The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2207: So powerful [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

The two swords collided with each other like two mountains and were turbulent. The figures of the two quickly receded and landed on the poles of the ring.

Pan Chen looked a little surprised. Although he did n’t make full use of his power, he also used 50% of the power. However, the real power of Long Jingyuan and Chaos Danyuan were superimposed, and the power was equivalent to condensing the peak of martial arts It's amazing how Yang Wufeng can resist the strength of his body. It is really enough to be passed down by the Holy Land!

Yang Wufeng was even more shocked by his heart. He didn't expect that Pan Chen's physical strength is so powerful, except for the chaotic sword, Taiyin True Water and other magical secret methods, and he is good at the law of the earth's power.

Immediately, the two characters flashed and fought again. After a while, Pan Chen avoided more than a dozen movements, and suddenly 80% of his power broke out, sweeping Yang Wufeng out with a sword.

At this time, all the young people who participated in the martial arts no longer doubted Pan Chen's ranking of the submarine dragon list, and also forgot the false rumors in their hearts. After all, this river and lake are the spokespersons of power.

The audience's northward circle and the white strong wind after the west wind nodded slightly. It was not difficult to win the first place with Pan Chen's performance.

In the next two games, the two victories were the French stage Fu Tianpeng and Fu Tianpeng, they forgot their feelings, just like a fantasy fairy.

Xiang Zongzong is also one of the eight holy places in the west. Fu Tianpeng is the first boxer Kun Peng of Fenglei Boxing Stadium. Although he only showed Tianpeng Faxiang and Jiu Tianfeng Avatar now, he still used half of his strength to reach the final.

Dream fairy is not a simple role, the dragon ranked 57th. She came to participate in the Xifeng Road Martial Arts Conference. The purpose is the same as that of Yang Wufeng. It is also to challenge Pan Chen and compete for the ranking of the submarine dragon list.

Then came the top four finals!

In the first game, Pan Chen played Fu Tianpeng!

Pan Chen read the voice: "Kun Peng, did that person come to see you?"

Fu Tianpeng also said: "I did, but this person's strength is not under me, he ran away." I don't want to get involved in you and the underworld. When will my soul ban be lifted? "

Pan Chen estimated that Fu Tianpeng did not want to offend the triad so much more likely, so he deliberately drained the water and said coldly: "Since you can't help me catch that person, then I can redeem the gold million coins for you!"

Fu Tianpeng replied: "Eight million, otherwise I will return to the teacher's door and ask the teacher to be lifted up!"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Deal!"

Fu Tianpeng immediately abstained and withdrew from the ring. He lost once, knowing that he is not Pan Chen's opponent at the moment, and exposed his strength, so he gave up the shot. Then the two men quietly completed the transaction.

At this time, at the beginning of the second game, Jin Wujiao Lu Chenghao forgot his feelings, just like a fairy in a dream.

Lu Chenghao directly changed the appearance of Jin Wu, burning the real fire of the sun, rushing to such a fairy fairy.

The formula urged by the fairy fairy immediately condensed a cold white water and swept away Lu Chenghao.

The true fire of the sun in the Jinwufa phase was eroded by white water, and the fire suddenly weakened. It turned out that this white water was the mysterious real water that led to the cold, like Dream Fairy's understanding of the laws of the water system, it was not bad at all. Xuanming true water, integrated into the laws of the water system, just suppressed his true sun fire.

Lu Chenghao saw that the sun was really a fire without power, so he received the golden black phase, holding a long gold sword in his hand. These are the six best warriors in Sun Yan's sword. He condensed a layer of the sun's true fire sword's awn, turning the human sword into a golden rainbow, flashing past and hitting a dream fairy.

At this time, the dreamy fairy also received Xuanming Zhenshui, urging a white flying sword to repel the attack of Sun Yan Yang Dao. Immediately, she pointed to the sword, a fake point, and immediately a powerful sword invaded Lu Chenghao's knowledge of the sea, immediately bombarded his soul defense and hurt its soul.

Lu Chenghao's face was pale, he picked up his weapon and held his fist and said, "If Meng Xianjian is connected to metaphysics, he will bow in the wind!"

Pan Chen looks like a fairy fairy, his face is a little solemn. He regards his heart as the heart of heaven and earth, and controls the power of heaven and earth with the relentless transcendence of heaven and earth. This school is proficient in Yin Yang, Wu Xing, and multi-spell. The attainment of the laws of the water system is so high that the real power must be much higher than that of the fantasy fairy.

After a while, it was Pan Chen ’s turn to confront the fairy fairy, and decided the highest position of the martial arts conference.

Pan Chendeng walked to the Lord of the Rings, and looked at the dreamy fairy opposite, but found his air mixed with a hazy, as if the mystery of heaven is mysterious, and the meaning of heaven is unpredictable.

Fairy Fairy seemed to notice that Pan Chen was prying into her deepness with the secret of Tianyan, so he smiled and said, "Brother Pan, like a woman in a dream, cannot let you easily see an innocent body." Brother is willing to fall in love with only one dreamer in this life, everything will be fine. "He says.

Pan Chen listened and said with a smile: "Although I just came to the west, but I have heard of the method of falling in love with you, but I dare not try."

The most forgotten elitism is spiritual practice. All true disciples must experience the disaster of red dust, forget them affectionately, and wield their swords to cut them off. Therefore, falling in love with them, with the strongest feelings, is when they leave.

Fairy Fairy said: "Brother Pan has a profound misunderstanding of my life. It is too forgetful. It is not cold and ruthless, but affectionate and not tired."

"You and I should do it, otherwise the people below should be in a hurry!"

When Pan Chen was finished, he pulled the sword out of the sheath, condensing his thoughts. If the fairy fairy listens, he also has a white flying sword in his hand.

Immediately, Pan Chen condensed the meaning of the sword of chaos, blended the power of chaos and the power of chaos, and suddenly cut off a long river of chaos, swept away like a fairy in a dream.

At the same time, the fairy fairy also urged to forget the magic sword formula, condensed a mysterious sword of heaven, and then incorporated his Danyuan mana and mana into it, suddenly cut out, an illusory fate rushed to the vast river.

Heaven is destiny, heaven is destiny. Although this illusory fate is not the true fate of all beings, it contains the power of supply. It collided violently with the power of the law of chaos contained in the long river of chaos and passed on to each other.

After a while, the two rivers annihilated each other.

At this moment, the two appeared suddenly, waving swords to each other.

When the long sword attacked, the figure like a dream fairy retreated. Although her spirit is not harmful to Pan Chen, it is not a martial art in the end, and more power is naturally worse.

So, Pan Chen began to use chaos to cut down the sword of the fairy, like the melee of the fairy in the dream. Not only is he more powerful than the dream fairy, his real Dragon King plus the power of Dan Yuan, the mana is also equivalent to twice the dream fairy, this is the gap of absolute power. So after more than ten moves, he will sweep away the ring like a fantasy fairy.

Lu Feiyun secretly a forest, this brother Pan's strength is actually powerful, this is simply overwhelming! Fortunately, he did not expect to find a killer to assassinate Pan Chen, otherwise it would be over now.

Even the white wind after the west wind is somewhat unexpected. For example, the fairy fairy only ranked him twice, but the gap is really big. I am afraid that Tianyi has underestimated his strength.

Then, the top three rankings were quickly eliminated, namely Pan Chen, Ru Mengzi, and Fu Tianpeng.

Even so, it is the issue of awards. Compared with the top 100 awards, especially the top 10, the awards are relatively rich. In addition to abundant training resources, Pan Chen also won the right to choose the sixth-level magic weapon at the top of the Wushu Association.

With the awards, many martial arts outside Xifeng Road have left, including Fu Tianpeng and Lu Chenghao. They were originally practicing on Xifeng Road, but now their identity is exposed, it is not easy to stay in the boxing hall, they will naturally leave. However, they also have a lot to gain. In addition to the martial arts award, the ranking of the submarine dragon has also improved.

Then, Wu Hui spread out, Pan Chen, Zhu Lingyue, Ziying came to the city's main palace with west wind, white strong wind and Mulan.

Bai Lifeng said: "There is one thing I really want to ask you for help. Xiliang Wangcheng will hold a large martial arts meeting. We, you can go to Lulu on our behalf. Better. "

Pan Chen nodded: "It's not difficult, just I want to see Wang Cheng's prosperity."

Bai Lifeng said with a smile: "Since you promise to go, I will not be bad for you. If you can get the top three of Wang Cheng, the reward will be absolutely generous and there will be other surprises." The time is one month later, and the Ming Yu Sheng Nu should also be present. You can meet in time. Time is up. I will let you know and send it to Wangcheng together. Now, follow Mulan to the treasure house and choose the right magic weapon. "

Pan Chen nodded and took two women with Mulan to the treasure house of the city's main palace.

On the way, Mulan asked, "What kind of magic do you need?"

Pan Chen said: "Defense magic weapon of Taiyin attribute."

Magnolia looked at Pan Chen and said in surprise, "For the Pearl Girl?"

Pan Chen nodded and said, "If you haven't been with her for so many years, prepare two more gifts to compensate her."

Magnolia said: "I think you should first choose a magic weapon for yourself. The Pearl Girl is the sage of the Moon Palace. Will there be a shortage of magic weapons?" Unlike you, there is a defensive weapon that can increase your chance of winning. The reward of Wang Chengwu Association is generous. If you really want to give her a gift, you can give her the reward that Wang Chengwu will get. "

Pan Chen listened for a while, then remained silent for a while, and said, "You are right, that is to say, it is a mixed element soul defense magic weapon, preferably the kind of spiritual beads."

In order to improve too much, the sixth-level soul defense magic weapon blended with Yuan Lingzhu has been unable to keep up with his strength. It is indeed time to update.

After a while, at the entrance of the treasure house, the door was closed, and two martial arts stood at the door.

Mulan said: "You are waiting here, I'll get it for you."

Pan Chen nodded and waited in situ with Zhu Lingyue and Ziying. He secretly vomited out and recovered. It was just a big war consumption.

Then Mulan took out a golden key, opened the treasure door, and a guard walked into the treasure house and chose the magic weapon.

Soon, Magnolia walked out of the treasure house, handed the silver beads to Pan Chen, and said, "Do you think it is appropriate?"

Pan Chenshen thought about it, and immediately found that the best soul defense magic weapon is also a mixed element attribute, and contains the power of the Yuanshen, which is more than twice that of the Mixed Spirit Spirit Bead. This level is also among the best magic weapons. Belong to the top. So he clenched his fists and said, "This magic weapon is very good, thank you, Miss White!"

Mulan smiled and said, "Thank you, I don't need it anymore, stay away from Lu Feiyun in the future."

Half an hour later, Pan Chen returned to the inn and took out Yuan Lingzhu's magic weapon and the best soul defense he had just obtained, consuming all people's magic value. Through the system forging furnace, the two magic weapons are merged, and the hybrid Yuan Lingzhu is advanced to the sixth level, reaching the threshold of the sixth-level magic weapon. The Miyuan Lingzhu Lingben has reached the level of the best magic weapon, but the body material is very poor, and the other Lingzhu is also the peak of the sixth-order magic weapon, so the fusion of the two will reach the threshold of the sixth-order magic weapon. .

The last instrumental spirit retained by Pan Chen is the "insect king". Because instead of recreating the affinity of the device, it is better to choose the king worm that already has a tacit understanding. ..

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