The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2113: Are you willing to be my wife? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

In this way, their strength will increase rapidly.

There is another leap forward. This is what Pan Chen is looking forward to. If they want to save people, they must have enough strength. There is no doubt that the combination of Shuangxiu and Xu Jiaoyan is the best way.

"But I have a wife, and more than one." Pan Chen looked at Xu Qiaoyan and said, "Will you be my wife?"

Xu Jiaoyan heard: "No, I want to be one of your many women. Unless you have more power than me and have enough power to conquer me, I will not be your woman. Now, I am forced to do this. To do this, you must understand this. "

Where is Xu Jiaoyan so easy to conquer a woman, and let her share a husband with several women, a man weaker than himself, even if the other party is pure Yang Xian body, Xu Qiaoyan is unacceptable.

"Okay, but don't worry, I will catch up with you soon, you are my real woman." Pan Chen heard that he was very happy. He has this confidence and this ability. Is he going to surpass you? ? This is not difficult.

The speed of self-cultivation is fast.

"I am ambitious. I'm waiting for you. So, what are you waiting for now?" Xu Jiaoyan glanced at Pan Chen's charm and said to him.

Such a teasing look made Pan Chen heat up and blood flowed into the river.

Since she said that, she couldn't help it. If she couldn't help, it wouldn't be a man.

"Girl, this is a provocation to me"

Pan Chen jumped onto Xu Jiaoyan.

After the combination of the two, Pan Chen's repair has been crazy improved.

The second floor of Yuan Kingdom, the third floor of Yuan Kingdom, and the fourth floor of Yuan Kingdom.

It has continuously broken through three levels, directly from the first level of the Yuan Dynasty to the four levels of the Yuan State.

The nine-turn yin-yang formula also broke through smoothly.

Yin and Yang turn around, Yin and Yang Lock Soul Curse!

Pan Chen took a deep breath, Yin and Yang locked the soul spell, directly attacked the soul and Yuanshen, very powerful.

Compared with his practice of practicing God's heart, Pan Chen also found that this yin and yang soul lock spell and the training of the God's Heart Sutra can cooperate with each other, learn from each other, and learn from each other.

too difficult.

If they cooperate with the Yin and Yang Soul Locking spells, even the martial arts on the 10th floor of Yuan Kingdom can easily be killed, and they can even compete with martial arts in the middle of the platform.

This time, if I see the purple king sword and the purple sky again, I can easily kill them.

Pan Chen slowly opened his eyes and found that Xu Qiaoyan had long gone.

This time, Pan Chen got a lot of benefits, but Xu Jiaoyan also got the same benefits, and she got the same benefits as Pan Chen.

At this time, Xu Jiaoyan broke through Taiwan's bottleneck and entered a higher level.

If she meets Peach Blossom again, she can easily kill Peach Blossom. Therefore, after leaving the customs, Xu Jiaoyan left the city and went directly to Taohua for revenge.

Pan Chen pushed open the stone door and walked out and found someone watching outside the stone door.

"Respectfully welcome your son to leave the customs." The maid at the door performed the ceremony as soon as she saw Pan Chen coming out.

"You're welcome, where is the adult?" Pan Chen asked.

"The owner of the city asked me to tell her son that she had to deal with peach blossom. What happened to her son?" When she came back, he said: "If the son wants to go, there is no need to stop it." "The maid said."

Pan Chen nodded to indicate that he knew.

Xu Jiaoyan found that Peach Blossom was a very well-understood thing. This time, she ate such a large loss. If this kind of revenge was not paid, it would be strange.

Today, Xu Jiaoyan's strength has been greatly improved. The peach blossom scholar was seriously injured and has not recovered. Dealing with peach blossom should be an easy task.

Pan Chen was not worried about what would happen to her.

For Pan Chen, Xu Jiaoyan is after all her own woman, and of course she should be cared for.

Now Pan Chen ’s main problem is to find flowers without shadows. First of all, he must go to Yu ’s house and find Yu Ji.

Pan Chen hesitated whether he would leave now or wait for Xu Jiaoyan to return.

I lost a lot of time. Of course, if Xu Qiaoyan came back, she was the owner of this great Hongcheng, a person in the ancient city, and was very familiar with the affairs of the ancient city. If she helped her, I had to find someone, than It's much easier to find it alone.

But he hasn't figured out the result yet. When the decision was made, Xu Qiaoyan returned.

"King of the city, welcome to the king of the city!"

Pan Chen went out to meet Xu Qiaoyan. At this time, Xu Jiaoyan shone brilliantly. Compared to just seeing her, he is more mature, less green and more charming.

"You are out of the customs, on the fourth floor of Yuanshenzhou, yes, after breaking through the third floor, you settle down." Xu Jiaoyan looked at Pan Chen and could not help nodding.

"What plan do you have now? Are you going to practice with me, or go out to rest?" Xu Jiaoyan looked at Pan Chenyan and said: "Your current practice is too weak. You are on the fourth floor of Yuan Shenmen. You encounter a powerful enemy. It ’s not an opponent at all, so I suggest you practice here for a while, wait for your strength to break through the boundaries of Taoism, and then go out. ”

Pan Chen shook his head and said, "No, I can stay here to practice, I must leave."

Xu Jiaoyan listened, frowned and said, "Why?" Am I still not good enough here? "

As soon as Pan Chen refused to stay, he had to leave. Xu Qiaoyan was still very uncomfortable, although he knew for a long time that Pan Chen would definitely leave.

"Are you going to find your wife?"

Pan Chen nodded: "One of my wives is a member of the Yu family, and now I have something wrong. In addition, there are a few friends who are flowers. Now the family of flowers has changed a lot. My friends I lost contact. I have to find them. I'm afraid what happened to them. "

"Huajia, Yujia, are you going to Huajia and Yujia?" Xu Jiaoyan said: "Yujia and Huajia are not stable now. The Hua tribe have indeed undergone great changes, but what you are doing now, if you Going to the flower room, it will not play any role, your strength is too weak. "

Pan Chen smiled and said: "Even so, I can't help but I have to go. The Yu family has my wife and the Hua family has people who are important to me. I can't stay for a while without their news. . "

"Your repair is too weak, whether it's the Yujia or Huajia, it's something you can't compete with." Xu Jiaoyan thought deeply about it. "Okay, I will go with you."

"Really? That's great." Pan Chen was ecstatic when he heard it. If she is willing to help herself, it will be much easier. Although Pan Chen does not know the degree of Xu Jiaoyan's cultivation, he can be sure that it is absolutely first-class, otherwise it will not be the master of the city. ..

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