The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2148: You think too much [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

A big devil, are you sure this is not just a hand? There are other parts, this hand is so scary, if there are other parts, then. terrible.

One hand can still be suppressed, but if you add other parts, Pan Chen ’s current power can never be suppressed, that is to add four women, not opponents, even if the magic hand is combined with other parts, in In this snowy mountain, in the secret environment of the lotus, no one can resist.

Pan Chen shook his head and said: "How is this possible? You think too much. This is not my hand, nor the call of the magic hand, this is a map."

After entering the secret world, all three maps are in Pan Chen's hands. Pan Chen took out the map and handed it to Zhao Yulan: "If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself, so you can know whether it is true or false."

"This is really the case." When they got the map, the four women felt that the map was indeed summoned and sent a bunch of messages.

The direction that the map points to is the direction of the square, and it is also the real person of Snow Magic.

"Okay, if you meet again, won't it be troublesome?"

"Don't worry" Pan Chen remembered something, a drop of water from Shi Baoer.

A drop of water of life can make a serious injury to death, only one breath of martial arts, immediately return to the top.

Pan Chen can hardly get it from Shi Bao'er. He didn't want to use it, but now there is no better way.

As long as this drop of life water is given to Zhao Yulan, she can not only fully recover, but also reach the realm of God steadily, and even take another step forward.

"Qianxue, here you are. Pan Chen handed the water of life to Zhao Yulan." It will bring you back to the top, and there will even be a breakthrough. "

"What is this?" Zhao Yulan asked, looking at the jade bottle handed over by Pan Chen.

"water of life"

"What? You said this is the water of life, the legendary water of life?" Zhao Yulan was shocked, his eyes wide and incredible.

Huaer has no shadow, and the three girls were shocked to the extreme.

"You, are you kidding?" How precious is the water of life, they certainly know that it is only legendary, that is to say, in heaven, it is also a very precious existence, not to mention in this ancient Place, it is just a legend.

According to rumors, as long as there is a trace of vitality in the water of life, no matter what is repaired, what area, and how serious the injury can be restored in an instant.

With the water of life, this is equivalent to extra life.

In addition, the function of the water of life is much more than that. For antiques that are about to die, this water of life can restore them to their peaks when they were young, giving them hundreds of years or even thousands of years of life.

This is why the water of life is so precious.

In this ancient territory, the news of the water of life has been circulating for many years.

The last life water was thousands of years ago. Some people got a drop of life water in an ancient ruin. I do n’t know how many strong people died.

"Of course not a joke, this is the water of life, tens of thousands of snow, you will soon accept it." Pan Chen said.

"No, it's too valuable, I can't accept it." Zhao Yulan returned the jade bottle to Pan Chen: "The water of life is too precious to save lives. Now give it to me, it is too wavy."

"What did you wave?" Pan Chendao said: "The emperor's vessel, this is related to the emperor, it is related to the flower family you inherited, to the sister who has no shadow in the future, just a drop of water for life?"


"Nothing, I will not use this water of life." Pan Chen gave Zhao Yulan the water of life again. "You have to believe me. You see, I was hurt so badly before, haven't I recovered to the top now?"

"No, it is not when it is really used when it is in danger, it may not be used." Zhao Yulan said.

Seeing that Zhao Yulan was so persistent, Pan Chen had no way to do it, but he said: "Qianxue, the water of life you hold, your restoration is the highest, in case something happens, you can hide the water of life in your Under the clothes, in this way, you can at least reach the summit of the divine kingdom, and even reach the second floor of God Realm, we all rely on you, after all, your cultivation is the strongest, we are too weak. "If you really encounter any A powerful enemy, only you can deal with it. "

After Pan Chen said this, Zhao Yulan no longer refused.

After Zhao Yulan lowered the water of life, people began to go on the road, walking in the direction where the square and the snow demon had just left.

Not far away, the cat reminded Pan Chen.

Unexpectedly, the square and Snow Magic ambushed in front of them, preparing to deal with their five people.

"Good guys, these two bastards, they were ambushed in front of them." Pan Chen shot a terrible killer in his eyes.

These two people, why are they ambushing there, I am afraid they do not know the situation of Zhao Yulan. She has now been repaired and has not recovered to the peak. Both are injured.

But what made Pan Chen curious was how did these two **** get this news?

Did n’t they just leave?

This is impossible. Within a thousand feet, they hid and there was no way to avoid the cat's eyes breaking.

Therefore, Pan Chen speculated that when they first left, they must have left something, or a secret, in order to hear their conversation with Zhao Yulan.

"You can feel it with the dragon's soul." Shi Baoer couldn't help saying.

For Shi Bao'er, giving Pan Chen a drop of water of life is enough to make her physical pain. That drop of water of life is equivalent to her 50 years of cultivation. Although fifty years of life meant nothing to her, she did not know her age. However, for fifty years, she has never given others water of life.

To Shi Bao'er, the water of life is like a drop of blood to the martial arts.

"Dragon Soul Feeling" Pan Chen was busy communicating with Dragon Soul as soon as he heard it.

The dragon's soul looked around and felt that there was a tiny soul worm in his body.

Soul worms are very weak, just like those tiny ants, there is no trace of repair.

Moreover, there is no way to see it with the naked eye. This soul worm is mainly used to detect the enemy's feelings and understand the news, most of which are used for large-scale battles.

Pan Chen did not expect these two people to leave their souls here.

Pan Chenlong's soul opened his mouth and swallowed the soul worm. Soul worms still have some help for the dragon's soul, but not much help.

Therefore, Pan Chen did not allow the dragon's soul to be swallowed and refined, but prepared to collect the information he used and collect information for himself. ..

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