The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2096: The World of the Big Dipper [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

"The higher the devil is, the more he suppresses the interface law when he comes to the world of the Big Dipper."

"Although time can slowly eliminate the interface that suppresses the law, but now the lock element far from Qixing is broken, there is always a little time to pass, and his devil does not have so much magical emperor-level combat power in a short time . "

"So, we still have time, the way is to find a way."

Putuo opened his mouth to comfort himself.

"Mr. Putuo, I thought of what you said at first, but you ignored another question."

"Your holy island has been spread for many years, I think you should know the Protoss, as well as the remaining world and the Kingdom of God."

Pan Chen asked suddenly.


When Pan Chen mentioned the Protoss, Putuo and Bai immediately changed their faces, but the purple wind and the white clothes around him didn't react much. They just showed a hint of curiosity and obviously knew nothing about the Protoss.

What's the matter with the elders of Putuo, the elders of the Bai people, the Protoss, and the remnants of heaven and gods that Pan Lianzhu said?

Looking at the ugly faces of white clothes and Putuo, a holy city disciple dressed in blue robes couldn't help asking.

"Yes, although we are younger than you, we are all disciples of the Holy City. We have practiced for a long time, but we have never heard of it."

Bai Yi also looked at Putuo, and Bai Anyi's face was puzzled.

"Before you ask, there are some things you should ask first. Don't ask more about what you heard today. Don't go out and talk nonsense. Remember!"

Bai told Bai Yi and others with a serious tone, and then looked at Pan Chen.

"It seems that you already know about the Protoss. At this time, someone suggested that the real devil and Protoss collude with each other. This time Protoss will also intervene in the magic caves in the city?"

White looked at Pan Chendao seriously.

"How to say, this is also a bit of understanding. This time I also fought with the Protoss. I also lost a quasi-emperor at Beidoushe."

Pan Chen whispered it again and again, but it still didn't taste.

"What, you all fought against the Protoss and lost a quasi-emperor. Do you already have a quasi-emperor at Beidoushe?"

Upon hearing Pan Chen's words, Putuo changed his face involuntarily. Pan Chen's words were too informative for him. We should know that although the rapid recovery of Beidou Tiandi has led to the strength of many saints in recent years, there are still very few characters of the quasi-emperor.

The quasi-emperor rank of the strongman still rarely appears in the holy city. The Beidou Alliance unexpectedly surpassed the quasi-emperor's expectations. Bai Zifang and others said that this is false, which is not shocking.

"This is not a good thing. My master is very difficult to lie to you. I am now a quasi-emperor, how?"

Jin Yu saw Bai Baili and other people can't believe it, and immediately exposed the true elemental atmosphere like the quasi-emperor on the top of the mountain. Seeing White Liberty and the unbelievable appearance of others, it will immediately be exposed like the true spirit of the quasi-emperor on the top of the mountain. Ah!

Feeling the terrible quasi-emperor's breath, the people on the island opened their eyes one by one, especially Putuo. For many years, he has been in the perfect state of the late sacredization, but failed to further reach the realm of the quasi-emperor.

On the late emperor and holy steps, although there was only one line of difference, the emperor brought him the character of an emperor, and the gap between the two was very large.

"Come on, Kim, don't do this. It's not that they don't believe me, it's just that your practice is so fast that they can't respond."

Pan Chen blinked at Jin Shuo. When he heard these words, he immediately held his breath and then stopped talking.

"Emperor Pan is right. We don't doubt. We are just too surprised. I really didn't expect that as a quasi-emperor, you not only have one, but more than one. This is really my blessing in Beidou."

Putuo smiled and played around on the court, the tone was more kind, obviously he began to fear the real power of Beidou.

"The blessing is not very good, it can only be said that it was forced away by the devil, okay, let's go back to do business, we have 70% or 80% guarantee that we can be sure that there is intervention by the **** behind the devil."

"The means of the Protoss are much higher than the means of the devil. One of their gods is equivalent to the fighting power of the emperor. If it is not a separation that cannot last for long, we will lose more than one quasi-emperor."

"If the Protoss sincerely help the devil, it is not difficult to break the seal of the devil's cave in this town."

Pan Chen once again led the topic to the devil's cave in the town.

"Then, if this is the case, we really need to pay attention to it. According to my holy city's secret book, the Protoss majors in Shinto law, which is different from the general single law. It contains most of the laws under Heaven. "

It can be said that the Shinto law is a special law formed by the fusion of various laws, so that it is not suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, or at least not too much.

That is to say, the power of the interface law has almost no effect on their Protoss. Of course, it still exists in the purebred Protoss, just like the pseudo Protoss, it is inherited by a trace of the Protoss.

Putuo told a secret that Pan Chen didn't know before.

"There is such a thing. I really did n’t know before that it is not subject to the law. This is terrible. This is not to say that his Protoss can enter any interface at will, rather than being suppressed!"

Pan Chen looked a little shocked. These smiles are very low, Sun Qitian did not tell him. Of course, he didn't ask.

"Yes, this is where his Protoss is truly terrible, but Protoss is basically in a broken world. It is said that for some special reasons, they rarely leave the broken border. How can they be with the devil?"

Putuo murmured with some inexplicable tone.

"Maybe this is also a recent thing. After all, I haven't heard of Protoss intervention last time. If there is Protoss intervention, I might have fallen into Beidou."

Pan Chenxiao measured.

"It makes sense. Because the Protoss is likely to intervene behind us, we don't have much time now."

"Yeah, Alliance, I don't want to go around the circle. I want to invite you to the North Pole, and then work with my holy city and the top management of all the super troops of Beidou to study the devil's hole in this town."

"Before I came, Lord North Hades specifically ordered me to invite you to the North Pole, such as Beidou Union and Xiaoyaozong. Since Xiaoyaozong and other patriarchs were all included in the Beidou Union, all you have to do is make a decision on this matter . "

"I know you were born in this world, this is what you said in the Holy City, but now it is different, your Jiuxing Buddha Temple has been exposed."

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