The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2139: Ten Thousand Poison Pearls [Six Million Words Wang Wen, Seek Slaughter]

"This bead is nothing special." Pan Chen grabbed the bead in his hand and played. For this so-called poison beads, Pan Chen did not see anything special.

"Do n’t underestimate this bead. This 10,000 poison beads can absorb most of the poison in the world. With this pearl and this bead, with some effort, you can achieve twice the effect and reach the invincible poison. Effect."

Pan Chen was surprised that these beads were so good, but they were of little use.

"Although it's good, it's useless to me." Pan Chen thought about it and gave it to the flower without shadow. Her repair ability was very weak. This matter was of great help to her, so he said: "No shadow sister, this bead, here with you, is of no use to me."

"This, this is too valuable for me." The flower without shadow refused. This pearl, at first glance, was nothing ordinary. The flower without shadow shook his head and refused.

"Here, this thing is not useful to me." Pan Chen said: "I am not invading myself, I am also a wave."

"Okay, then I'll take it." Hua saw Pan Chen and nodded.

"We continue to walk"

People continue to move forward, and in this hidden lotus environment, there are many crises.

Pan Chen still didn't quite understand. What is the use of this map after entering the secret environment of Lotus, is it really just to introduce the ticket?

Or what else?

Holy lotus ancestor seal, lotus secret place, here should be the old ancestor of the Hua tribe, the legacy left by the emperor, and the people looking for should also have the blood of the Hua tribe.

There is only a flower of Zhao Yulan and a flower without a shadow, when there is a blood family with blood.

In fact, Zhao Yulan is no longer regarded as a flower blood, her body is not the original body, but re-cast by the greatness of the ghost.

Therefore, Pan Chen speculates that if the emperor is really looking for future generations, then the heirs will doubt these flowers.

However, this is not a qualitative one, and it is not necessarily so. The world is unpredictable, and many things will change.

Several people walked for about a quarter of an hour, with a fork in front. There was a fork in this road and it opened for three days.

Pan Chen looked at the fork in front of him and did not like to make such a choice. Every time he encountered a fork in the road, it was puzzling.

The three forks that are indistinguishable are on the road, there are no words, and there are no banned runes.

"How do I get there?" Zhao Yulan asked, looking at Pan Chen.

Here, Pan Chen is the only man. Zhao Yulan and Xu Jiaoyan are mainly individuals. Huaer is no exception without a shadow. Li Qianqian does not speak.

Therefore, Pan Chen has become the core of the Fifth Plenary Session.

"Which one to choose," Pan Chen said: "No, Sister Shadow, you choose one. I have a hunch that you know the secret of this lotus."

"I choose?" Huaer was shocked without a shadow. Unexpectedly, Pan Chen let himself choose.



"There is nothing to worry about, but when it comes to danger, I believe it will disappear throughout the body." Pan Chen said.

"In this way, a drop of blood asks for directions." Zhao Yulan said at the time.

"Blood drops ask for directions? This is a good idea." Pan Chen's eyes are bright, the blood of the Hua tribe, the blood asks is a good road, the blood of the Hua family, and the emperor should have a kind of blood resonance.

After determining the method, the flower cut finger had no shadow, and a drop of blood dripped from the finger.

After landing, the blood drop, as if spiritually conscious, moved from the far right to the leftmost fork.

"Come on, go here." Pan Chen said.

The party walked towards the leftmost fork.

After entering the fork, Pan Chen and others found that there was no way out, and the original entrance was blocked.

This makes people feel a little nervous.

"It's a bit strange, I have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart." Li Qianqian said.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't feel anything." Pan Chen said with a smile, it was just cut off, so what? Since he came in, he had no other choice.

On the road to darkness, Pan Chen also believed in his intuition.

no no. After walking for a while, Zhao Yulan suddenly changed his appearance, looking back at Pan Chen and other human beings.

At this time, Pan Chen was still in the sky and did not notice the situation at all. He was surprised when he heard Zhao Yulan's voice.

"Cat, what's going on?" Pan Chen communicated with the cat using his spirit.

"It's an organ beast"

"Organ Beast" Pan Chen was taken aback, and said, "There are organs and beasts, what level?"

When asked this question, Pan Chen regretted that in a secret inherited by a great emperor, how could the existence of organ beasts be simple?

"I'm afraid the power has reached level 8." The cat said: "It's very powerful, it's invincible, and it's hard to be hurt by fire and water."

At this time, Zhao Yulan had already fought against the organ beast.

Pan Chen only saw the true face of this animal, like a tiger. However, unlike the tiger, this animal has a sharp thorn on the back and a sharp knife on the tail.

Oh! Oh!

The animal flicked its tail, and a sharp knife flew out.

The speed is amazing, like a meteor, the offensive power is terrible, Zhao Yulan blocked a few, and the remaining two flew away.

One of them was shot into the stone wall.

The other shot at Pan Chen's face.

"Be careful," Zhao Yulan exclaimed.

Pan Chen scolded, especially why came to me?

This sharp knife is full of terrifying power and hard stone walls. Pan Chen couldn't know more clearly. This sharp knife couldn't easily enter it. They are irresistible.

Besides, it's too fast.

Several thoughts flashed in Pan Chen's heart to refine God's Heart Sutra.

Only by using the power of the mind to make alchemy, a god's heart rushed out of the sea and **** the sharp knife. Pan Chen couldn't stop it, consuming a lot of power, and also let the sharp knife change its track , Pan Chen's body escaped, and the sharp knife cut into his face.

There is a wound on his face, and blood flows from the wound.

Pan Chen sweated and consumed a lot, and his face became pale.

Special, hanging, it's almost over.

The four girls of Yulan Zhao looked and raised their hearts to their throats. They were all terrified.

"This **** animal almost killed me." Pan Chen was very angry. He was killed by an organ beast, which was very embarrassing.

In the ghost mountains, the terrible big hand couldn't kill himself. If killed by this little organ beast, it would be too shameful.

"Cat, is there any weakness in your organ?" Pan Chen asked.

No matter what kind of organ beast, there is always a weakness. This organ beast is equivalent to eight levels of wild animals, but if you want to find its weakness, it is easy to deal with.

"Weakness, yes," the cat said: "Look at the position of his neck and chest. There is a small white dot. That white dot is the key to this animal. As long as you break that white dot, the animal can break it. . "

"I see." Pan Chen looked at Zhao Yulan at this time and was wrestling with that organ beast inextricably. Fortunately, there was only one organ beast here. If there were a few, it was really troublesome.

Here, only Zhao Yulan has the strength to compete with that organ beast, others are not opponents at all.

"Qianxue, this animal has a weakness, just under the neck, a small white spot on the chest, where it attacks." Pan Chen immediately told Zhao Yulan the weakness of this animal. ..

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