The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2101: Burn into nothingness? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

This white and free practice also reached the late stage of Holy Steps, and the dark red flame he used was the magic fire he was good at.

The avatar of the magic industry fire is good at suppressing the spirit of the real demon. Once many real attacks of the magic spirit fall on the flame mask of the magic industry flame, they are immediately burned into nothingness. ?

As for the magic weapons sacrificed by the devil, once touched by the fire of the devil, they are either burned directly to ashes, or the spiritual light is extinguished. This white self-indulgence itself prevented all demons from attacking.

With the delay of white freedom, the golden streamer array completely fell into the magic hole of the town.

"The formation is already in the cave, we leave here, as long as we reach the outside world, these demons will not build on it!"

Watching the golden array of rune lights fall into the magic cave in the town, Wu Liang hurriedly proposed to Putuo and others.

"No, the Devil's Cave in this town is 10,000 feet deep. The formation is just entering. We must wait until it is fully integrated with the seal at the bottom of the cave!"

Putuo said loudly.

"What ?! Why is it so troublesome? This is over, Abyss, how long will it take?"

In contrast, it is like a particle of dust in the universe and is not worth mentioning.

At the foot of the mountain, Pan Chen felt the power of terror.

This power is even more terrifying than the power it feels in front of the lost emperor.

Is Fu Shan today more than the existence of an emperor?

What kind of state is the lost greatness, that is, the world of thousands, the power is unlimited, I did not expect that on this day Fu Shan, Pan Chen felt the power is more terrible than the lost greatness.

What does Fu Shan exist on this day?

Is that prostrate really so good?

Also on this day, is Fushan really a blessing?

Pan Chen's heart produced an idea, a problem, and these problems were suddenly unsolvable.

Pan Chen suddenly felt that Fu's power was constantly shaking in his body.

Pan Chen was surprised.

The most important thing for a character teacher is the power of the character's seal on the body. Relying on the power of the seal, in order to make the seal, if there is no power of the text seal, there is no way to describe the rune and make the seal.

The power of Fu Chuan, who is not controlled by the body, is not a good thing.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Pan Chen's face quickly changed, his face suddenly twisted, very painful, and women such as Hu Xiu'er and Zheng Qiuhuang were suddenly startled.

"Don't touch him" Yu Fengdie saw Pan Chen, his face also changed. "He may be in an epiphany, or he is going to break through. In short, we cannot help him now, we have to wait."

"Yes, she is right. Don't touch your brother. Your brother changed because of the power of the seal character on him, because of this Tianfu Mountain." At this time, the cat came out and looked at the girls.

"What will happen to your husband?" Hu Xiu'er was still worried, looking at the cat.

"Don't worry, you have to trust your brother." Cat said.

At this time, the text sealing power of Pan Chen's body is constantly increasing, constantly absorbing the surrounding text sealing power to strengthen himself.

At first, Pan Chen was just the early stage of Fu's six products.

However, the power of these characters has made Pan Chen's character realm surprisingly improved, and the power of seal characters has also been greatly improved.

If Pan Chen was a six-character teacher just now, but was also a bit reluctant, then now he is a real six-character teacher.

Pan Chen was taken aback.

It has reached the level of the late six product masters.

Therefore, it has also raised a level and reached the two-step field.

Open your eyes, this Fu Shan is really mysterious and powerful. I am afraid it is a real treasure.

If you can get this Fubao, then it is not really refreshing. On this day, Fu Shan and Pan Chen can be sure that it will never be worse than Xuanyin Building, which is nine days apart.

However, this is just considering. If you really want to get it, it is too difficult, too difficult.

"Congratulations, Mr. Pan. You broke through again." Watching Pan Chen break into the door again, Yudie Jiao was very envious.

The speed at which he practiced was really amazing. Previously, his practice was metaphysical, too far away from himself, but now his practice has reached a two-step state of mind, and there is only a two-level gap between him and him. In terms of combat effectiveness, he far exceeds his ability.

Compared with people, this is very annoying.

Yu Diejiao thought he was also a super genius, but in front of Pan Chen, he was beaten up.

"This is just a small breakthrough, there is nothing to be happy about." Pan Chen said: "Now our strength is too bad, we must break through the Yuan Kingdom as soon as possible, otherwise in ancient times, we simply have no place to stand."

Pan Chen is real and everyone knows it well.

The delicate white eyes of the Jade Butterfly turned straight over and said: "You think everyone is practicing breakthroughs, just like eating and drinking water, so simple, there is no chance, it is difficult to break through, the first layer of the four-step state of mind and meta realm, It ’s just a dividing line, but it needs to break through, but if there is no opportunity, life may not break through. "

Pan Chen was embarrassed to say this.

Self breakthrough is indeed faster than ordinary people.

However, the speed of practicing now seems much slower.

This is still because of the movie Xiaorui. In the shrine, the movie Xiaorui became her war spirit. When she practiced, she needed to consume a lot of Yuanshen ’s power, which greatly affected her training speed .

If it were n’t for Fu Shan today, there was a huge power of Yuanshen, Fu Chuanquan, they wanted to break through the two-step Yuanshen, I do n’t know how long it would take.

"Well, this is just luck, I will slow down in the future." Pan Chen said with a painful smile: "This slow speed may surprise all of you."

Under normal circumstances, if you do not take any risks, it is estimated that it will take a year or two or even longer to break through Yuan Guo.

"Be careful" At this time, the cat's voice rang in Pan Chen's ear. ,

"What?" Pan Chen's voice just came out. He felt a strong tingling in the back and pierced the vest.

Quickly turned around and punched hard.

The boxing match broke out, but with a sudden blow, Pan Chen rushed out, but exhausted all his strength.


An explosion occurred.

Pan Chen stepped back in shock, and a small beast appeared in front of him. ..

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