The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2195: Family members [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

Pan Chen also understands the ghost market. The ghost market is open every day, and the sky is over before dawn.

The original source of the ghost market has always been difficult to verify, but it mainly sells some black goods that are not bright, and some of the good things that can't be bought, such as excellent internal service and excellent sharp weapons.

But the buyer cannot ask the source of the item, because it may be an internal job passed down by a family member, or a sword of a big disciple.

Therefore, what you buy is difficult to be exposed, otherwise you may be in big trouble.

Due to mixed personnel, some liars overflowed with each other and even forged directly.

Therefore, you must have a good eye to buy goods in the ghost market.

Pan Chen asked about the location of the ghost market, and soon left.

Late at night, dark clouds cover the moon, and Huaishu Street is in the west of the city.

"Huashu Street" got its name because there is an ancient locust tree next to the street. This tree has been circulating for 300 years.

Because there are rumors that the locust tree will attract ghosts, people will close the door and close the window when night comes.

At night, the Huaishu Street seemed insidious, and coupled with many haunted rumors, many **** big men dared not come to this street, fearing that they would be sucked into the sun by fierce ghosts. ?

When the night fell on his son, a gust of wind blew a piece of dust, and one by one rushed out the shadow from the dark night, like a ghost shadow.

If you look closely, you will find that these ghosts carry things, because they are not soul wild ghosts wandering around the world, but hawkers on the ghost market.

For ordinary people, this is Ghost Street. For martial arts, this is a ghost market. You can buy almost anything you need.

After a while, Pan Chen and Jiang Yuelong took the lantern and went into the dark Kushen Street.

A small red light shone around, and there were stalls on the street.

"Selling spiritual charm, only 68 pairs of first-level flame characters, only 6882 pairs of second-level flame characters, pass by, don't miss it, buy in advance!"

When a hawker saw Pan Chen coming, he immediately shouted at his throat.

The hawker's voice seemed to lead the others, and someone immediately shouted: "Spit and bleed to sell. The second stage of condensing Dan only needs 888 two. In the past, don't miss it!"

After a while, vendors and ordinary customers came one after another.

Pan Chen turned around to sell Condensate Dan's stall.

The owner of this stall is a sturdy man in his thirties, with a black face and beard, strong muscles, blood thicker than water, obviously a deep motor skill, and really strong. He is a master warrior and a celebrity. It's hard to imagine him selling like a market hawker.

The stall owner saw that Pan Chen was young and handsome, and Jiang Yuelong was beautiful. Just thinking about which house came out of Taobao, he immediately smiled and said, "This son, my condensate here is of good quality and the price is favorable. Would you like to see it first?"

Pan Chen picked up the jade bottle handed to him by the stall owner, opened it, and took out one. Dan Wan is white, exuding a faint scent of medicine and staring at it carefully for a while. He found that although the quality was not good, it was also qualified, so he smiled and said, "Give me two bottles!"

The owner immediately smiled and said, "Okay!"

He said he would take the panacea back to Pan Chen, took two bottles at the booth, handed it over, and said, "This is the first thing, give you change, as long as 17200!"

This is a bottle of ten bottles, one eight eight eight two bottles!

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, as long as the medicine is good, there is no harm in adding more silver!"

He opened a jade bottle and stared at it with blue captions:


Level: Level 2 defect

Description: Defective Dan that contains erysipelas is not recommended.

Pan Chen looked at it immediately and said coldly: "Although ten thousand silver is nothing, but you gave me a flat pill!" This kind of waste pill is harmful and useless, you are a murderer, so don't blame me on Ruthless under the sword. "

Although Pan Chen did not pull out his sword, under the fierce eyes of Pan, the owner of the stall also felt a fatal crisis. It is like a mole ant being stared at by an elephant, it can be crushed at any time!

The stall owner knew that he met a host, but he was not afraid. He said quietly: "This son, the rules of this ghost market have been prohibited from using force, otherwise the consequences will be borne by you!" And, I take this spirit Dan put it here, I didn't force you to buy it. Have n’t you wondered why the price was so cheap when you bought the panacea? I don't need to say more about one cent. "

Because this ghost market also has tax collection and law enforcement, whoever dares to violate the rules will be cleaned up by law enforcement personnel!

"It seems reasonable," Pan said. "It seems a bit too much."

Jiang Yuelong said with a smile: "So, as long as you tell us where to buy cold iron, this matter is over." Otherwise, we will establish a brand here and say that you are selling defective Dan. "

The owner of the stall was like a deflated ball, and said with a bitter smile: "Under that big locust tree, there is indeed a place where you can sell high-grade refined materials." You are waiting there, someone will pick you up after a quarter of an hour you. Advanced refined materials such as iron, red copper, tungsten steel and cold iron!

Pan Chen stared at him for a while and said, "I hope you don't panic, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

Then they went to a big locust tree in the middle of the street.

Soon after, Pan Chen and Jiang Yuelong moved the lanterns to the Chinese locust tree.

Pan Chen does n’t know if this locust tree has a 300-year history, but it is really tall enough. The trunk diameter is about Zhang, and the branches are lush, wrapped in a large area of ​​three to five feet in diameter, like a huge heaven Bark.

After waiting for a while, a masked man in a black robe flew from a distance, holding the coffin in one hand, and landed quietly, as if it were the ghost of the night.

Pan Chenzan said: "Good light works, together with Taiwanese brothers, this light work is enough to be famous on rivers and lakes, why do you want to be a tour guide here?"

But the masked person didn't feel it, and the coffin door was pushed open, saying coldly: "To enter the ghost market, advanced ghost door coffin!"

The coffin seemed to rush out, but it fell at the foot of Pan Chen, but the sound was very low, showing strong control of the black robe.

If the black robe dropped him off the cliff after entering the coffin, he would die!

However, Pan Chen opened the coffin calmly and lay inside.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yuelong also lay beside Pan Chen and said with a smile: "Are you afraid he will find a place to bury us alive?"

Pan Chen smiled and said: "With the beautiful company, it is very fashionable to be a ghost, you will not lose money!"

"I hate it!"

Jiang Yuelong's beautiful face was slightly reddened, angrily angry.

At this time, the black robe was covered with a coffin, but no nails had been nailed. After all, it is not difficult for martial arts lovers to break the coffin. If someone really pushed the coffin cover halfway, I was worried that the black robe would send him to the real ghost door! ..

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