The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2135: How can you manipulate the dead? under

After the break, Pan Chen returned to the top. ,

After recovery, the crowd continued to move forward.

"Qianxue, where did you meet Wan Yu?" Pan Chen said.

Along the way, Zhao Yulan and Pan Chen talked about some things she came to the ancient area. When the Great Emperor lost his soul, he took her to this ancient place, found an elixir, reshaped her body, and gave her a working method to restore her practice not only to its original peak, And broke through the realm of God.

When I got off the car, I met flowers without shadows, and some of their daughters were also hunted.

They preserved these flowers without a shadow.

Now, Lin Ruyu, they are in a safe place, Huahua Yu and Zhao Yulan came to this snow mountain to obtain the seal of the Holy Lotus.

Unexpectedly, I met Pan Chen here, but I surprised her.

"Qinghongshan, I didn't expect the Huajia to become what it is now." Zhao Yulan said: "Those **** abandon ancestral training."

Zhao Yulan said here that he was very angry. The ancestral training of the Fahrenheit family had a sacred lotus body and activated human blood, that is, the leader of the Fahrenheit family, but those people actually colluded with outsiders for their own benefit.

"Don't be angry" Pan Chen said: "When I deal with the matter of the Holy Lotus Bead Seal, I will help you."

Just then, there was a scream in front of them.

The crowd stopped immediately.

Pan Chen let the cat go and see. When the cat came back, Pan Chen's face changed.

In front of the people of Kunlun County, they are surrounded by a group of terrible venomous snakes. Those venomous snakes are very small, but at an alarming rate, the venom is very terrible.

"In front of you are people from Kunlun County." Pan Chen said: "There are vengeful snakes from outside."

"What about it?" Li Qianqian said.

"What should I do? Keep going." Pan Chen said.

When you get here, there is no reason not to take a look, let alone the Holy Lotus Ancestral Seal. It is the flower without shadow and the emperor inherited by Zhao Yulan ’s ancestors and the inherited flower family. If you do not go in, it is impossible .

"I'll come." Zhao Yulan said at this moment.

Her power is the strongest, and it is already clear to God, so it is most appropriate to walk in front of her.

Pan Chen opened his mouth without refuting. After all, his repair is too weak, just the fifth floor of the Yuan Dynasty, too far.

The party soon came to the place of war.

At this time, all the people in Kunlun County were dead, all black, and the blood was black.

Poisoning is highly poisoned.

There was a man in front of him, wearing a black robe and his face blurred. The black robe was embroidered with strange little snakes.

He had a winding wand in his hand with a little black snake on it. This little black snake is very unique, its eyes are big, it is red and black, and it is strange to spit out the word snake.


At this time, people saw people behind, full of snakes.

so horrible.

The disciples of Kunlun Xianfu, although there are no martial arts in the gods, they are not weak. More than a dozen people died here.

What is this man in black?

What are those snakes?

"Dead kiss snake? This. This is a dead kiss snake!" Zhao Yulan suddenly changed her face.

Death Kiss Snake, Pan Chen knew the sea, and a voice sounded: "Yes, this is the Death Snake Snake. The Death Kiss Snake is terrible. That is to say, God knows that once bitten by this snake, he must die , But you do n’t have to worry, with Nini and I, you ca n’t die. ”

This is the voice of the stone castle.

Pan Chen heard a big joy: "Can you deal with the venom of this dead kiss snake?"

"Don't talk about the venom of the dead **** kissing the snake. If I were on the top of the mountain, there would be no venom in the world."

At this time, the snake stick was waving in the hands of the black man, and countless poisonous snakes behind him twisted one after another, from slow to fast.

Thick cannabis rushed to Pan Chen and others, watching the scalp numb.

"What should I do? Okay. These poisonous snakes are coming up." Li Qianqian shouted.

With a wave of Zhao Yulan's hand, he made countless lotus swords. The lotus sword was thick like rain and shot at the little snakes.

Xiao Ding! Xiao Ding! Xiao Ding!

The little snake was nailed to the ground.

The blood bleeds out, and the blood of the poisonous snake is black, emitting a foul odor, which is very uncomfortable.

Xu Jiaoyan and Li Qianqian also started at this time, Xu Jiaoyan ice crystal sword, sword gas enveloped, ice flame released one by one, suddenly hundreds of poisonous snakes froze.

Pan Chen took out a large number of characters, fire rain characters, these fire rain characters formed a terrible fire rain, a lot of poisonous snakes, burned a lot of poisonous snakes, but also issued a moisturizing sound, a flavour came.

However, these densely packed snakes crawled out from behind the man in black clothes, as if they were endless. The narrow passage at the back seemed to have no end. All snakes were the dead kiss snakes.

"Kill the Snake King on the snake stick, we can stop these poisonous snakes from continuing to attack." At this time, the sound of glass sounded in Pan Chen's knowledge of the sea.

"Kill the Snake King with Snake Sticks" Pan Chen shouted.

Zhao Yulan and others wanted to know that all the attacks were concentrated on the stick of the snake king who kissed the snake, holding the man in black in his hand.

Seeing everyone's attack, the black man moved.

With a wave of his hand, a black light came out.

The black light condensed into a small snake, which collided under the attack of people, causing a terrible explosion.


In this small space, such a huge force explosion is even more terrible.

Everyone except Zhao Yulan was shocked.

Pan Chen is no exception.

The man in black also stepped back dozens of steps in shock. Countless death kisses caused the snake to die under the impact of this terrible power.

At this time, a black smoke came out of the snake stick, covering the entire passage, this is a wave of black men's snake stick.

"This is poisonous fog!" Zhao Yulan's face changed a lot, shouting: "Be careful, don't **** it in."

"It's useless." The man in black laughed, his voice like the crow of an old crow in the twilight ancient village, which made people feel cold.

The face of Zhao Yulan was attacked by poisonous mist for the first time, and his face changed a lot. These poisonous mists could not resist and could penetrate directly into the skin.

Her self-cultivation is very deep, and has reached the level of God, she can resist for a while, but not much.

Pan Chen helped her. ,

A pure force enters the body of the flower without shadow, and immediately puts the flower without shadow on the body to remove the venom.

Pan Chen once again relieved the poison of others, and then lost a seal. The seal was made by Pan Chen, after detoxification. However, this word is very special. It was Pan Chen who injected Shi Baoer's power to detoxify.

There was originally a secret of detoxification, but Pan Chen could not practice in a short time to remove these poisonous mists, so Shi Baoer attached her power to the detoxifying seal. ..

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