The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2154: You go on an adventure again! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

This person is not an ordinary person, but the Qinghe Zhiruo. In addition to Liu Hanfeng, the only remaining innate master is today's auxiliary rudder actor, nicknamed shadow, light, and good at snooping information. Although he was only in the early stages of his birth, he had excellent vision and was almost ugly and invisible.

Therefore, Liu Hanfeng heard that a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "The opportunity has finally come!"

Since Ningyu Butterfly was injured, he has been practicing in the Great Hall. Liu Hanfeng knew that it was very difficult to kill Pan Chen under the protection of Ning Yu Butterfly. But he must kill Pan Chen within a month, otherwise the young master will not let him go!

However, he was not in a hurry, but said: "Go on an adventure!"

After the shadow ended, he left.

A quarter of an hour later, the shadow reported again: "Director Gong, Pan Chen also left the main hall as if to the Grand Hyatt restaurant south of our base camp."

The corner of Liu Han's mouth slightly erected, and said, "Come on, let's go to the Qingjiao Club!"

The shadow looked confused and said, "Don't go south of the city?"

Liu Hanfeng said: "That boy has a local hermit, divinity, and there are many ways to escape. Even if more people are besieged, it is difficult to have a role, so we do n’t have to care about him. Those who I killed him, just grab him Woman, there are many ways to deal with him! "

The shadow smiled and said, "The rudder is wise!"

After a quarter of an hour, Jasper.

In the pavilion, there is a Yaoqin on the stone table. A bright and moving woman in white is sitting and playing piano music. The sound of the piano is like a small song, just like Tie Ma Jingge.

Suddenly, a black man wearing a mask climbed over the wall and flashed in front of the pavilion, carefully watching the appearance of the white woman, confirming that she was the clear jade he was looking for, and reaching for her.

All this happened between the fingers. Looking at the crisis, Mingyu was not in a hurry. A blue iron pill appeared on the cuff. He threw it in the past and left the pavilion quickly.

The pupil of a black man shrank sharply, his figure dropped sharply, but he was still late!

With a bang, the steel plate splashed and the black smoke filled.

The pavilion was not hit by the spilled steel plate, but fortunately it did not collapse.

After a while, a ragged man emerged from the thick black smoke, his chest was red, there were many steel plates in it, his hair was scorched, dark and fleshy.

The knight value of these 1,000-point dawn pills is enough to blow up ordinary talent masters!

Although this rugged man looked painful, he seemed indifferent, obviously only a physical wound. It can be seen that his external skills practice in-depth and fortifications!

The man grinned, and suddenly a dazzling golden light flew out, all the steel plates inserted into his body flew out, and the wound healed quickly.

Mingyu saw the man's face, and suddenly his face changed, saying, "You are Lord Luo!"

"Yes, it's me! Miss Mingyu, if you don't want to suffer, just follow me!"

Qian Kundao. He didn't need to hide it at this time. Mingyu said with a smile: "Do you really think I am the only person here?"

The voice did not fall, a young man in white flashed over and appeared in front of Mingyu.

"Don't worry about the cold!"

Qian Kun looked a little frustrated and immediately smiled and said: "Yes, your friendship with Lin Feng is the best. He wants to capture our stronghold and will naturally ask for help." But I advise you not to intervene. Anyway, I do n’t want to kill you for so long! "

"Brother Luo, I didn't expect the mole to be you, as if you were chased by the enemy and rescued by the master, it was also a play, wasn't it?"

Although the cold, carefree tone is a bit surprised, but it looks very cold, it seems that Qian Kun is a traitor, it is not difficult to accept at all.

Qian Kun did not deny it and said frankly: "Yes, I just entered the realm of nature at that time, Liu Hanfeng gave me an irreparable state." I just shot the scene after death! In fact, for many years, with the help of Master, the brothers were also very happy together. If possible, I don't want to betray you. But since Lin Feng came, everything has changed! Blame him, blame him! "

Leng worried about hearing this, it looked a bit strange, and immediately said with a smile: "Actually, the last time the four siege of Zhu Zhenhua, Tongnan, Yu Shenxiu, Guo Chongzhen, you have a chance to attack the master!" You are not really working for the underworld! "

Qian Kun was silent. In fact, he was n’t even sure if he could escape. Where did he feel? Moreover, Master is a disciple of Qinglong Temple, no matter how daring he is, he will not kill him. If Ning Yu Butterfly dies, Qinglong Temple will never let him go!

Ruthlessly and carefreely continued: "Actually, you turned to the underworld just to get more training resources." If you give up this secret confession, I can plead with the master, what happened today, as if it had not happened same! "

"Senior Yin, you don't have to convince me, since I have exposed my identity, there is no way out! Take it!"

Qian Kun hesitated for a while, suddenly got cold, clenched his fists in both hands, and started a boxing match. Although he did not bring the best weapon, he still had confidence to overcome the cold without worrying!

Sighing carefreely and coldly, he suddenly pulled out a snow sword, moved it with his heart, and took a sigh of relief, shrinking into an inch of white sword awn.

The two looked at each other and suddenly moved at the same time.

Qian Kun fists a layer of gold fist gangs. Although Qian Kun is good at horizontal practice, his light skills are also first-class. After a flash, he instantly knocked out the cold and carefree door.

The cold and carefree body turned into a white residue, disappeared, appeared behind Qian Kun, and pierced his heart with a sword.

Behind Qian Kun was a dazzling golden light, and the long sword was like a golden bell, making the sound of gold and iron. He meticulously practiced the golden bell cover and reached the peak to create the ultimate state. There are also inborn gangs working together. The sword is invulnerable and unbreakable, and the defense is more difficult than those Xuanyin dead!

Then he suddenly turned around and beat him to a cold place.

At this moment, an invisible sword pierced Qian Kun's eyebrows, and he looked dull.

At this time, Xue Jian suddenly pierced his throat!

It was difficult to reach the Kung Fu's key door with his throat. He was attacked by a sword. It was too late to condense the natural gas defense of the gang, which naturally cannot be resisted!

Qian Kun stared at "Cold and Carefree". At the moment before his death, he had realized that this person was Pan Chen, all of which were traps. But before he could speak, he stopped breathing.

"Congratulations on the killing of Qian Kun, his spirit is 800%, and the knight is worth 160%!"

Pan Chen looks a little happy. If it is not easy to pretend to be indifferent and carefree, let the other party relax his vigilance and kill him.

He and the cold did not worry about the difference in shape, and then put on a person's skin mask, it is almost difficult to distinguish without careful comparison. ..

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