The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2189: Set off again

At this time, he turned his eyes to the woman in yellow and said, "This girl hasn't asked your last name yet. Where is her home?" Can we take you on a journey? "

The woman Huang said immediately with gratitude: "This little woman named Huang Ying was born in Huangjiazhuang, Jiujiang County. Thanks to your rescue this time, this little woman cannot thank you!"

Supervisor Qian also asked, Li Xiaoyun opened his mouth and said, "Ms. Huang, who is in charge of the cabinet, is also very afraid. Why not let her get in the car first, and talk about the car!"

The owner of Qian had to say: "Then get in the car first!"

So, the guy got into the carriage and set off again!

The Xishan Five Ghosts were all repaired the day after tomorrow. The decreased spiritual value was more than 150 points, and the total spiritual value was 800 points, but the knight value was higher, with 4980 points. Obviously not a good person.

Pan Chen added the essence value of 800 points to Canglang's true formula lv4, proficient to 04x0000. The current chivalrous spirit value is 960145650.

At this time, in the carriage, Gao Bo, Li Xiaoyun, and Xiao Cui sat on one side, and Pan Chen, Jiang Yuelong, and Huang Ying sat on the other side. Changed the money to drive.

Li Xiaoyun went to see Yingying from time to time, looking obsessed.

There was a red glow on the warbler's face, and he shyly bowed his head.

Beside him, Xiao Cui finally couldn't help but twist him hard. Xiao Cui gritted his teeth and held on, but didn't shout.

Jiang Yuelong said suddenly: "Sister Ying, Jiujiang Huang is from the county. My sister Huang Yurong and Huang Yuyan are very familiar with me, but I haven't met Ying Ying. I don't know their sister and them?"

She doubts the identity of this warbler, not to mention that she has stolen the secret book of "Five Ghosts Slashing Soul Sword". Can an ordinary woman escape the hunt of the Five Ghosts? Qian and Gaobo also understand this and doubt the identity of this warbler, but at best it is just a good disguise, acting as a female thief.

Therefore, when Li Xiaoyun urged them not to ask in detail, they were ready to go to the county to separate.

Huang Ying looked the same and said with a smile: "My father is a branch of this family. Yu Ronghe is a cousin. Of course, my sister has never seen me."

So instead of waiting for Jiang Yuelong to speak, she asked, "Have you not asked this sister's surname?"

Jiang Yuelong said with a smile: "My surname is Jiang, my name is Yue Long, and I am also from Jiujiang." If my sister is free, she can come to my house. "

Huang Ying smiled and said in surprise: "It turns out that my sister is the leader of the Jiang League, and I heard that Jiang is the first beauty of Jiujiang. When I saw it today, I was definitely a closed moon and a shy one. Flowers flood the country into this city! "

Gao Bo immediately changed her mind and shocked her heart. The white woman was the daughter of Jiujiang Union leader Jiang Yunfan. He couldn't help but think of a rumor that had made a lot of noise and immediately affirmed some kind of speculation in her mind.

Next to Xiao Cui was very dissatisfied, and once twisted around Li Xiaoyun's waist again, with a look of indignation in his heart, this girl and this beautiful woman were next to them, dare to peek at other beautiful women!

At this time, Jiang Yuelong suddenly frowned and said, "Did you smell a strange fragrance?"

So Xiao Cui took a deep breath and said sharply: "There seems to be a light fragrance. Whose fragrance powder is so comfortable!"

Li Xiaoyun said, "Why didn't I smell it?"

But Gobo immediately became alert, and this fragrance suddenly appeared, abnormal!

At this moment, Xiao Cui suddenly lost his face and said, "Xiao Yun is dead. How did you become two heads?"

As soon as the voice fell, a deep sleep fell on her, and she fell asleep with Master Gao Bo.

"Xiao Cui, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xiaoyun immediately looked worried, just ended, but suddenly leaned against the window and passed out.

Gao Bo immediately aimed at the suspected target, just about to start, just a layer of white palms condensed, and suddenly a sleepy attack, the true energy of the palm suddenly dissipated, he changed his eyes, stared at the warbler, said calmly : "Demon Girl, when did you do the secret calculation?"

Ying said with a smile: "What do you think?"

At this time, Jiang Yuelong strongly supported his drowsiness and said, "This woman must be next to Li Xiaoyun's child, and rosemary under him!"

She searched the body of the warbler, but found nothing. Obviously, when Li Xiaoyun picked her up, she might have made a secret calculation!

"This is rosy!"

Gao Bo looked surprised, but suddenly, no wonder he just smelled the scent and was drowsy! Because rosemary is a strange fourth-order scent, although it is not toxic, it can make people fall into a deep dream, which is ten times stronger than the third-level ecstasy. Even the most famous people can be charmed, and even have a certain influence on Wu Zongqiang. The medicinal power of third-level ecstasy is ten times stronger than that of third-level ecstasy, even if it has a certain impact on Wu Zongqiang.

Pan Chen kept his eyes closed and seemed to be in rosemary!

Huang Ying smiled and said, "Miss Jiang is really smart, but this girl doesn't like a woman who is smarter and more beautiful than me. You said I cut a dozen knives on your flower month. Will Lin Feng like you? ? "

"You, I'm going to kill you!"

Jiang Yuelong said, a layer of blood coagulated in the palm of his hand, and then spread out, lying on Pan Chen's shoulder and fainted.

Then fainted!

Whether you are a born master, in this rosy fragrance, you will only be caught in your hands!

Immediately, Huang Ying's palm condensed with inches of pink gangster, slowly stood up, and approached Pan Chen and others alertly, confirming that Pan Chen had not moved. In the cold wind, the little poisonous king Tu Wanshun captured Jian Lin ’s hero. Unexpectedly, only a bag of roses fell off. Sure enough, it was just the pseudonym of Wave!

As the warbler prepared to slap Pan Chen, Pan Chen suddenly opened his eyes and stared at her with a faint gaze, his eyes were very clear, he could not see any difficulty!

"Even if the original owner can't avoid it, how is it possible?"

Huang Ying looked at him in surprise, and the jade hand holding the pink palm immediately dared not move. She thinks that Pan Chen is just bluffing, but she can't bet because Pan Chen's sword has always been merciless. But she was still watching quietly. Once she discovered that Pan Chen's tension had just ended, she would definitely get into trouble.

Pan Chen smiled faintly: "How could there be no way to crack the rosemary that has been known for a long time?"

The warbler was shocked again and asked, "How do you know the smell of incense?"

However, she was really confused because the smell of incense had been eliminated during the pre-dynasty Dayan period.

"I also know that you are now renamed Tianxiangzong and attached to the Hades Palace. Zongmen is good at refining incense, ecstasy, rosemary, calming incense and heaven's most precious fragrance!

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