The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2174: Power is far-reaching

With a bang, the steel plate splashed!

At the same time, the butcher had a green light in front of him, but there were still a lot of poison gas in the butcher's body, which was inserted in his chest!

As for Xu Baofa, the six people avoided robbery because of the butcher's physical resistance!

Touwan's clothes in front of him were ragged and burnt black, and there were a few steel plates inserted in the meat, but the meat inside was not deep and looked miserable. His protective body is resisted by gas, which shows that his power is profound!

In this way, his cultivation entered the field of Confucian refining in later generations, but compared with the older generation experts such as Tong Nan and Zhao Yuhu, there is obviously a big difference. Not long yet.

At this time, Tu Wan's face was very gloomy. He didn't expect Jiang Yuelong to have a big killer like Tianlei Maru. Although he was only slightly injured, he had already lost his fighter and was about to escape!

However, Pan Chen's footsteps did not stop at all, Pan Kong took seven steps, instantly fell to the ground, one arrow at a time, flashed across the body of the butcher, and the cold sword of the abyss quickly pierced!

All this happened in an instant. At this time, if the butcher turned around and fled, he sold his back to Pan Chen, only a dead end!

Tu Wanbody's Baiduzhen flows quickly, flows as wide as a river, clasps his hands, and almost instantaneously condenses an inch of green Baiduzhengang, palms on his chest, holding the cohesion of that inch white sword!

Although Pan Chen ’s muscle and bone strength is powerful and unparalleled, and there is a real gas reward from Beitao, Tu Wanwan is a master of refining holes after all, the two are in dispute!

Pan Chen stared at the butcher's eyes, his eyebrows rushing out an invisible sword and thrust into the butcher's sea.

This sword condenses 60% of Pan Chen's spiritual strength. Even if the butcher can't kill money, his will is firm, and he is also involved in the wave of sword intentions.

At this time, Han Yuanjian pierced his throat!

Tu Wan opened his eyes wide, unwilling to think of struggling for a moment, falling into eternal darkness!

"Congratulations to the player, you killed a million poisonous butchers, and gained 1000 points of essence value, 6660 points of knight value!"

"Congratulations to the players, your knight value is more than 10:00, and your knight title has been upgraded to knight spirit!"

Congratulations to the players, your authority has been improved, and the functions of the system have been further unlocked! Please check for details. "

However, at the same time, dozens of black steel needles were shot from behind Pan Chen!

At this time, Xu Huofa held a cylindrical syringe in his hand. There is no doubt that this is a piercing needle!

Although this thing is only a second-level dark device, it extinguishes a large amount of poison and has no defense. Even the natural owner will be immune!

His behavior was beyond everyone's expectations. The protection of the five Qingjiaogangs was shocked, staring at the eyes, thinking Pan Chen could not get rid of immunity!

At the critical moment, a character flashed over and appeared in front of Pan Chen, but Jiang Yuelong.

Those Jiang Yuelong who pierced the heart through the bone needle, a bloody, fresh air quietly surfaced!

Most of the steel needles were blocked by Jiang Yuelong's blood brake gas, but the body's fewer parts protected the weakness of the poison gas and penetrated her body! ?

Fortunately, after the blood brake gas slowed down, the kinetic energy of the steel needle was greatly reduced, but it penetrated a small half and did not penetrate her body.

Pan Chen also inserted the sword into the sheath, held Jiang Yuelong in her left hand, and patted her vest with her right palm. She inserted more than a dozen poisoned needles in front of her, and it shot in a flash.

It's just that although the needle has been cleared, the toxin has invaded the body. Pan Chen hurriedly changed a third-level detoxification Dan to feed her.

At this time, Xu Huofa saw Pan Chen was very good, immediately changed his appearance, and wanted to escape. The other five green corners helped protect the law, but the shape flashed and surrounded him!

Six people fight at once!

At this time, Pan Chen was looking at Jiang Yuelong with complicated eyes, and his heart was a little excited. Many couples who swear to each other will fly at the moment of life and death!

This little girl saved herself desperately, was he conquered by the spirit of fewer overlords, willing to sacrifice her life for herself?

Unfortunately, Pan Chen was narcissistic for a while, Jiang Yuelong whitened him and hummed: "You can only die in this girl's hands!"

Pan Chen shook his head and smiled, his figure flashed in front of him. In Xu Huo's panicked look, he bent his fingers and blocked his eight interest!

He did not bother to ask Xu Baofa why he was a mole, so he started the statistics directly.

Battle record: In this battle, a total of 1600 outstanding spirits and 900 knights were obtained.

The exchange consumption is 4500 points, the current value is 16005000, and the knight value is 44060105050.

Then, Pan Chen began to question the unlock function.

First, you can exchange the items of the fourth order. Under the **** soldier, Wu Zongping can exchange, but a minimum of 50,000 knightly spirits are required!

Second, the integration and engulfment of power and talents are on!

The same work sequence can be integrated with each other, thereby improving the quality of work methods, while higher-order work methods can devour the same low-level work methods and gain a certain degree of proficiency.

The same is true for talents. Talents at the same level can integrate with each other to generate new talents, and high-level talents can devour the growth of low-level talents!

Third, start the installation system and consume 5000 points of knight value to open the installation space.

At the same time, the system mall is also open for consumption of horse riding spirit grass, spirit pill and vest.

However, the mount is not only a war horse, but also a green cow, white elephant, black tiger, and even Dapeng, Jiaolong, and Dragon Horse, as long as the player has the ability to recover!

If you can have a high-level mount, there is no doubt that the ability to survive will be greatly improved!

Unfortunately, Pan Chen now does not have a one-handed mount, and does not open the riding space for the time being, preparing to save some knight's value and change to a martial arts level professional. The painstaking method is only the second order, the potential is limited, and the breakthrough is a bit reluctant!

It is feasible to annex talents and skills, but we must find a secret place.

Therefore, he must first clean up the mess in front of him, so he looked at the body of Butcher Million. This guy claims to be the king of poison, he should be worth a lot of money.

However, at this time, a yellow-faced woman had groped on the body of a million slaughterers. That was Jiang Yuelong. The toxins in her body were dissolved by Jiedu Dan, which was no longer a big problem. After a while, Jiang Yuelong took off an apricot bag from the butcher's waist, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.

This cloth bag looks ordinary, but there is a faint flash of light, which is obviously not an ordinary object.

"Mustard bag!"

Pan Chen looks very happy, space supplies are extremely scarce, and even the lowest level mustard bags are no less valuable than defective soldiers.

Jiang Yuelong was about to speculate in his arms when he heard a voice coming from his ear: "Bring it!"

She reluctantly handed over the mustard bag.

Pan Chen opened the mustard bag and put his mental power into it, and immediately found more than a dozen jade bottles. I do n’t know what poison, poison pills, there was a yellowing book, a large incense burner, a black iron flute, a stack of silver tickets .

The black iron flute is called the soul flute, and the sound of the flute can attract nearby poisons. ..

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