The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2152: Exploring skills [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Mingyu can achieve a breakthrough in just half a month, which shows that the talent is extraordinary.

Pan Chen gave her the method of focusing on practicing the moon, illuminating the soul, etc. The true shape of the moon can directly devour the power of the moon, activate the body, and start practicing from a natural state. This is the practice of the ancient fairy road. Therefore, Xiandao Xuanzong pays special attention to qualification certification, because without talents, even the first level of gas enters the human body is difficult to achieve!

However, Mingyu is very suitable to take this path.

Then, Pan Chen gave Jiang Yuelong an exploration technique.

Name: Jiang Yuelong

Genius: Shui Ling's body

Attributes: muscle and bone 15, physical 15, body 18, soul 15.

Methods: Ling rhino fist lv4, Youquan hematopoiesis lv5, blood shadow sword lv5, blood shadow body lv5.

The method of refining your spring blood is generally mixed and impure. If you want to break through the innate and extremely difficult, generally use thick real energy to force through the porch of life and death, but this way, the chance of explosion and death is not small.

Because Jiang Yuelong started from a small part of the true qi formed by condensing his own blood, and then used thin medicinal materials to invigorate the qi and blood, the true qi is very pure, and there are still certain birth defects. However, in order to reduce the chance of failure, she has been refining real gas, storing real gas, hoping it can be achieved.

Suddenly felt the sound of footsteps behind him, he immediately stopped playing, stood up and looked at it, and found that it was Pan Chen, Wen Wan, and said, "Fujun, you woke up." You sit for a while. Let me heat up the food. "

"Great, we can finally have dinner!"

When Jiang Yuelong heard it, he immediately stopped practicing the sword and flashed into the house.

Pan Chen smiled and shook his head, the girl no longer regarded herself as an outsider. In fact, Pan Chen has long seen that Jiang Yuelong's skin thickness is impossible to fear any rumors, let alone fall in love with himself because he has been touched several times. When she approaches herself, she must have a goal!

But Pan Chen saw that she had saved Mingyu for her and did not drive her away. I hope that when she feels that she has no chance to leave, she will feel that she is not interested in leaving. But, looking at the situation, this chick seems to be really ready to rely on him for a lifetime, and is still a big-bellied king.

After a quarter of an hour, in the living room.

Mingyue eats hot, Jiang Yuelong rises fast.

While the three were eating, Jiang Yuelong suddenly took out a letter and said with a smile: "Lin Feng, this is from your little lover."

Pan Chen opened it and looked at it:

Lin Feng, you son of a bitch, you promised Master to practice sword with me, but you did n’t come for half a month.

Well, if you do n’t come again this afternoon, this girl will tell you that it looks good!

Liu Xueyan!

Pan Chen shook his head and smiled, but he agreed to Zishan, but it was not easy to refuse. He looked up at Mingyu.

Mingyu said with a smile: "Let's go, Yuelong and I go to Sister Lulu and wait for you to come back!"

Pan Chen nodded and said, "I will come back sooner!"

Half an hour later, Yu Qing looked at the backyard.

In the sunny sunshine, Liu Xueyan kept playing his sword and snowflakes flew.

After a while, she suddenly picked up her sword, sat on the grass, threw it away, and hummed: "Damn Lin Feng, stinky Lin Feng!"

Just then, a playful voice sounded: "Miss, whose temper is this?"

Liu Xueyan heard this familiar voice, turned around, and found that it was Pan Chen, and immediately looked very happy, saying, "Go, let's go out and play!" She has been in Taoist Temple for half a month, if she is not in a mood to talk to her, she will go crazy!

Pan Chen shook his head and said, "It's dangerous outside. Unless your master agrees, I won't take you out!"

At this time, a cool and beautiful Taoist aunt wearing a moonlight robe flashed and said, "You take her to play for a while, take a break, and come back early!"

Pan Chen saw Zishan agree, so he nodded and said, "Okay!"

After a while, there were many vehicles on the street.

Seeing a sugar seller, Liu Xueyan immediately looked very happy, stepped forward, took two, pointed to Pan Chen, and said to the hawker: "He paid!"

"how much is it?"

"Two cents!"

Pan Chen gave two copper coins and hurried away.

Along the way, Liu Xueyan saw some delicious food, fun, crunchy sugar-coated fruits, wave drums, wind chimes, jade, necklaces, etc. As long as you see interest, you will buy it.

Pan Chen followed, and kept paying.

They hung out for a while.

Suddenly, Pan Chen frowned slightly, and suddenly turned around.

As he watched, the two young men behind him stopped to talk to the hawker next to him.

Pan Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and did not bother to clean these two people. "Someone is following," he whispered. "Be careful!"


Liu Xueyan replied that the real poison gas began to gather, ready to deal with sneak attacks at any time.

At this time, an angry woman and little girl in green clothes greeted each other.

Pan Chen looked a little frustrated, immediately smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"

Lan Ruoji saw Pan Chen and Liu Xueyan together and immediately said coldly: "Lin Feng, after you get married, you should spend more time with Mingyu girl." You killed Qiao Yuqing, but now you will not go with him! "

Pan Chen explained: "I have no more scruples now. I only worry about her safety and accompany her to relax."

Lan Ruoji gently said: "I am not your person, you do not need to explain to me, you can understand in your heart!"

Liu Xueyan hummed: "Since you are not him, still care so much?"

At this time, the little girl next to Lan Ruoji snorted: "I am his sister. If my aunt is also his aunt, why don't you care?"

Liu Xueyan looked at Pan Chen. Does he really have a sister who has been separated for many years?

Pan Chen said softly, "Little girl, you can eat food, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"She is really your sister, you know, her name is Lin Yuqi!"

Lan Ruoji didn't say Lin Yulong's name, so as not to stimulate Pan Chen.

Pan Chen said coldly: "My relatives are dead, of course there is no sister!" Thank you for helping me last time, but some things can't be changed in the past! "

Suddenly, in the dense crowd, a dozen passers-by and hawkers suddenly pulled out their swords and rushed to Pan Chen, Liu Xueyan, Lan Ruoji, Lin Yuqi.

The pedestrians around were startled and fled one by one, leaving no one on the street. ..

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