The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2093: You can't break it [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Sun Qitian said that he took the initiative to walk to a secret room.

Sun Qitian did not know that if he had a chance, as long as he walked to the door of the secret room, the secret room would have a feeling. He went to see the secret rooms one by one, in order to select a heritage that was among the best in Tiangang.

"Dead monkey, what are you doing? Don't tell me you want to pass it down by force. This is useless. The ban on the doors of these secret rooms is too bad for you to break it."

Xiao Tianguo knows Sun Qitian very well. He guessed Sun Qitian's idea and hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade him.

"If I can't break it, I have to give it a try. Don't stop me. You know my temper. I'm not afraid of the earth, that is, I didn't bow my head in front of Buddha Amitabha!"

Sun Qitian did not heed the suggestion that the sky was low, he was still looking for a secret room, looking for a favorite Xingjun legacy.

"He has also seen Amitabha? This is a legendary figure. He has grown into a fairyland."

Pan Chen knew that he could not persuade Sun Qitian, he was not intentional, but there were some unexpected problems falling down and laughing at the sky.

"Yes, to be precise, it should be part of Amitabha. The monkey is not afraid of the earth. I am not afraid of the six monsters in the world. If it were not for my five-colored light that restricted his golden baton, he would not even put Seriously. "

Smile, the sky is low, helpless, shaking his head and shaking his way.


Pan Chen and Xiao Xian suddenly said that among the 36 secret rooms in the hall, the door of one secret room was opened by themselves, and Sun Qitian stood in front of the door of the secret room.

"Oh, my God, this is not a coincidence, is it? He is also infatuated with the Tiangang New Army?"

When I saw the door of the Chamber of Secrets open, I was taken aback by the low smile, and then walked to Sun Qitian with Pan Chen and others.

When Pan Chen and others approached, Sun Qitian was sucked into the secret room, and a golden ball floated on top of his head. Pan Chen and others are no longer familiar with this scene of apparently beginning to accept inheritance.

"I believe this is the inheritance of Tianxiong Xingjun, it is really incredible!"

I looked at the old words carved on the door of the Chamber of Secrets, smiling low, and crying and laughing.

"If this is not the case, how could it be a coincidence? I was caught by thousands of emperors, and then tricked them into the Temple Valley, and finally met this Sun Qitian who happened to be the star of the sky."

Pan Chen said to herself.

"I also feel a bit strange. Now that we have many people handed down from Tiangang, they are all related to you. Even this Sun Qitian has been involved in the hard life."

One day with a smile on his face, he looked at Sun Qitian, who was receiving inheritance, suddenly frowned, and then turned his head to Pan Chongtian next to him.

"What do you think of me? Do you suspect that I have something to do with today?"

Pan Chongtian chuckled and looked at the other party, and asked with a smile.

"Father, don't say that this is possible, or you can try it, it's no trouble, as long as you walk through the doors of these secret rooms, if you have the opportunity, the door of the secret room will open automatically."

Pan Chen looked at Pan Chongtian Road seriously, Jin Shu and others also turned their attention to Pan Chongtian.

"Anyway is coming, so I try."

Pan Zhongtian hesitated for a while, then smiled calmly, and walked to a secret room next to him, obviously wanting to give it a try.

Pan Chongtian had just walked a few steps. Suddenly, a secret room engraved with the stars of Tiangang opened automatically, and Pan Chongtian was photographed.

"I'll go here, come again, or Sky Harbor Star!"

As the door of the Chamber of Secrets opened, Pan Chongtian was photographed. The overjoyed day could not help but screamed. He didn't expect that the thing was said in the right place.

"My father actually has something to do with Tiangangxing. Today, Gangxing is the second place in Tianguixing, ah, he has such a chance!"

Pan Chen said strangely, looking at the blood on top of his head, Pan Chen began to accept Pan Chongtian's legacy.

"I asked Wood, why are we all related to Tiangang, but you are not in it yourself?"

"We all have relatives with you. On this day you should be the first star in the world, which is reasonable, but the door of the star's secret room did not respond to you."

Laughed very low, very puzzled.

"You ask me, I ask who to go, I am still very frustrated."

"By the way, the inheritance you get can't tell me, just don't tell me at all?"

Pan Chen turned the subject and asked curiously.

"Wood, believe it or not, even if Tianming and Anqing are out of touch, they won't tell you. This is a very important thing. It's not that we pretend to be mysterious and don't tell you."

He smiled in the sky and said solemnly.

"Yes, Mu, this matter is very important, we haven't responded yet, so you don't have to ask any more questions. Knowing that this is not necessarily a good thing for you."

The wine top also persuaded him.

"Well, in that case, I won't ask. Look at your mysterious appearance. It seems that I can't leak the news."

Pan Chen saw the top of the wine and other people closed his lips one by one without asking any questions.

"Oh, my father and Sun Qitian have now begun to accept inheritance. According to your custom, it is difficult to pass through customs in a short time. What if the devil comes at this time?"

Pan Chen suddenly thought of a very real problem, could not help staring at his eyes.

"Master, you can rest assured that there is us in it, and if you really can't, you can't call them all!"

Kim doesn't think he is serious.

"Oh, if it's a general devil attack, then I really don't care, I can handle it myself."

"But this time, I had a fight with the demons, especially those who fought against Shenshen, and I really didn't have a heart."

"Although Qi Tian has inherited a great legacy, in addition to eating some psychic medicine and practicing on this emperor for nearly two hundred years, they still have a gap with the old demon who don't know how long they have lived."

Pan Chen couldn't help it.

"Master, you look down on us. Give me some time. When I give the infinite magic beads to refining and chemistry, I will definitely surprise you!"

Qi Tian suddenly opened his mouth and cut into it.

"Beads are endless, can you refine them?" No, am I right? That is no ordinary magic weapon. It is one of the treasures of the three major towns of the former water emperor. can you do it? "

Pan Chen remembered "Lingbao", which made him very painful, but he asked with a little worry.

"Don't worry, Master, this endless mage is really powerful. I can already be sure that this should be the root of the disillusioned Taoist style in my heart. The disillusioned Taoist body is certainly not an ordinary person, at least they are all emperors."

"The people of the thousand-handed emperor did not know where they got their ruined Taoist body, and then refined it into this endless magic pearl. Although this magic weapon is more powerful than the ordinary emperor artifact, it is not the emperor's artifact, It can only be regarded as a strange treasure. "

The key is that it has no spirit. In the inheritance of the natural disasters I got, there are secret methods of refining and chemical magic. As long as it takes a little time, I can refine it.

"When I refine it, I will go back to the ruins and merge with it, so that even if I don't have a real disillusionment, it will not be worse than the disillusionment."

He said confidently that Qi Tian apparently planned in his heart for a long time.

"Okay, boy, you are still thinking a lot. Time is not a problem. This water emperor tripod has a year and is worth nearly 20 years in the outside world. You can do well. What can I do for you, just tell me!"

Pan Chen patted the sky on the shoulder to encourage.

"Well, except for seven days, let's go back to the nine-star Buddha land, pack it, and when the people of the Holy City come, we will retreat!"

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