The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2160: The host is much better! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

This is a typical red face singing, a white face singing, coercion and temptation!

Leng Bingbing looked at Pan Chen carefreely, looking a little worried, after all, the conditions provided by the triad palace were much better than the deputy master of the Qingjiao Gang!

If you change yourself, can you resist this temptation?

Lan Lin also had the same idea.

Pan Chen just smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Brother Mo, for paying attention to it, but Pan still disagrees!" If I betray the Green Corner Gang for my benefit today, I would not necessarily be because Betray my brother Mo for the benefit of the future! "

Brother Lin said with a serious smile: "Brother Lin is true." In fact, I can grab Brother Lin's wife and force you to succumb. But in this way, I am very narrow, and Brother Lin will definitely not really serve me. How about we bet? "

Pan Chen said: "Brother Mo, let's talk first!"

He solemnly and gently shook the fan, and said with a smile: "We bet this Qinghe County, if I win Qinghe County within a month, Brother Lin will join the triad palace." If Brother Lin occupied the county within a month , Will do this, and I will not be embarrassed by Brother Lin. "

"With the county as a bet, Brother Mo is really proud!"

Pan Chen smiled and immediately shook his head, saying: "But Brother Mo must have a high status in the underground palace, only need to send a few masters, even if I try my best, there is only one way to lose!"

A solemn smile said: "Brother Lin can rest assured of this!" The most important thing in gambling is fairness, so this time, Helian and I will not shoot, nor will we send experts from other counties. However, for the sake of fairness, Zishan Fairy and any helpers are not allowed to do so! how about it? "

Pan Chen pondered for a while and said, "Great!"

At this time, a systematic prompt sounded in Pan Chen ’s ear: "Dear player, you accepted the task of defending Qinghe County. The task was successful, and the knight value was 10,000 points. The failure of the task deducted the knight value. The upper limit. "The duration of the mission is one month! "

What is deducted here is the upper limit of the value of the knight. The penalty for failure can be said to be extremely heavy!

However, Pan Chen has no possibility to refuse, because this is a mandatory task!

"I know Brother Lin will agree," he said with a serious smile. "See you in a month!"

The voice fell, and the solemn figure of the black lotus suddenly turned into black gas dissipated. A flash of light appeared outside the Qingyin Pavilion, flashing a few times, and disappeared.

At this time, Pan Chen was relieved, lying on the table. Cold and carefree, the clothes behind Pan Chen are soaked, it is obvious that Pan Chen ’s heart is not so indifferent. He said worriedly: "Brother Lin, you shouldn't have promised him just now. If you are really in the army, I'm afraid the living spirit will be destroyed!"

Pan Chen smiled and said: "This solemn and easy-going character is actually pretentious. Looking at his tone of protection for Helian, we all know that he is a good master." If I disagree with him today, I am afraid None of us will leave here. But we are not desperate! Although this man is bossy, he loves face very much. In order to show his mind, he will definitely give us a certain chance to win, but at most only 30% or less! It is speculated that in this Qinghe County, the county governors Zhu Zhenhua and Du Shaonan must have one person who is an underground palace, or both! Because only in this way, he can quickly control the power of the army, and then add more troops to make trouble. All we can fight for is Yu Shenxiu and Zhao Yuhu! "

When Lan Lin heard it, he immediately felt that the situation was suddenly clear, at least the enemies and friends had recognized it. She stared at Pan Chen with beautiful eyes and was surprised to find that she could analyze so much information soon. No wonder Liu Hanfeng died under his plan, and the man who solemnly cherished him so wisely and courageously.

This feeling is the same when the weather is cold and carefree.

The three people analyzed together for a while, and found that they were still calculating seriously. Their chance of winning was only 12% at most, and the chance of winning was terrible!

There are more than 1,000 people in Qingjiao Gang, many of whom are incompetent intelligence and logistics personnel. However, the county town has 5,000 soldiers, and the people and horses hidden in the underground palace are enough to quickly pull out an army of tens of thousands of people. At the beginning of the war, these four doors couldn't stop it!

At this point, Pan Chen looked very serious: "Dewey Tongnan is most likely to be a solemn person, because he is in charge of the military power of this county." So now we must go to the six gates and ask Zhao Yuhu for help, watching Tang Nan , Lest he suddenly launch the army, we would be caught by surprise. I'll deal with this! Someone needs to contact Yu Shenxiu, the dean of Qinghe College, and the Yin Brothers do this. One more thing, boss Le. Can you go to Su Yuan to see if this underground tunnel blown down by the wind was dug? If you dig it out, see if the money and food weapons are still there. "

After Yangliufeng retreated, Su Yuan was blocked by the officers and men. Therefore, it is not easy for Pan Chen to force people to send this wealth in and retrieve it.

If money and food weapons fall into the underground palace, they must be able to arm more people and the logistics will be more abundant. If not, you can use it yourself.

Cold worry, Lanling nodded, it was related to the county, they could not stay out of the situation, so the three quickly parted ways.

If you want to do your job well, you must first use your weapon.

Pan Chen decided to exhaust all remaining essential values.

During these three days of layout, Pan Chen used True Qi to remove most of the impurities in Ren Mai, and it will not be long before it is completely separated.

Once a breakthrough is made, the real poison gas can be greatly improved, once again improving the combat capability.

However, at this time the situation was critical and Pan Chen had no real value. He used painstaking methods to break through the inner inherent thinking, and priority was given to combat capability breakthrough.

At this time, Pan Chen had the essence value of 5,000 full marks, and the proficiency of the Qingjiao Palace was 155,000. He added the essential value of 1,646 points to the Qingjiao Palace.

He immediately felt the burning air flowing through his body, rapidly changing his muscles and bones.

After a moment, the system made a sound: "Congratulations to the player, celebrating the breakthrough of lv4, proficiency in 15000, the three attributes of muscle and bone, physique, body and style have been improved by 5 points."

At this time, the proficiency of the white elephant lv is 19.4x000. Pan Chen added an essence value of 807 points to Bai Xiang's works. At this time, Pan Chen still has the essential value of 547 points. ..

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