The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2126: A My Neighbor Totoro [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, For Slaughter]

Lin Ao was very angry with Pan Chen's words. He found nothing in front of him. He said that there was danger. What kind of flying wings snake, if this is true, he did not find it in front of him? He found himself sitting in the back seat on the fifth floor. Did he show that he was too incompetent?

The **** is jealous.

Pan Chen didn't care so much, she would die if she was jealous. Then you go to yourself. Pan Chen didn't take good care of him in such an impolite manner.

Said Li Qianqian: "Sister Qingqing, listen to me, if you want to go forward, you can, but we have to separate, at this time, Joe and I will not continue to move forward."

Pan Chenlie said while digging a hole.

Of course, for Pan Chen, Xu Jiaoyan is very clear. Basically, there is nothing wrong with what he said.

Because Xu Jiaoyan knew that Pan Chen had a Totoro, and broke a Totoro, you can see a very far place, he said there was a flying snake, of course.

"Qing Qing, listening to Hongwu, there should be a snake with windy wings. If you go forward, it will be very dangerous." Xu Shao Yan knife.

Li Qianqian was also very skeptical, but when she saw Xu Qiaoyan's voice, she nodded. In short, it ’s okay to take a break. At best, this is just a delay.

"Brother Lin, let's take a break now, no matter if there are wind-winged flying snakes or not, it's no problem to take a break." Li Qianqian is also a smart woman. She still knows Lin Ou's thoughts, but she has no feelings for this brother , Just because of the Dean ’s face, let him follow.

"No, it's almost here. Not far from here, it's dangerous here. If you delay, it's even more dangerous. I disagree." Lin Ao looked at it, Li Qianqian agreed, and believe Pan Chen's nonsense, he is even more Reluctantly.

"If you don't believe it, you can go by yourself. Pan Chen looks depressed." No one stops you. "

"You. Pan Chen, what do you mean? Go, Qingqing sister, let's go, they can do whatever they like." Lin Ou can't be angry, especially when Pan Chen and Li Qianqian are so close, they are very close. Looked like, immediately jealous of the fire, everything was left behind.


"Sister Qingqing, would you rather trust him than a boy like me on the fifth floor of the Yuan Dynasty?" Reno said loudly.

"You want to die, stay away from here" Pan Chen saw him yelling, his face changed, this **** was raised, where is this place, but Snow Mountain, there are many powerful beasts, ferocious animals everywhere, if If you call it this way, it is easy to attract powerful beasts and ferocious animals in the distance, and once it is caused, the trouble will be great.

"Brother, why are you doing this?" Li Qianqian is also very angry. This brother is really a bit too much.

"Pan Chen, I'm going to kill you." Lin Ao, who was extremely angry, saw Pan Chen talking to herself, and Li Qianqian still insisted on him. Finally, he broke out, clenching his fist with his big hand, and then furiously hit Pan Chen.

The faces of Li Qianqian and Xu Jiaoyan have changed a lot.

"Brother, stop!"

"Pan Chen, be careful!"

The two girls shot at the same time, Xu Jiaoyan's long sword, and Li Qianqian's palms pointed at Lin Ao's fists at the same time.

The three forces jointly attacked. Although Lin Ao's strength is very strong, it is by no means the opponent of the joint efforts of Li Qianqian and Xu Jiaoyan.


Reno was taken aback by the muggy noise.

Li Qianqian and Xu Jiaoyan also took a step back and walked into the cave.

Pan Chen took a deep breath. His eyes were full of anger and killing. This **** was raised. In this place, he wanted to do his own thing and wanted to commit suicide. This Lin was terrible.

However, at present, his own strength is not enough, there is absolutely no way to kill Lin Ao.

Lin Ao's power is weaker than the square and Snow Magic, but it is not as good as Pan Chen. "Brother, what are you doing? Do you want to kill Brother Pan?" Li Qianqian was also angry and shouted: "If you want to go, go for yourself."

"You, Li Qianqian, you actually talked to me like this. I treat you so well and protect you all the time, but you are so good to me. Okay. "Reno shouted angrily." I'm going, I'm going. "

Leo turned around and walked forward.

Although he hated Pan Chen and wanted to kill him as soon as possible, he knew that Li Qianqian and Xu Jiaoyan would never kill him.

Seeing Lin Ao gone, Li Qianqian said nothing.

Li Qianqian does not like Lin Ao to fight himself, but after all, he has helped him so much and has been protecting himself, worrying about what kind of harm and grievances he will suffer.

I don't feel anything about him.

Watching him leave, I sighed in my heart.

"Sister Qingqing, rest assured, his strength is not good, there should be nothing wrong, although the wind winged snake is very strong, but it is definitely not too difficult to escape with his strength." Pan Chenan comforted.

"I'm fine, brother. You and Qiaojin go, I will arrange a formation." Li Qianqian is still a wizard, although it has not reached the level of seven magicians, but it is already in the middle of the sixth grade The magician, and there is a set of methods to arrange array methods.

"The method of formation, also use my set." Pan Chen took out the Tiangang mine array. The level of this array is not ordinary. Pan Chen's strength has now been raised to the fifth floor of the Yuan realm. The way of formation, of course, layout Of course, the power is different.

The array of mines is now arranged, and the strength can definitely resist the seventh-level beast, and the eighth-level wild animal can also resist for a period of time.

"Is this Thunderbolt Array?" Li Qianqian is a mage. He was shocked when he saw that Pan Chen was out, of course he was an acquaintance.

Thunderbolt array, which is the most difficult to arrange in array method.

Thunder bursts are very rare, and such games are absolutely priceless.

"Yes, I got it by accident." Pan Chen said, and then began to arrange, the disc released a beam of light, and fell on the hole.

A halo stone flew out, and Pan Chen made a fingerprint.

Li Qianqian was shocked to see Pan Chen's movements again. This technique is very skilled and fast, without any mistakes, and better than himself.

This is definitely not what ordinary wizards can do.

His formation is slightly higher than his own.

No? Li Qianqian almost suspected that she was dreaming. Pan Chen is not only a seventh-grade alchemist, a powerful master, but also a wizard, whose rank is higher than his own.

What is a genius? This is the real genius and evil genius.

Almighty evil genius, alchemy, symbol, formation, anything.

"Brother, what else would you do?" Li Qianqian opened his mouth after watching Pan Chen arrange the formation.

"I can't have children," Pan Chen said solemnly.

"Cough, if you want a child, there seems to be a way. Oh, there is a way. You can be a woman directly, but you can also have a child." At this time, Xu Jiaoyan said.

Pan Chen almost suffocated when he heard it.

Do you have the ability to transgender?

I am not invincible.


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