The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2116: What are you doing here? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Xu Qiaoyan heard that he blushed, misunderstood him, and then said: "You want to be beautiful, I can't say yes, I said, I want you to repair it again, unless your repair is stronger than mine, or you don't even want to make dream?"

"What the **** are you doing here?"

"Well, I told you, I came to practice. You help me protect the law. I'm afraid your brother will be against me." Pan Chen said.

"Yes" Xu Jiaoyan nodded and did not refuse.

After all, it is relatively safe, in case it is different from what he thought, if he really does it now, it is also a big problem.

After getting Xiao Xiaoyan's nod, Pan Chen began to practice.

Turn what you just eat into your own power.

Sit down and work for a week or two.

Pan Chen was surrounded by Yin and Yang lotus flowers.

What has just been eaten by rapid refining has become a pure power.

I don't know how long it will take, Pan Chen suddenly opened his eyes and patched the five-story Yuanzhou to break through.

All the auras were absorbed by him, but Pan Chen's cultivation was only raised to a level, Pan Chen was very depressed.

Xu Jiaoyan looked shocked, with so much energy, he only raised one level, which was too shocking. His promotion seemed not so easy. For ordinary people, eating so many good things, so much energy, all Digested, at least three or more levels can be improved.

However, this can also indicate that Pan Chen has a very high talent and a solid foundation. Under the same circumstances, he has the strongest fighting power.

Taking Pan Chen's current training as an example, he can easily kill each other's martial arts on the fifth floor of Shangyuan Shenzhou, even facing a semi-walking platform, or even a one-step martial arts, can compete with one of them, so as not to fall behind.

This is the real genius.

In fact, Xu Jiaoyan still underestimated Pan Chen's ability.

If you want to go all out, Pan Chen's fighting power is definitely greater.

In order to be fully open, he not only improved his strength several times, but also achieved possession of the spirit of war. The movie "Xiao Rui" has made great progress now, and has achieved the goal of "two-step Taiwan".

If it is within our power, it is easy to eliminate the two-step Taiwan border. In addition to Pan Chenqiang ’s large-scale challenge, it is possible to kill martial arts on the three-step Taiwan border, and even the martial arts on the four-step Taiwan border may be defeated. .

"You wake up, but your practice is too fast to improve. This is not a good thing. The foundation is not solid, which is very bad for future practice." Xu Jiaoyan said.

After all, Pan Chen was just the first floor of Yuanzhou. How long has passed, and has risen to the fifth floor of Yuanzhou. The speed of practice is so amazing.

In order to promote it quickly, of course, it is good, but he has no way to fully grasp it. The foundation is unstable, unstable, and the state cannot be reached. It is easy to fall into magic. This is what Xu Jiaoyan is worried about.

"You don't have to worry about this kind of coincidence. I have my own feelings, I have a solid foundation, and there are no instability factors." Pan Chen said with a smile, the tone of voice showed strong confidence, "Don't say, raise a level, even if directly There is no problem to the Dao platform, but to upgrade to the Dao platform, I do n’t know how many auras there are. "

My own breakthrough requires too much accumulation. Pan Chen secretly cried bitterly and did not have enough resources. I want to break through the borders of Taiwan. I really do n’t know when to wait.

With this in mind, Pan Chen suddenly remembered that when he was in the ancient wasteland, he seemed to get a map of treasure. That treasure map is not simple. When he found no flowers, he went to discover the treasures together.

In this way, they should be able to obtain a large amount of resources so that their strength can be increased rapidly.

Of course, Pan Chen can actually buy and sell immortality medicine, Fu Chuan, etc., but it is necessary to find a cooperative talent line.

Pan Chen never thought about cooperating with Xu Jiaoyan, but not yet.

"Next I want to make a seal." Pan Chen looked at Xu Jiaoyan again. "Let you see, the strong strength of your man."

"I want to see what stamp you can make." Xu Jiaoyan didn't care about it at all. Pan Chen is just a five-story elementary state of mind. He has never seen the kind of seal figure he has created before, a five-story martial artist, to what extent can he be a master?

"Listen, promise I will surprise you, and expect me to escape." Pan Chen took out the hides of the eight-level beasts given by Xu Jiaoyan and some materials such as pens for making seal characters.

This time, he made seven characters. If he didn't make seven characters, Pan Chen didn't need to use a pen at all.

Pan Chen picked up the pen, opened the spell, and moved his right hand quickly, quickly depicting the rune on the beast's skin, and the rune soon branded the beast's skin.

After about an hour, Pan Chen finally stopped, and then added the power of Fu Chuan.

The seal then shone with colorful light.

Seeing this, Xu Qiaoyan stared at her eyes.

This is a seven-pint seal, absolutely a seven-pin seal, and it is still the perfect quality of a seven-pint seal, which is too shocking.

Woo Pan Chen grabbed Fu Chuan's hand, then breathed for a long time, and then passed Fu to Xu Jiaoyan, "You take this seal first to see how good your people are, I will recover it first."

"I can't believe I really went to the room." Fangge was about to attack Pan Chen's house and kill him. I didn't expect to go to Pan Chen's room. I didn't find him inside. I immediately thought of Xu Qiaoyan's room. He must have entered Xu Qiaoyan's room.

This is a real adulterer, hateful.

The fire of jealousy in the square was already burning.

"Pan Chen, Xu Jiaoyan, I won't make it easier for you." Fang looked at the room where Xu Jiaoyan lived, full of anger and hatred.

Pan Chen returned to the peak and opened his eyes.

"Are you sure this seal can be used?" With regard to Pan Chen's current "Fu Chuan", Xu Jiaoyan suspects that it seems to be the perfect quality of "Fu Chuan", but this does not necessarily mean it can be used.

Many word seals have a good surface and high quality, but once used, the chain seal is the deadliest.

"I said that by coincidence, you just don't believe me?" Pan Chen heard that he still doubted himself. Is this really too bad, or did he fail too much?

"You are too young, you are too weak." Xu Jiaoyan said: "The seven characters, the seven characters I know, are at least in Taiwan."

"Because I'm a genius among geniuses, I can't judge genius with common sense." Pan Chen said with a smile: "These seven words, I just took a picture like this, this is a sender, wait for you I will know that if I guess right, the box should do it. "

Pan Chen left things in his house, things have been passive, and then showed that the box has entered his room, but did not find himself. ..

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