The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2098: Devil's Cave [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"We can't help ourselves now. These nine-star Buddha land is really insecure. Once the devil knows that I'm coming back so quickly, he will definitely make every effort to invade it."

"Although the boundary of the Arctic Ocean is in the alien sky, as long as the people of the Holy City do not interfere with our actions, this is no different from Yuheng Continent."

"We won't have a new foothold until the devil's cave in this town is resolved first, and then we consider moving out of the Arctic border. Oh, how troublesome it is."

Pan Chenqing couldn't help but sigh for a long time.

"Master, I'm afraid that they promised well, and then they will not perform. Since you got the water top, the overall strength of the senior management of my Beidou regiment has increased by a step."

"Count it, how many people have reached the sacred level of the Beidou Alliance, not to mention the strong men like Kongling's predecessor, the low sky, the teacher's golden jade, Sun Qitian."

"In addition, the emperor is alone, the fingers of one hand cannot be counted, you said that when we reach the border of the Arctic, with our strength, his holy place will not be soft and hard bubbles, let us do more."

"Although we should do something to deal with the real devil, it is normal to deal with it, and it is normal to deal with it."

Niu expressed his concern strongly.

"There is a strong point, Mu. Although the Holy Island deals with real demons like us, I always feel that the water on the island is very deep. You know, it has been a force since ancient times. It controls seven Holy City. "

"When we move to such an Arctic region, we cannot be used by them. We cannot be free in the realm of the nine-star Buddha."

The wine top also persuaded him.

"Master, how could I not know your concern? In fact, I have been in my heart for a long time, which is why the Holy City advises us to move and I disagree."

"But this time is different. First, these nine-star Buddhist territories really can't live, and second, we really can't find a place to settle in."

"The most important thing is that once the seal of the city's magic cave is broken and everything is over, we must solve this problem with people in the Arctic."

"Listen to me, we first move to the Holy City, and then worry about it. In any case, with our current strength, the people of the Holy City must not dare to force us."

Pan Chen said to him helplessly.

"Okay, let's summon all the disciples, and then break it into pieces and prepare for relocation. Unfortunately, as soon as we leave, the devil will occupy it."

There was a sigh in the wine, and then he and Niu Qiang walked out of the Beidou Palace together.

"Jin Daoyou, have you been to the magic cave in town before?"

After leaving the Nine-Star Buddha Territory, more than ten people on the Holy Island flew to the core of the Tenmu Valley, where the Bai people actively proposed a golden road to guide the road.

"No, but my host told me the location of the devil's cave in the town. I know where it is. Why, don't you know where the magic cave in this town is?"

Jin asked coldly.

"Of course I know. We haven't been there, but we have a map."

Bai smiled and came back.

"If you have a map, what are you asking? I thought I took off my pants and farted." Jin Qing couldn't help turning his eyes, saying something bad.

"Hush. I said Kim, you have too many metaphors. How can you tell you to take off your pants and fart? People deliberately talk to you and want to find a topic. How can they not understand?

In addition to the white clothes, Wu Liang, who followed Jinyu and others, couldn't help laughing. As he said, the old white face suddenly turned red, and he was right about him, just to talk to Jin.

"Well, I didn't take off my pants and fart. What do you have to say? As for speaking in the bushes, it's hard for me to look difficult."

Kim said he looked a little unhappy.

"Well, if you don't hide from me, Jin Daoyou does look a little bit. I don't know if I should ask."

Bai took a selfie and then pretended to ask deeply.

"Ask if you like to ask, don't ask if you want to pull it down, it's bad!"

Jin Yi knew that Bai was here to wait for himself to ask him, but he did not answer in accordance with normal practice, and still loved to answer and ignored, which made Bai more embarrassed.

"Hey, this is actually not a big problem. I just want to ask Jin Daoyou, what is wrong with our holy land, or am I just having problems?"

After embarrassment, Bai directly asked his own question.

"Opinion? Do you want to hear the truth or lie?"

Kim didn't expect Bai to ask him this way, his eyes rolled, and then he smiled instead of smiling.

"Whether this is true or false, I will listen to you."

Bai Zi's very low smile finally ceased to be a cold expression. He smiled and said, "No, no.

Jin replied with a smile: "The lies are my problems with your holy land!"

Bai Zi was ecstatic when he heard the news. "Oh, that is to say the true love of Jin Daoyou, is there any problem with my holy island?"

"No, the fact is that I not only have problems with your holy island, but also have a lot of opinions!" When Kim talked, his face suddenly sank.

"Jin Daoyou, what are you doing? Is there something offending you on my holy island?"

Putuo had never spoken and couldn't help asking.

"I did not offend myself, nor did I offend myself. I just don't like your holy land."

"You said that your holy city gathered me in the world of battle. The generations were very strong. What have you done so far? I only know that the turtle has receded at the border of the North Pole, so I dare not come out to fight the devil!

"If you dare not fight against the devil in the lower realm, you have to summon all the clan forces desperate to the devil in the lower realm to the North Pole. This is not something humans can do at all!"

Jin Guang reprimanded angrily, making Bai people and Putuo unable to resist the daze and wondering how to answer questions.

"When I say this, we say this is very wrong. Yes, we don't have much bottom line to meet the devil, but we don't make a lot of contributions behind it."

"As long as these seven holy cities are not trapped behind our holy city, they will be broken by the real devil."

"In addition, it doesn't mean that we don't want to fight the real devil desperately, ah, the key is that our strength is simply not enough to fight the real devil. We can only take a roundabout route, maintain strength first, and finally fight the real devil! "..

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