, these shady trees can be extinguished with their hidden yin force, but this yin fire really contains the power of the road, which is not an ordinary way of extinguishing. And these shady trees have only instinctive incarnations, and cannot extinguish the fire, causing the fire to spread quickly.

The black fire dragon immediately jumped on the tree trunk and quickly lit the fire. The branches loosened Dong Haichuan's sword and kept hitting himself, trying to extinguish the fire, but it was useless, but accelerated the spread of the fire.

The shady wood next to it also felt the horror of the real fire in the shade and dared not reach out the branches to help.

At this time, Dong Haichuan took the opportunity to recall his sword.

Suddenly, a dark green light suddenly turned from dark to overcast real fire, trying to escape.

However, Pan Chen ’s curse has always been the realm of the Yuan spirit. Knowing that the machine changes like his palm, thinking of moving, then the yin fire will become a black fire dragon, radiating out, swallowing the dark green light, and flashing immediately , Back to Pan Chen's body, spit out a dark green crystal, and then back to Dantian.

Panchen Shenniu probed the blue wrist to protect his wrist. At this time, the information was updated. The original shadow is called the ghost tree. It grows in groups and can devour the magic spirit, crystal core, spirit, etc. Also from this. The dark green crystal nucleus in his hand is the essence of the whole body of the spirit tree, known as the wood spirit, which is equivalent to the combination of the inner Dan and the monster spirit.

Tempering the spirit is equivalent to the crystal nuclei of the plant demon, and can also pay and exchange training points. .Figure

The Xuanhua contained in Pan Chen's hands is equivalent to the pinnacle and value score of martial arts. At this time, the spiritual consciousness has reached the real fire in the underworld, and you can rest assured to receive the commandment of silence.

Then he looked at the woods in front of him, and the devil could not move or escape. He can use them to burn slowly, clean them all up and get a lot of points. ? The only problem is that Dan Yuan consumes too much mana.

However, here the mysterious rich man, he did his best to pay for it, to maintain consumption should still be sufficient.

Immediately, he continued to urge the real fire in the underworld, attack the edge of the woods, eat ghost trees, refine his consciousness, and grasp the spirit of wood gas.

On the other hand, Dong Haichuan guarded nearby to prevent the sudden arrival of other people or demons, thereby causing enemies behind his stomach.

After more than ten minutes, Pan Chen got another seven or eight kinds of wood wine.

At this time, the thick black root of a man's arm suddenly came out of the ground at the foot of Pan Chen.

Pan Chen's figure suddenly flashed, dangerous and dangerous to avoid, secretly afraid. The roots of ordinary trees can penetrate rocks, not to mention these spirit-eating ghost trees. Even if it is the pinnacle of martial arts, magical things are irresistible. If it were not for his early vigilance and quick response, he might be hurt by the roots of the ghost tree that eats the soul.

Pan Chen's color immediately changed, his figure flashed again, and his black roots emerged from the ground.

"bring it on!"

Pan Chen pulled out his sword suddenly, a white sword flashed over, and cut down the root of the tree.

However, there are still roots rushing from the ground. Pan Chen's figure kept avoiding, then waved his sword and cut down the roots of the tree.

In the distance, Dong Haichuan was stunned secretly, while also exploring the spirit into the ground, guarding carefully.

After a while, many broken roots piled up on the ground.

The roots of the trees suddenly burst into dark green light, quickly gathered together, and were immediately blocked by a piece of dark green light. Those wood roots quickly merged together and reassembled into a human form.

After a while, the dark green lights disappeared, and the roots of the trees turned into a tall humanoid warrior, who looked like a human, but the skin was dark green.

Pan Chen's eyes flashed, and immediately felt the power of the puppet, which is the peak level of the martial arts of the Tianshen Yuanshen, but not afraid, the only trouble is that the puppet can move. If these demons can create hundreds of puppets, they can run away immediately!

The wooden puppet immediately flashed and rushed to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen's figure was motionless, but concentrated the soul's power, turned into a black chain of soul, turned into a puppet heart, and suddenly a zipper, a dark green virtual shadow was pulled out. This is the soul consciousness of the soul tree. Although the puppet is powerful, it is comparable to the pinnacle of the Yuanshen martial arts in the heavenly dynasty, but its weakness is also obvious, that is, it does not become a Yuanshen by means of spiritual practice, spiritual consciousness and mana are not fused together, and it is chained by the soul Lock, no resistance.

Losing the consciousness of the soul, the puppet rested for a moment. Immediately, Pan Chen pierced its chest with a paw and grabbed a wood carving.

At this time, Pan Chen looked into the blue wristbands and found that the original ordinary ghost tree had a kind of tree king guard. This kind of tree king guard has two more abilities than the ordinary ghost tree. One is the ability to extend the trunk, which can easily break through the ground. If the enemy is not paying attention, it will be pierced by the root of the tree. Another ability is to make puppets. The Tree King Guardian has two kinds of wood spirits. You can use some roots as a carrier, plus a wood spirit as an energy source, you can create wood carving puppets. ..

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