The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2170: What do you think?

Jiang Yuelong also looked at Pan Chen curiously and said, "What do you think?"

Pan Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't see it, but I know that this kind of wine and vegetables must have problems." Since the underworld's eye line has been followed, if no one does it, it must be a means of negative damage. Poisoning is not the most effective method. "

Pan Chen's previous life was a generation of Jianzun. His fighting power was almost the first in Kyushu, but he was still poisoned by the sixth-order singular poison of Sanyinhua. It is unforgettable!

At this time, the two caught the second and the boss.

Jiang Yuelong saw three iron needles in his hand and said with a sneer: "Dare to poison this girl, you are dead!"

At this time, Pan Chen shook his head and said: "Let them go, they are ordinary people, they have nothing to do with them, they have been poisoned in raw materials and wine for a long time!"

If these two people have problems, they simply cannot escape Pan Chen's exploration skills.

Although there were some doubts about the protection methods of the two Qings, the cabinet and the second line were loosened according to the words.

The old man with a silver beard wondered: "How is it possible?" We have a completely random foothold in this inn. How can they solve it. "

"Our whereabouts have always been in their hands," Pan said. "It's too easy to arrange in advance."

Mixed poisons can be used, and the toxicity is so strong. It is definitely not an ordinary poison master. It is likely to be a master of poison. We must find a solution to the problem.

Jiang Yue's long face was covered with frost and the road was cold. If she hadn't taken Dudan beforehand, she would have died.

Baiduzong also knew that he was one of the evil patriarchs. Although Kyushu has great power, the evil forces have not been completely destroyed. Many evil schools are attached to the Hell Palace, one of the biggest evil factions, one of them is the Baidu Sect. This patriarch is good at using poisons. There are hundreds of deadly poisons that are invisible.

He thought for a while and said: "After this, we should eat first and not drink wine. When we find a safe water source, we will prepare a few water bags."

At night, the moon is rare.

Pan Chen and his party walked north along the official road, holding torches in their hands.

About half an hour later, a passerby stopped in a small town.

The party walked randomly to a house and knocked on the door.

After a long time, an old man with a white beard opened the door and said alertly, "Who are you looking for?"

Pan Chen handed some broken silver coins and said, "Old man, we were on the road all night. We were thirsty and wanted to drink water."

He suspected that the owner of the poisoning had poisoned the water source of the inn in the town, so he randomly found a house to drink water.

The old man weighed the silver in his hand, and immediately looked very happy, and said with a smile: "The old man has nothing at home, just the water pipe is enough, please come in!"

Immediately, a group of people walked into the room, picked up the bowl and spoon, and were about to drink water.

Pan Chen said coldly: "If you want to die, drink it!"

Although the water in the tank is unlikely to be toxic, as long as there is a 1/10000 chance, it is likely to become true at this particular moment.

The party hurriedly stopped and looked at Pan Chen.

Pan Chen took out a Baidan pill and said, "Which of you will take this anti-virus Dan first, and then try the water in this sink."

He is the main battle force, if the poisoning is injured, I am afraid that this group of people can't live anymore and can only let others try.

"This is my old Peng!"

When the red-faced man finished the panacea, he was about to drink it.

However, Pan Chen was lying sideways, his lips suddenly became restless, as if to say something, but there was no voice.

Several Qingjiao just didn't notice it, only Jiang Yuelong discovered it, very suspicious is the secret skill.

The red-faced old Peng was slightly dull, and then drank a bowl of water.

Suddenly, there was a dramatic change in Lao Peng's face. The water bowl in his hand fell to the ground. The debris flew all around. His hand grabbed his throat. His mouth, the voice, immediately spit out blood and fell on Do not wake up on the ground.

The old man with a silver beard hurried to find his nostrils, but found that he was not breathing.

The party immediately changed dramatically, staring fiercely at the old man.

Jiang Yuelong looked puzzled. Why is this poison so strong that he died on the spot if he took the poison pill in advance?

The old man looked scared and said, "I just woke up drinking this water, and I won't die."

Pan Chen said: "Uncle, this is not your business. Everyone can drink this water. As long as we drink it, things will happen." Can I ask you something? "

The old man was worried that his party would sue the official, so after hearing Pan Chen's words, he immediately said, "What's going on, I will do it?"

Pan Chen glanced at the crowd and said, "Go out first, I have something to tell my dad!"

Although the Liuqinggang guardianship seemed a bit reluctant, he left the room as they said.

Jiang Yuelong looked suspicious and looked at Pan Chen and left the house.

At this point, Pan Chen said: "Well, if we can't stop for important things, please ask the old man to help us find a coffin and bury my brother Peng."

The old man immediately looked scared and said, "In this way, the head catcher will arrest me."

Pan Chen took out a silver coin engraved with a cyan gum dragon and gave it to him. "You hold this mark, that is, the representative of Qingjiao did it for you. They dare not doubt you. Someone will help you get things done."

This is his lieutenant Token, who can shift the rudder at will.

This symbol is not impossible to copy, but at present, except for the triad, almost no one dares to have courage.

Although the old man was not in the middle of the rivers and lakes, he also knew that the Qingjiao Gang held this sign.

Then Pan Chen walked to the red-faced man's body, swept his palm from his forehead, closed his eyes, and quietly fed a white pill into his mouth.

After a while, a passerby set off again.

Since the water tanks of any family have been poisoned, I am afraid that the water sources of the entire town have been poisoned.

So they decided to find water again.

However, this time, they went to the east and just got farther away from the state city.

But Pan Chen had to do this, because the road to the national city must have been for a long time, and the enemy got rid of the enemy's layout.

The party walked for more than an hour, but found a small river. ..

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