The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2212: The power of the main road [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; Pan Chen said with a smile: "Of course, your husband has learned the power of two main roads, and will soon be able to break through Wu Sheng." So you do n’t have to worry anymore. Even if it is your master's item, I will take you back to me. "

Mingyu hesitated, or said: "Fujun, this martial arts must win the top three, so that you can directly recruit Jinyang University, one of the nine universities of the Chaoyang Empire, to practice." If only the former For 30 people, there is only one interview and exam. "

"do not worry!"

Pan Chen nodded and smiled, but suddenly realized. No wonder martial arts will be so lively this time.

With a map of Shenzhou in his hand, he also had a good understanding of the pattern of the Chaoyang Empire. The five districts of Shenzhou are actually the general direction, not the formal formal administrative units. In fact, according to the pattern of central Chaoyang District, western Jinyang, eastern Qingyang, northern Xuanyang, southern Waiyang, northwest Qiyang, southwest Kunyang, northeast Yuyang, and southeast Laiyang, the actual administrative units of Chaoyang are divided into nine The territory is central Chaoyang District, western Jinyang, eastern Qingyang, northern Xuanyang, southern Waiyang, northwest Qiyang, southwest Kunyang, northeast Yuyang and southeast Laiyang. The center of the nine places is the capital of the Chaoyang Empire, and the remaining eight places each have a royal city. There is a royal school in the imperial city and every imperial city, which is very obvious on the map of Shenzhou. Xiliang City is located in Jinyang.

Then, after the plain language, Pan Chen had a deeper understanding of the nine universities. In these nine universities sit the Wuhuang Zhuang people, with more than 36 holy places, almost inferior to the Eighth Congress without superior clans. Most of the martial arts talents in the Chaoyang Empire came from nine universities. For example, city owners in major cities were basically born in nine universities. Therefore, the admission of these nine universities is tantamount to a chance to break through Wu Sheng.

Moreover, all martial arts want to achieve success from the ordinary origin, break through the realm of Wu Sheng, either worship the eight supreme patriarchs and 36 holy places, or be admitted to nine universities, there is no other way out. For older children of the three male Chaoyang dynasties, there is only one way to enter nine universities. This is why Bai Gaier and others will take his son to participate in Darby's martial arts conference.

There are three ways to recruit disciples at the nine universities. One is to directly apply for admission assessment, the other is to recruit excellent students from the Royal College in 72 royal cities, and the third is to recruit a group of martial arts students every three years. The first time was the strictest, the second time was more difficult, and the third time was the most difficult, because only three candidates were recruited in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Imperial City, but this was the most suitable for Pan Chen opportunity.

Then, Pan Chen and Ming Yu went back to the inn again. They stayed with them for a long time. In the middle of the night, it was still me.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Pan Chen quietly returned to his residence, but found that there was a white shadow in the house, and the magnolia flower appeared unexpectedly.

Mulan said, "Have you ever met?"

Pan Chen nodded and immediately said, "Thank you. What do you want? I will buy it for you. I want to express my gratitude!"

Mulan said: "You don't have to buy anything, if you have the opportunity, you can take care of my big brother for me."

Pan Chen knew what she meant. If the two can attend Jinyang University together, they can take care of each other. So he nodded and immediately sent her away, then closed his eyes and pondered.

The next morning, the knockout continued, and due to a sharp decrease in the number of people, they have concentrated on the first district to play.

The first is to draw cards, and then find your own ring to play, waiting to play.

Soon, Pan Chen finally appeared on the stage, this time facing a handsome young man wearing a golden suit.

This person is not weak, the power of the mind is the pinnacle of martial arts, and the power of the body is also close to the pinnacle of martial arts, as if it is different from the repair of Qinglong. He hugged Pan Chen and said, "Brother Pan, Yue Zifeng, the son of Xiahua Huahou!"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Brother Yue, please!"

At this time, Yue Zifeng's spiritual voice said: "Brother Pan, if you let Yue win this game, the more there will be a good report!"

However, without waiting for him to finish, Pan Chen urged Tianzi to fight the dragon fist, the fist sounded, the dragon sounded, and the Golden Dragon boxing in Yue Zifeng!

Yue Zifeng hurriedly shrunk into a ball and drew his sword, urging the six magicians in his hand to quickly cut it off and cut out a yellow pentagonal sword spirit.

An excellent holy warrior is very powerful, and the offensive at the peak of martial arts has also greatly increased, so the power of this sword has become the peak level of martial arts of the **** of heaven.

The power of Dragon Fist smashed the Qi Qi, and the power was greatly reduced. That is, the best armor of the sixth order of Yue Zifeng's body appeared yellow light, and the remaining boxing power would be blocked. no no.

Yue Zifeng said coldly: "Pan Chen, your son must have you looking good!"

However, at the next moment, Pan Chen suddenly pulled out the meaning of the sword, chaos mana, and chaos Danyuan force fusion, suddenly cut out, and turned into a long river of chaos, swept out.

Yue Zifeng once again brought out a six-level shield defense magic weapon, driven by mana to resist this unparalleled sword of chaos.

Mulan snorted: "I still want to face!"

Beside, some players with a slightly weaker background are also jealous and jealous of all kinds. These three sets of coins can reach a minimum of 10 million purple coins, which are not available to ordinary children. This is the horror of the RMB fighter. Even if the repair situation is slightly worse, the martial arts level is also very poor, but it also relies on the advantages of ‘equipment’ to defeat civilian players.

However, Yue Zifeng encountered not an ordinary civilian player this time, without waiting for him to breathe a sigh of relief, Pan Chen's figure has flashed, kicking the magic weapon of the six-layer shield with one foot.

With a loud noise, Yue Zifeng fell into the ring with a shield and fell into the ring. A dog bites the mud and makes a burst of laughter.

Yue Zifeng struggled to get up, looked at Pan Chen painfully, and said coldly: "Child, wait, I won't let you go!"

The referee immediately announced the result and Pan Chen fell into the boxing ring.

At this time, Magnolia said: "Be careful, Yue Zifeng will retaliate against the corners of his eyes, not just forget."

Pan Chen nodded and said, "I will pay attention, thank you."

He also knows that some people are not enemies, but it is not difficult for him to hurt you, and his birth is also unusual. If he kills you, it will be your doom. But if you kill him, make sure his father comes out, if his father ca n’t kill you, he will find a way for others to help you complete the task. In short, this is disgusting! Of course, if you really play with him, you can only find ways to kill him, and then frame the devil.

Less than half an hour, Pan Chen's second game began.

This time the opponent was a young man in red, with a knife in his waist. The young man in red put a punch, said: "Honghuo Road is in the sky, please give me some suggestions!"

Pan Chen also held his fist and said, "Xifeng Road Pan Chen, please give me pointers!"

Suddenly, the young man in red suddenly waved his knife, one of which was the power of the fire method, and the extremely hot fire knife hit Pan Chen.

Pan Chen did not resist, allowing the fire knife to invade the sea. At this time, the chaotic beads immediately became the giant mouth of the magic god, and the fire knife meant to swallow. Chaos in Chaos is still gestating, but it needs to absorb a lot of nutrients, and the attributes are unlimited.

As soon as he saw the sky, he immediately took out a red mask magic weapon, and also took out a sixth-order magic weapon. This magic weapon was originally as big as a bell. Under the impetus of his mana, it quickly grew into a huge bell cover, covering Pan Chen.

Pan Chen didn't blink, and the bells were covered. That is, the red bell covered the red hot sun and turned into nine dry dragons rushing to Pan Chen's flesh.

The dry suns of these nine fire dragons are really hot, and they contain energy equivalent to the attack of the Five Lords, enough to burn up to the highest meat of the Five Lords.

Mulan's skin color has changed, the dark way Pan Chen is too big, this time I am afraid that serious injuries cannot be avoided.

However, Pan Chen opened his mouth suddenly and took a sip, nine fire dragons were swallowed into his mouth one by one, but not in his stomach, but in the space of Dantian.

The space of Dantian is unparalleled, tens of miles across, and nine hundred long fire dragons suddenly appeared, rushing in all directions. At this time, a thousand-meter-long fuchsia dragon suddenly came, swallowing nine fire dragons one by one, using the highest solar power to distill the spirit in the fire dragon and absorb the real fire of the thousand suns.

When the will of the dragon was destroyed by the power of the road, it became a pure fire system, and soon evolved into its own power-Yang Danyuan. ..

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